23.01. Sociology - Overview
- 230001 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: VO Basics of Methodology in Social Sciences
- 230002 KU ( STEOP ) STEOP: Propaedeuticum - Sociology
- 230003 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction (Part 1): Sociology
- 230004 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Introduction (Part 2): VO Applied Sociology - an Overview
- 230005 VO Multivariate Methods
- 230006 SE+UE Data Collection and Data Analysis / Data Evaluation
- 230007 VO Introduction to Sociological Theory
- 230008 VO Selected Paradigms of Sociological Theory
- 230009 VO Basics of Social Theory
- 230010 PS Proseminar Introduction
- 230011 PS Proseminar Introduction to Sociology
- 230012 SE Qualitative Interviews
- 230013 VO Diagnosis of Society
- 230014 VO VO Statistics 2 - Vorlesung
- 230015 UE Tutorial for VO 230020 Statistics 1 (Marcus Hudec)
- 230016 UE UE Statistics 2 - Übung
- 230017 UE [ de de en ] Theoretical Foundations ("Reading Classics of Sociology")
- 230018 WS Diagnosis of Society: Communities in Society
- 230019 UE [ de en ] Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 230020 VO VO Introduction to qualitative Methods
- 230021 SE+UE Qualitative Methods: Hermeneutics in Social Sciences
- 230022 VO Visual Sociology: an Introduction with Focus on Pictures
- 230023 FPR FPR Research Practice 2: Security Society - Development and prospects of control culture
- 230024 FPR FPR Research Practice 2: Consuming Kids, Helicopter Parents, Hired Grandmas - Intergenerational Family Relations
- 230025 FPR FPR Research Practice 2: Migration, flight, and seeking asylum - Current life realities in a multifaceted society
- 230026 VO Structure and Development of Mordern Societies - Social Change of the Austrian Society
- 230027 PR Workshop/Excursion: Research Field Working Worlds
- 230028 PR Workshop/Excursion: Penetration into the Ethnic Communities - Function and Dysfunction of Ethnic Communities
- 230029 PR Workshop/Excursion: Job Orientation for Students - Beispiele für Arbeitsfelder von SoziologInnen
- 230030 PR Workshop/Study Trips: Career Orientation - Socio-Scientific Research
- 230031 PR Workshop/Excursion: Jobintegration for Youth People in Vienna - Between job coaching and "N.E.E.T.S" - The experience of unemployment
- 230032 UE Statistics 1
- 230033 UE UE Statistics 1 - Übung
- 230035 VO The ecological crisis from an multidisciplinary perspective
- 230036 UE MA SE Additional Programme: Area of Research/Sociological Methods
- 230037 SE Selected Paradigms: Doing what's best for ourselves? - A comparison of Rational Choice Theory with selected other paradigms
- 230038 UE Statistics 2 - Übung
- 230039 SE Selected Paradigms: Social Construktivism - Classical and current perspectives
- 230040 SE Selected Paradigms: Ideal Type on the Methodological Foundations of Modern Sociology
- 230041 VO Lecture Series: Youth in transition - Perspectives on the social integration of young people
- 230042 SE+UE Qualitative Methods: Sociological biographical research
- 230044 SE [ de en ] Selected Paradigms: Complexity of a Complex World
- 230045 FPR FPR Research Practice 1: Healthy Eating
- 230046 FPR FPR Research Practice 1: Sociology in crisis? Sociology for the crisis?
- 230047 FPR FPR Research Practice 1: Employees' mentality in transition: social perceptions and expectations - Gesellschaftsbilder, Aspirationen und Zukunftserwartungen
- 230048 FPR FPR Research Practice 1: Democratization and Radicalization in Europe
- 230049 SE Social Inequality, from Marx and Weber to Piketty
- 230050 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar: Visual Sociology and Biographical Research
- 230051 KU Public Law for Sociologists - Introduction to Constitutional-, Administrative- and European Law
- 230052 VO+SE Visual Sociology: Gender based Analysis of Cinematic Media
- 230053 KU KU Business Administration - Business Aspects of Sociology
- 230054 UE UE Statistics 2 - Übung
- 230055 UE Statistics 2 - Übung
- 230056 UE Statistics 2
- 230057 UE [ en ] UE Statistics 1 - Exercise
- 230058 UE UE Statistics 1
- 230059 KU Population Sociology
- 230061 UE Participant Observation
- 230062 TR Communicative and Social Competences - Overview
- 230063 VO Sociological methodology and methods - Basics, critique, and new developments in empirical research
- 230064 UE Qualitative Methods: Observation, Interviews, Analysis of Visual Data
- 230065 UE Qualitative Methods: Interview and Observation
- 230066 UE Specific Multivariate Methods of Analysis in the Social Sciences
- 230067 UE Specific Multivariate Methods of Analysis in the Social Sciences - Correspondence Analysis With R. - An Applied Introduction.
- 230068 UE Specific Multivariate Methods of Analysis in the Social Sciences
- 230070 VO Sociological Theories: Overview and current Developments
- 230071 VO+SE [ de en ] Urban Sociology - From classics to recent developments in urban studies
- 230072 VO+SE Sociology of media
- 230073 FS Research Lab 1: "Just another brick in the wall"? - Everyday lives and future perspectives of young people at the end of compulsory school.
- 230074 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar: Synopsis
- 230075 VO Family today: concepts, facts, policy
- 230076 TR Social learning and cross-cultural competence
- 230077 TR Conflict Management in teams
- 230078 TR [ de en ] Scientific communication: English
- 230079 TR Write a paper and I will tell you what you think - Academic texts as an expression of our world of thought
- 230080 TR Body Language
- 230081 SE Qualitative methods of data analysis - Introduction
- 230082 UE Qualitative methods: Practices of qualitative analysis
- 230083 SE Sociology of Marginal Cultures 1
- 230084 WS Diagnosis of Society: Law, Rights and Society - What does it do with us and what do we do with it?
- 230085 WS Diagnosis of Society: Migration Societies and their Images
- 230086 WS Diagnosis of Society: European Border Regime in the City - Between Local Border Practices and Urban Citizenship
- 230087 WS [ de en ] Diagnosis of Society: Social Robotics
- 230089 VO Sociology of Material Culture
- 230097 PR Introduction to Stata
- 230098 UE KU Table Analysis and SPSS
- 230099 SE Environment and Urbanity. Interdisciplinary Issues and Transdisciplinary Challenges
- 230100 UE KU Table Analysis and SPSS
- 230101 UE KU Table Analysis and SPSS
- 230102 UE KU Table Analysis and SPSS
- 230103 UE KU Table Analysis and SPSS
- 230104 UE KU Table Analysis and SPSS
- 230106 UE Projectmanagement
- 230107 UE Knowledge Communication - Scientific Writing of Thesis - Wie entsteht ein guter Text ?
- 230108 UE [ en ] The Art of Argument: Reading and Writing Sociological Texts in English
- 230110 KU Introduction to economics
- 230111 FPR Research Lab 1: Communicative Cultures of Knowledge
- 230112 VO+SE Tourism and Development
- 230113 VO+SE Sociology of Police
- 230114 KU Research Design
- 230115 VO+SE Sociology of Traffic and Mobility
- 230118 VO Introduction to Sociology
- 230120 SE MA AR - Master Thesis Seminar (Focus on Synopsis)
- 230121 SE Theory of Sociology: Interpretative Paradigm
- 230122 SE Sociology of the body
- 230123 SE Marxism in Austrian Sociology: A search for traces
- 230124 SE Reading Seminar: Pierre Bourdieu's "Sociology of Law"
- 230125 SE Reading Seminar: Bruno Latour
- 230126 SE Reading Seminar: Nationalism and Gender
- 230128 VO [ en ] The Challenge of Multilevel Governance in social policy analysis: Processes, actors and territories
- 230129 SE Educational inequalities in the Austrian school system
- 230130 SE Master Thesis Seminar
- 230131 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar: Inequality, migration and ethnicity and urban life
- 230132 VO+SE Experiences of social security in the context of migration
- 230133 SE Life-course, Ageing and Generations
- 230134 SE (De-)Constructing Gender Parenting and Models of Equality - Individual and National Regulations
- 230135 SE Contemporary Society between Outrage and Fatigue
- 230136 SE Glasspalaces: Project between Science and Art in Urban Space Concerning Globalization
- 230137 VO Health and Health Promotion in Organisational Settings
- 230138 SE Sociology of the hospital - Sociology of the hospital as leading organization of the function system disease care in modern society
- 230177 VO Area of Specialisation: Introduction and Overview
- 230178 UE Professionalisation of scientific literature review
- 230179 VO Populism and Radical Right Parties in Europe: Similarities and National Differences
- 230180 SE Migrant Youth in French Poor Neighbourhoods - From the Cicil Rights Movement of the 1980s to Transnational Islamist Terrorism
- 230181 SE Game Theory for the Social Sciences
- 230200 VO EC: Quantitative Data Collection and Type of Data - Lecture
- 230201 UE EC: Practical Exercises on Quantitative Data Collection and Type of Data
- 230202 VO EC: Quantitative Datanalysis II
- 230203 UE EC: Quantitative Datanalysis II
- 230210 KU Job Orientation I
- 230211 TR Communication Culture at Universities and at Work I
- 230212 UE Basics of Social Network Analysis I
- 230213 TR Project Management and Evaluation
Last modified: Tu 08.10.2024 00:45
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