M21: Advanced Subject Area
In Wahlmodul M 21 ist ein Seminar im Ausmaß von 5 ECTS-Punkten aus dem Angebot frei wählbar. Anmeldung zu LV 210 158: Studierende des Master RW sollen sich für die Anmeldung zu dieser LV aus Politikwissenschaft bis 31.3. an Astrid Mattes astrid.mattes@univie.ac.at wenden.
- 010051 FS The Holy and the Society. Sloterdijk’s Analysis of Society, Culture and Religion
- 010089 SE [ en ] An Introduction to Christian Iconography
- 010097 SE From the "Pfarrerinitiative" to the priestly brotherhood of Saint Peter - The legal framework for intra-ecclesiastical groups
- 030035 KU Freedom of Religion and Belief in Europe
- 030112 SE Law of the Christian East. Orthodox Church in Austria - - current and historic legal issues (for diploma and doctoral students)
- 030199 SE Development of matrimonial law: A legal comparison between Canon Law and Austrian national law - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030263 KU [ de en ] From the protection of persecuted co-religionist to the protection of universal human rights - Theory and practice of humanitarian interventions in historcial perspective
- 030425 SE Seminar on Legal Philosophy and Religious Law: Human Rights - Women´s Rights - Islam and Women's Rights (for undergraduate and graduate students)
- 180044 SE Philosophy of Religion
- 210158 SE [ en ] M5 a: European Union and Europeanisation - M5a: VertiefungsSE(a) Religions, Politics and Women: Comparing European and Indonesian Experiences and Challenges(engl.)
Last modified: Sa 24.08.2024 01:16