M 2: Specialisation II
- 080020 SE Seminar: Byzantine and Italian Art Compared: Sources and Models - Quellen und Vorbilder
- 080022 SE Seminar: Book-Painting in France and Italy in the 14th Century
- 080027 SE Seminar: Francisco Goya and the Artistic Revolutions around the Year 1800
- 080029 SE Erica Tietze-Conrat (1883 Vienna-1958 New York), Austria's First Female Art Historian - die erste Kunsthistorikerin Österreichs
- 080031 SE Seminar: Baroque Festivals and Theatre at the Viennese Imperial Court
- 080039 SE Seminar: Édouard Manet
- 080049 SE Seminar: St. Stephen's in Vienna and the "Herzogswerkstatt"
- 080051 SE [ en ] Seminar: The Exhibition: A Spatialization of Knowledge, Politics, and Ideology
- 080061 SE Seminar: Drawing in Renaissance Italy in the Albertina
- 080062 SE Seminar: Lustre: Forms, History and Esthetics of Arab and Persian Ceramics - High Tech in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods
- 080065 SE History of Islamic Art History
- 080067 SE Seminar: From the Carolingian to the Staufian Dynasty: Byzantine Art in the Rhine-Meuse-Area
- 080068 SE [ en ] Seminar: Inalienability in East Asian Buddhist Art
- 080080 SE Seminar:
- 080083 SE Seminar: Twelve Perspectives on Cubism
- 080087 SE Seminar: - von Ritterburgen gibt, aber nur selten von antiken Tempeln (m./nst.K.)
- 080097 SE Seminar: "Italianità" - Connections to Italy in Art and Politics at the Courts of Vienna and Dresden - in the 18th century
- 080098 SE Seminar: 12th Century Architecture in Austria
- 080159 SE Seminar: Where does this Form come from? On the Migration of the Form Elements in the Architecture - or Exercises in the Style Analysis
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40