Universität Wien

1. Evolutionary Biology

300515 VO [en] Speciation and coevolution - Concepts und case studies
300096 PP Arthropoda - morphology and evolution
300561 PP [en] Molecular Phylogenetics - from the root to the tips of the animal tree - Methods and concepts of molecular phylogenetics: from DNA to interpreted phylogenies
300462 SE Phylogeny actually - Actual problems and results in Phylogeny
300489 VO [de en] Growth and Proportion - Basics of biosystemstheory II
300530 UE [en] Imaging and visualization in developmental biology - Principles and applications, including 3 D Methods
300188 VO [de en] Theoretical Morphology
300319 UE [en] Plant Chromosome Structure and Evolution: theory and practice - Chromosome analysis in flowering plants
300393 EX Field mycology
300471 SE [en] Seminar Chemodiversity Research - Phytochemistry, function, interpretation
300543 UE Biology of lichens - Exercise to Biology of lichens
300548 SE Mutualistic Interactions of plants and ants - Communication & nutritional ecology
300472 VO [en] Behavioural ecology

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39