B. Master Degree Programme in Comparative Literature
Module 1: Literary Cross-Currents
- 130100 KO KO Literary Cross-Currents: Literature(s) of Galicia between Modernism and present - as a multilingual narration of one space
- 130124 SE MA seminar: Metatheatre II (from the beginning of the 20th century)
- 130125 SE MA-Seminar: The Encounter with the 'Other'. - The reports of the discoverers, conquistadores and missionaries on the 'New World'.
- 130129 KO KO: Contemporary drama III
- 130136 SE Imagined topographies - Topographies imagined
Module 2: Social History of Literature/Literature and Media
- 130102 SE Master Seminar: Railway Prose
- 130122 KO KO: Literature and historical memory
- 130126 SE Master Seminar: Vladimir Nabokov
- 130132 KO KO: ICLA on Stage of The Guest
- 130134 KO Digital text corpora and electronic editions
Module 3: In-Depth Studies Module
- 110275 VO [ de fr ] Extension module literary lecture - French - -
- 110093 VO [ fr ] Literary Lecture French - -
- 100113 VO Lecture course: Modern German Literature - Funktionsweisen des Jiddischen in diversen Räumen, Sprachen und Kontexten
- 130001 VO [ de en ] Avant-Garde - Aesthetics and Politics of Form II
- 130101 VO Realism in the Literature of the 20th Century
Module 4: Final Module
- 130123 MA Masterseminar
- 130127 MA Master Seminar
- 420002 SE Quantity as a literary and a critical category
Last modified: Th 04.07.2024 01:17
Anmeldefrist: 01.02.2016 (06:00) bis 20.02.2016 (23:59), (für VO bis Ende des Semesters). Abmeldefrist für prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltungen: 31.03.2016.