3.3. European Law
- 030117 KU Fundamental Freedoms
- 030514 VO European Competition Law
3.3.1. Lecture Courses
- 030415 VO European Public Procurement Law
- 030515 VO Lecture on European Law - Judical Protection in the European Union
- 030533 VO European Human Rights Protection (EU, Europarat, OSZE)
- 030600 KU [ en ] Introduction to European Union Law
3.3.2. Compulsory Exercises
- 030024 PF Compulsory practical exercise in EU-Law - mit der Simulation der EUGH-Verhandlung
- 030123 PF Compulsory practical exercise in EU-Law
- 030427 PF Compulsory practical exercise in EU-Law
- 030462 PF Compulsory practical exercise in EU-Law
- 030475 PF Compulsory practical exercise in EU-Law
- 030483 PF Compulsory practical exercise in EU-Law
- 030495 PF [ en ] Compulsory practical exercise in EU-Law
- 030544 PF Compulsory practical exercise in EU-Law
3.3.3. Revision Courses
3.3.4. Conversatoriums
3.3.5. Seminars
- 030177 SE [ de en ] Seminar in International Law - Limits to extraterritorial juristication - - intern. Economic Law (for undergraduate and graduate students)
- 030308 SE European Internal Market Law and European Competition Law Seminar - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030309 SE [ en ] European Union Law Seminar - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030368 SE Seminar in European Union Law - Europe à la carte 2.0: Current fragmentation tendencies and possible remedies (for diploma and doctoral students)
- 030423 SE Seminar in Legal Informatics - (also SE in intern. and European Law) - for grauduate and undergruaduate students
- 030593 KU Fundamental rights and union citizenship in the EU - mit dem Besuch zur Agentur der EU f. Grundrechte / Wien
- 030603 SE [ en ] Seminar European Union Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030718 SE Seminar on European Private Law - (für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
3.3.6. Courses
- 030412 KU EU Judicature - Wie in den vergangenen Semestern
- 030585 KU [ en ] Enforcement of EC Cartel Law - shall the EU follow the example of the US
3.3.7. Practical Training
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40