2.01. Protestant Theology
StEOP neu - ab WiSe 2014
- 020011 UE Introduction to Biblical Studies (Old Testament and New Testament) - STEOP BA ETF sowie für BA RP, EC und LA Diplomstudium
- 020012 VO-L History of the Early Church - STEOP
- 020025 VO-L ( STEOP ) STEOP: Theological Encyclopedia - für BA evang. Fachtheologie, Unterrichtsfach und BA Religionspädagogik sowie das EC
- 020035 VO-L ( STEOP ) StEOP Ages of Church History
1. Philosophy
2. Old Testament Studies and Biblical Archaeology
- 020007 VO-L Old Testament Exegesis: Genesis
- 020008 VO-L History of Israel
- 020009 VO-L Hebrew I
- 020010 PS Old Testament Proseminar - Proseminar Altes Testament
- 020045 UE Translation of Hebrew Biblical Texts: Ecclesiastes - Kohelet
3. New Testament Studies
- 020012 VO-L History of the Early Church - STEOP
- 020013 VO Exegetical Lecture: The Gosepel of Luke - Das Lukasevangelium
- 020015 UE Exercises in Exegesis of New Testament - Speeches in the Book of Acts
4. Ecclesiastical History, Christian Archaeology and Ecclesiastical Art
- 020035 VO-L ( STEOP ) StEOP Ages of Church History
- 020037 VO Geschichte des Protestantismus in Österreich
- 020040 UE Exercise in Church History (relating to a Lecture)
- 020041 UE Cultural History and Monuments of Christianity: Early Building of Churches - Die dekorative und liturgische Ausstattung des frühchristlichen Kirchenraumes
- 020044 SE Specialisation-Seminar Church History: Greek Inscriptions of the Late Antiquity
5. Systematic Theology
- 020020 VO History of Theology and Philosophy in the 19. and 20. Century
- 020022 VO-L Introductions to dogmatic considering classic protestant tradition
- 020024 PS Introduction to Scientific Writing
- 020025 VO-L ( STEOP ) STEOP: Theological Encyclopedia - für BA evang. Fachtheologie, Unterrichtsfach und BA Religionspädagogik sowie das EC
- 020026 PS Methods and approaches of Systematic Theology
- 020034 UE Music in Religious Education
6. Practical Theology and Religious Psychology
- 020016 VO-L Introduction to Pastoral Care
- 020019 UE Church Law - Kirchenverfassung im Dialog von Theologie und Jurisprudenz
7. Religious Education
- 010073 SE Current Challenges in the interreligious Dialogue: Jews Christians Muslims
- 020028 UE Free Compulsory Optional Subjekt - Kurze Filme zum Dekalog - ethische, theologische und pädagogische Reflexionen
- 020029 UE Religion and Media
- 020030 UE School and Religion
- 020031 VO-L Introduction to Religious Education
- 020032 UE Religious Education (Didactics) - Biblical Learning
- 020033 UE Exploring Religion. An Introduction to Empirical Methods.
8. Church Law
- 020019 UE Church Law - Kirchenverfassung im Dialog von Theologie und Jurisprudenz
9. Religious Science
- 020002 VO Introduction to Islam - The Qur'an, the Obligatory Rituals, the Belief
- 020003 EX [ en ] Excursion - Excursion to the Sulatanat of Oman
- 020004 SE Oman- Religious Tolerance, Cultural Diversity and Economic Prosperity in the Golf Region - Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions
- 020005 SE [ en ] Religious Diversity as a new challenge for state, institutions, religious communities - and academic research in Europe - Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions
10. Compulsory Optional Subjects
- 010004 VO Religion, Transformation and Gender/Sex
- 010091 SE Learning ecumenism and ecumenical reconnaissances (Vienna)
- 020004 SE Oman- Religious Tolerance, Cultural Diversity and Economic Prosperity in the Golf Region - Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions
- 020005 SE [ en ] Religious Diversity as a new challenge for state, institutions, religious communities - and academic research in Europe - Seminar: Scientific Study of Religions
- 020028 UE Free Compulsory Optional Subjekt - Kurze Filme zum Dekalog - ethische, theologische und pädagogische Reflexionen
- 020044 SE Specialisation-Seminar Church History: Greek Inscriptions of the Late Antiquity
11. Ethics and Law in Medicine
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39
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