UF MA RK 02 Extension Catholic Religion II
- 010038 SE "Why do you seek the living One among the dead?" - Easter Narratives in Canonical and Apocryphal Gospels
- 010043 SE The Kappadokian Fathers
- 010045 FS Medieval Theology. Figures, Themes and Styles
- 010046 SE Bible and Philosophy III
- 010047 SE The Book Exodus and its History
- 010049 SE Nouvelle Theologie
- 010050 SE Texts on classic Criticism of religion
- 010051 FS The Holy and the Society. Sloterdijk’s Analysis of Society, Culture and Religion
- 010053 FS Research Seminar for Graduands: Transformation of Religion - DiplomandInnen-, DissertantInnen und HabilitandInnenseminar
- 010056 SE The Enchantement of Europe. The First World War and Philosophy
- 010057 SE Female doctors of the Church
- 010063 SE Religious traditions in Transsylvania (Western Rumania)
- 010064 FS Research Seminar
- 010066 SE Spiritual exegesis
- 010070 SE Homicide in the History of Ethics - A text based seminar
- 010071 FS The ethics of the spiritual exercises of Ignatius of Loyola
- 010074 FS Colloquium for diploma and doctoral students
- 010080 FS Intercultural Ethics - Theological-Ethical Perspectives
- 010081 SE Can anything be proved by the Bible?
- 010086 FS The annulment trial after its amendment
- 010089 SE [ en ] An Introduction to Christian Iconography
- 010097 SE From the "Pfarrerinitiative" to the priestly brotherhood of Saint Peter - The legal framework for intra-ecclesiastical groups
- 010100 SE The Study of Esotericism. Recent Questions and Approaches
- 010106 SE Who is Jesus Christ? The messiah in christian and jewish perspectives
- 010112 SE Sexual Violence in Comparative Religion
- 010123 FS Hegel’s Science of Logic
- 010128 SE Solidary Economics. New Concepts of economical ethics.
- 010320 SE Liturgy and Ecumenism: the Protestant Traditions
- 180044 SE Philosophy of Religion
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 00:55