4.04. Economics
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A. Bachelor Degree Programme Economics (A 033 513): Curriculum 2014
1. Introductory and orientation period
1.1. Grundzüge der Volkswirtschaftslehre
- 040006 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Principles of Economics
1.2. Grundzüge der allgemeinen Betriebswirtschaftslehre
- 040686 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction to Business Administration
1.3. Grundzüge der Statistik
- 040576 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Basic Principles of Statistics
2. Required Modules
2.1. Grundzüge der Wirtschaftspolitik und ihrer Institutionen
2.2. Mathematik 1
- 040005 VO Mathematics 1
- 040031 UE Mathematics 1
2.3. Mikroökonomie
2.4. Statistik
2.4.1. Statistik 1
- 040132 UE [ de en ] Statistics 1
2.4.2. Statistik 2
2.5. Mathematische Optimierung
2.6. Makroökonomie
2.7. Ökonometrie
- 040131 UK [ en ] Introductory Econometrics (BA)
2.8. ABWL
- 040116 VO [ en ] ABWL Marketing I
- 040428 UK ABWL Marketing II
- 040600 VK Innovation and Technology Management
2.9. Entscheidungs- und Spieltheorie
2.10. Finanzwissenschaft
3. Required Elective Modules
3.1. Pflichtmodul Verbreiterung (im Ausmaß von 8 ECTS)
- 040042 UK [ en ] Economic History (BA)
- 040158 UK [ en ] Strategic thinking in practice (BA)
3.2. Pflichtmodul Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Wahlfächer (im Ausmaß von 33 ECTS)
- 040158 UK [ en ] Strategic thinking in practice (BA)
3.2.1. Volkswirtschaftslehre
- 040016 UK [ en ] Bargaining and Coalition Formation: Theory and Experiments (BA)
- 040098 UK SOLV - Creation of money and financial markets (BA)
- 040099 UK [ en ] Lobbying and Corruption: Theory and Experiments
- 040101 UK [ en ] Industrial Organization (BA)
- 040119 VO Economic History (VO) - Crises as innovation impulse in the development of the money, bank, and exchange system as well as public finances in History
- 040159 UK [ en ] Empirical Methods of Economic History (BA)
- 040161 PS [ en ] PS Topics in Applied Economics (BA)
- 040163 UE [ en ] Theory of imperfect competition (BA)
- 040175 UK [ en ] Economics of the Firm (BA)
- 040867 UK Income Distribution (BA) - Income Distribution
3.2.2. sonstige Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- 040032 UK A History of Economic Ideas: A guided reading (BA)
- 040177 SE NPO-Management Practical Experience - (Berufsfeld: Public and Non Profit Management)
4. Individual Spezialization
- 040101 UK [ en ] Industrial Organization (BA)
- 040158 UK [ en ] Strategic thinking in practice (BA)
- 040161 PS [ en ] PS Topics in Applied Economics (BA)
4.1. Erweiterungscurricula oder freie Wahlfächer (im Ausmaß von 15 ECTS)
- 040016 UK [ en ] Bargaining and Coalition Formation: Theory and Experiments (BA)
- 040032 UK A History of Economic Ideas: A guided reading (BA)
- 040098 UK SOLV - Creation of money and financial markets (BA)
- 040099 UK [ en ] Lobbying and Corruption: Theory and Experiments
- 040134 UK History of Economic Policy - from mercantilism to presence
- 040159 UK [ en ] Empirical Methods of Economic History (BA)
- 040163 UE [ en ] Theory of imperfect competition (BA)
- 040177 SE NPO-Management Practical Experience - (Berufsfeld: Public and Non Profit Management)
B. Bachelor Degree Programme Economics (A 033 513): Curriculum 2011
1. Introductory and orientation period
1.1. Foundations of Economics
1.2. Political Economy of Europe with Special Emphasis on Austria
1.3. Probability Calculation
- 040459 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Exercises in Probability (VO)
- 040460 UE [ en de ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Exercises in Probability (UE)
2. Required Modules
2.1. Microeconomics for Students of Economics
2.2. Macroeconomics for Students of Economics
2.3. Formal Modelling in Economics
- 040138 UK [ en ] Introduction to Formal Modeling (BA) - Einführung in die formale Modellbildung
2.4. Decision and Game Theory
2.5. Foundations of Public Economics
2.6. Applied Econometrics and Empirical Economic Research
- 040131 UK [ en ] Introductory Econometrics (BA)
2.7. Linear Algebra
- 040451 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Linear Algebra (VO)
- 040452 UE [ en de ] ( STEOP ) STEOP: Linear Algebra (UE)
2.8. Analysis
2.9. Inferential Statistics
2.10. Foundations of General Business Administration
2.10.1. Preparatory Courses
- 040022 VO Financial Accounting I
- 040675 EK Repetitorium: Financial Accounting for Advanced Students
2.10.2. Required Modules
2.11. Business Administration
2.11.1. ABWL: Financial Management
- 040002 VO Basic Finance I
- 040003 UK [ de en ] Basic Finance II
- 040829 UK Repetitorium to Basic Finance Servicelehrveranstaltungen
2.11.2. ABWL: Marketing
- 040024 UK [ en ] ABWL Marketing II
- 040116 VO [ en ] ABWL Marketing I
- 040428 UK ABWL Marketing II
2.11.3. ABWL: Organization and Human Resource
- 040053 UE [ en de ] ABWL Management II
2.11.4. ABWL: Production and Logistics
- 040136 VO ABWL Production and Logistics
- 040137 UK ABWL Production and Logistics II
2.11.5. ABWL: Innovation and Technology Management
- 040600 VK Innovation and Technology Management
2.11.6. Business Administration-Accounting
- 040025 VO Cost Accounting
2.11.7. Quantitative Methods in Business Administration Servicelehrveranstaltungen
2.12. Foundations of Business Sociology
3. Required Elective Modules
3.1. Specialization in Economics
- 040016 UK [ en ] Bargaining and Coalition Formation: Theory and Experiments (BA)
- 040098 UK SOLV - Creation of money and financial markets (BA)
- 040099 UK [ en ] Lobbying and Corruption: Theory and Experiments
- 040101 UK [ en ] Industrial Organization (BA)
- 040158 UK [ en ] Strategic thinking in practice (BA)
- 040159 UK [ en ] Empirical Methods of Economic History (BA)
- 040175 UK [ en ] Economics of the Firm (BA)
- 040867 UK Income Distribution (BA) - Income Distribution
3.2. History of Business or History of Economic Theory
- 040032 UK A History of Economic Ideas: A guided reading (BA)
- 040042 UK [ en ] Economic History (BA)
3.3. Basics of Sociology or Basics of Political Science
- 230042 VO Basics of Social Theory
- 240005 VO Basics of Social Theory
3.4. Elective Modul
3.4.1. Economics
- 040098 UK SOLV - Creation of money and financial markets (BA)
- 040101 UK [ en ] Industrial Organization (BA)
- 040158 UK [ en ] Strategic thinking in practice (BA)
- 040175 UK [ en ] Economics of the Firm (BA)
3.4.2. Business Administration
- 040002 VO Basic Finance I
- 040003 UK [ de en ] Basic Finance II
- 040024 UK [ en ] ABWL Marketing II
- 040025 VO Cost Accounting
- 040053 UE [ en de ] ABWL Management II
- 040058 VO ABWL Management I
- 040116 VO [ en ] ABWL Marketing I
- 040136 VO ABWL Production and Logistics
- 040137 UK ABWL Production and Logistics II
- 040428 UK ABWL Marketing II
- 040600 VK Innovation and Technology Management
- 040655 EK Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions
- 040829 UK Repetitorium to Basic Finance
3.4.3. Econometrics and Statistics
- 040714 UK Biostatistics
- 040715 UK Time Series Analysis
- 040716 UK Introduction to Financial Mathematics
- 040726 UK Mathematical Statistics
- 040768 UK Statistical Genetics and Bioinformatics
- 040769 UK Programming in Statistics
- 040771 UK Case Studies in Statistics
3.4.4. Sociology
- 030087 VO Labour and Social Security Law - Part I - Collective Labour Law
- 030110 VO Employment and Contract Labour Law - Part 2
3.4.5. Political Science
3.4.6. Development Studies
3.4.7. Philosophy
3.4.8. History and History of Business
- 040042 UK [ en ] Economic History (BA)
- 040119 VO Economic History (VO) - Crises as innovation impulse in the development of the money, bank, and exchange system as well as public finances in History
- 040134 UK History of Economic Policy - from mercantilism to presence
- 040159 UK [ en ] Empirical Methods of Economic History (BA)
3.4.9. History of Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought
3.4.10. Mathematics
3.4.11. Law
3.4.12. Geography
3.4.13. Psychology
3.4.14. Linguistics
D. Master Degree Programme Economics (066 913): Curriculum 2006
1. Area of Specialisation A
1.1. Advanced Macroeconomics
1.2. Advanced Microeconomics
1.3. Econometrics and Empirical Business Research
1.4. Required Module Mathematical Methods A
1.5. Elective Module Mathematical Methods
1.5.1. Mathematical Methods B
1.5.2. Mathematical Methods C
1.6. Elective Module
1.6.1. Advanced Econometrics
1.6.2. Game Theory
1.7. Modules in Economics
- 040832 UK [ en ] Behavioral and Experimental Economics (MA)
1.7.1. Economic Theory
1.7.2. Applied Economy
1.7.3. Financial Science
1.8. Elective Modules
1.8.1. Economics
- 040832 UK [ en ] Behavioral and Experimental Economics (MA) Economic Theory Applied Economy Financial Science
1.8.2. Business Administration
1.8.3. Econometrics and Statistics
1.8.4. Sociology
1.8.5. Political Science
1.8.6. Development Studies
1.8.7. Philosophy
1.8.8. History and History of Business
1.8.9. History of Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought
1.8.10. Mathematics and Operations Research
1.8.11. Law
1.8.12. Geography
1.8.13. Psychology
1.8.14. Linguistics
1.9. Discussion Course
2. Area of Specialisation B
2.1. Advanced Macroeconomics
2.2. Advanced Microeconomics
2.3. Econometrics and Empirical Business Research
2.4. Elective Modules
2.4.1. Mathematical Methods A
2.4.2. Mathematical Methods B
2.4.3. Mathematical Methods C
2.4.4. Advanced Econometrics
2.4.5. Game Theory
2.5. Modules in Economics
- 040832 UK [ en ] Behavioral and Experimental Economics (MA)
2.5.1. Economic Theory
2.5.2. Applied Economy
2.5.3. Financial Science
2.6. Elective Modules
2.6.1. Economics
- 040832 UK [ en ] Behavioral and Experimental Economics (MA) Economic Theory Applied Economy Financial Science
2.6.2. Business Administration
2.6.3. Econometrics and Statistics
2.6.4. Sociology
2.6.5. Political Science
2.6.6. Development Studies
2.6.7. Philosophy
2.6.8. History and History of Business
2.6.9. History of Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought
2.6.10. Mathematics and Operations Research
2.6.11. Law
2.6.12. Geography
2.6.13. Psychology
2.6.14. Linguistics
2.7. Discussion Course
E. Masterprogramme Economics (A 066 913): Curriculum 2013
1. Compulsory Module Growth and Busines Cycles
- 040130 UK [ en ] Growth and Business Cycles (MA)
2. Compulsory Module Microeconometrics
- 040043 UK [ en ] Microeconometrics (MA)
3. Compulsory Module Macroeconometrics
4. Compulsory Module Game Theory and Information Economics
5. Compulsory Module General Electives
1. Economics
- 040033 VO Economic Analysis of Law
- 040064 UK [ en ] Forecasting (MA)
- 040079 PS Economics Analyses of law (MA)
- 040162 SE [ en ] Political Order, Culture, Geography and Economic Development (MA)
- 040547 UK [ en ] Mathematics for Economists (MA)
- 040789 UK [ en ] Rethinking Public Economics (MA)
- 040831 UK [ en ] Auction Theory and Applications (MA)
- 040832 UK [ en ] Behavioral and Experimental Economics (MA)
- 040835 SE [ en ] Theory and Empirics of Monetary Integration (MA) (E)
- 041002 UK [ en ] Scientific Writing for Master Candidates
10. Mathematics and Operations Research
11. Law
12. Geography
13. Psychology
2. Business Administration and Finance
- 040007 VK [ en ] KFK FI: Financial Intermediation
- 040027 PR [ en ] KFK CF/FM: Practical Course
- 040030 VK [ en ] KFK CF/FI/FM: Banking and Insurance Regulation, Supervision and Risk Management - Can be taken as Advanced FI/FM together with the Seminar Modul of KFK FI and FM
- 040074 SE [ en ] KFK FI/FM: Seminar - Challenges for Asset Management in the Insurance Industry - Low Interest Rates and Solvency II
- 040347 EK KFK PUM: Principles of PUM (Applications)
- 040358 EK KFK PUM: Principles of PUM (Theory)
- 040410 EK [ en ] KFK CF: Corporate Finance
- 040442 EK [ en ] KFK FM: Market Microstructure
- 040448 PR KFK CF/FM: Performance Analysis
- 040563 FK [ en ] KFK PUM: Sector-specific Problems in PUM (Applications) (E)
- 040569 VK [ en ] KFK CF: Valuation (E)
- 040638 EK [ en ] KFK CF/FD/FI/FM: Principles of Finance
- 040642 SE [ en ] KFK CF/FI/FM: Seminar Portfoliomanagement
- 040643 SE KFK CF/FM: Seminar
3. Econometrics and Statistics
- 040064 UK [ en ] Forecasting (MA)
- 040639 UK [ en ] Exact Tests not only for Experimental Economics (MA)
4. Sociology
5. Politics
6. International Development
- 040128 SE The IWF (MA)
- 040589 VO Foundations of Development Economics (MA)
7. Philosophy
8. History and Economic History
- 040160 SE [ en ] Economic History: The Great Depression (MA)
9. History of Economic Theory and Ideas
- 040055 SE [ en ] Philosophy-Politics-Economics - Philosophy of Economics: A guided reading (MA)
- 070236 VO Theory of Science and History - Logic of Science - Logic of History
- 070316 VO [ en ] Theory of Science and History - Logic of Science - Logic of History
6A. Alternative Compulsory Modules 6A: Specialization A
6A. 1. Compulsory Module: Advanced Microeconomics A
- 040547 UK [ en ] Mathematics for Economists (MA)
1. Consumption, Production and Welfare A
- 040048 UK [ en ] Consumption, Production and Welfare A (MA)
2. Mathematics for Economists
- 040547 UK [ en ] Mathematics for Economists (MA)
6A. 2. Compulsory Module: Dynamic Macroeconomics with Numerics
6A. 3. Compulsory Module: Specialization in Economics
- 040033 VO Economic Analysis of Law
- 040079 PS Economics Analyses of law (MA)
- 041002 UK [ en ] Scientific Writing for Master Candidates
2. Macroeconomics
- 040834 UK [ en ] Theory and Empirics of Monetary Integration (E) (MA)
- 040835 SE [ en ] Theory and Empirics of Monetary Integration (MA) (E)
2. Microeconomics
- 040162 SE [ en ] Political Order, Culture, Geography and Economic Development (MA)
- 040789 UK [ en ] Rethinking Public Economics (MA)
- 040831 UK [ en ] Auction Theory and Applications (MA)
- 040832 UK [ en ] Behavioral and Experimental Economics (MA)
3. Econometrics
- 040064 UK [ en ] Forecasting (MA)
- 040639 UK [ en ] Exact Tests not only for Experimental Economics (MA)
6B. Alternative Compulsory Modules 6B: Specialization B
6B.1. Compulsory Module: Consumption, Production and Welfare B
- 040046 UK [ en ] Consumption, Production and Welfare B (MA)
6B.2. Compulsory Module: Applied Economics
- 040033 VO Economic Analysis of Law
- 040079 PS Economics Analyses of law (MA)
- 040162 SE [ en ] Political Order, Culture, Geography and Economic Development (MA)
- 040789 UK [ en ] Rethinking Public Economics (MA)
- 040832 UK [ en ] Behavioral and Experimental Economics (MA)
- 040834 UK [ en ] Theory and Empirics of Monetary Integration (E) (MA)
- 040835 SE [ en ] Theory and Empirics of Monetary Integration (MA) (E)
6B.3. Compulsory Module: Specialization
1. Business Administration
- 040347 EK KFK PUM: Principles of PUM (Applications)
- 040358 EK KFK PUM: Principles of PUM (Theory)
- 040563 FK [ en ] KFK PUM: Sector-specific Problems in PUM (Applications) (E)
2. Finance
- 040007 VK [ en ] KFK FI: Financial Intermediation
- 040027 PR [ en ] KFK CF/FM: Practical Course
- 040030 VK [ en ] KFK CF/FI/FM: Banking and Insurance Regulation, Supervision and Risk Management - Can be taken as Advanced FI/FM together with the Seminar Modul of KFK FI and FM
- 040074 SE [ en ] KFK FI/FM: Seminar - Challenges for Asset Management in the Insurance Industry - Low Interest Rates and Solvency II
- 040410 EK [ en ] KFK CF: Corporate Finance
- 040442 EK [ en ] KFK FM: Market Microstructure
- 040448 PR KFK CF/FM: Performance Analysis
- 040569 VK [ en ] KFK CF: Valuation (E)
- 040638 EK [ en ] KFK CF/FD/FI/FM: Principles of Finance
- 040642 SE [ en ] KFK CF/FI/FM: Seminar Portfoliomanagement
- 040643 SE KFK CF/FM: Seminar
3. Operations Research
4. Econometrics and Statistics
- 040064 UK [ en ] Forecasting (MA)
- 040639 UK [ en ] Exact Tests not only for Experimental Economics (MA)
5. Industrial Sociology
6. Commericial Law
7. Compulsory Module Master Thesis
- 040135 KO [ en ] Conversatorium Master Candidates in Economics
- 041002 UK [ en ] Scientific Writing for Master Candidates
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39