Universität Wien

B. Master Degree Programme in Development Studies (starting in WS 2010 at the earliest)

Eine Zulassung zu diesem Studienplan muss eigens beantragt werden, und es werden individuelle Zulassungsbescheide ausgestellt.
Voraussetzung für die Zulassung ist allerdings, dass die Antragstellerin/der Antragsteller das Bachelorstudium Internationale Entwicklung an der Universität Wien absolviert hat.

Beantragung siehe: http://studentpoint.univie.ac.at/vor-dem-studium/individuelle-studien/

140352 UE MM2 - Methods of Qualitative Research - Einführung in Methodenwahl, Datengenerierung und Datenanalyse
140362 SE (MOB) VM1 / VM7 - Accumulation and care economy - Feminist analyses of global development
140384 SE VM5 / VM6 - The other side of development - History of racism and colonialism
140412 VO+UE [en] VM5 / VM8 - Change through Negotiating , Understanding through Experience - Simulating an international conference for sustainable development in all of their aspects
140129 VO+UE VM2 / VM6 - Commodities and Development - Sustainable resource-based development : debates, conflicts, strategies
140360 SE [en] VM2 / VM6 - Travelling Paradigms - Reflecting and Enacting Development in Sub-Saharan Africa (Ghana)
140378 SE VM1 / VM8 - Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs: a new framework for international development?
140391 SE [de en] VM2 / VM7 - Posthuman Bodies, Companion Species and Queer Commons - Alternative conceptualizations of nature, property and subjectivity
140411 VO+UE VM4 / VM7 - Postcolonialism and representation - Cultural studies perspectives on development
140405 MAKU Master Course
140406 MAKU [de en] Master Course

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39