CSP Scandinavian Studies
- 130014 EV ( STEOP ) Introduction to Scandinavian Literary Studies 1 (SKB122)
- 130015 EV Introduction to Scandinavian Linguistics 2
- 130016 VO Language Planning in Scandinavia
- 130020 EV ( STEOP ) Introduction to Scandinavian Linguistics 1
- 130022 VO Knut Hamsun - Life and Work
- 130033 EV Introduction to Scandinavian Literary Studies 2
- 130034 VO The North as a Construction of the Antique until Today
- 130037 XV ( STEOP ) STEOP: Regional, Cultural and Social Studies of Scandinavia
- 130040 EV ( STEOP ) Introduction to Scandinavian Cultural Studies
- 130051 UE Icelandic 1
- 130062 VO 'Popular fiction' in Old Scandinavia - fornaldarsögur and riddarasögur
Last modified: Th 04.07.2024 01:17