3. Specialization Phase
3.1. Specialization in Management
3.1.1. Required Modules Financial Management
- 040090 UK [ en ] Special Topics in Banking and Finance: Corporate Finance
- 040096 UK [ en ] Special Topics in Banking and Finance: Financial Markets Marketing Management
- 040535 UK Marketing Instruments A - Non-traditional instruments of communication politics Organization and Human Resource Management
- 040331 UK Organizational Structures and Processes
- 040608 UK [ en ] Human Resource Management Production Management
- 040126 UK Special Topics in Production/Logistics/SCM: Business Game to Production Management
- 040489 UK Special Topics in Production/Logistics/SCM: Production Management Accounting
- 040477 UK Legal Framework of Accounting and Financial Reporting
- 040618 VK Special Issues of Financial Accounting
- 040629 UK Financial Accounting according to IFRS (I)
- 040640 UK Group Accounting
- 040658 UK [ en ] Accounting according to IFRS
3.1.2. Required Elective Modules Management Module
- 040090 UK [ en ] Special Topics in Banking and Finance: Corporate Finance
- 040096 UK [ en ] Special Topics in Banking and Finance: Financial Markets
- 040331 UK Organizational Structures and Processes
- 040470 UK Public Industry Law
- 040477 UK Legal Framework of Accounting and Financial Reporting
- 040535 UK Marketing Instruments A - Non-traditional instruments of communication politics
- 040608 UK [ en ] Human Resource Management
- 040618 VK Special Issues of Financial Accounting Business Law Module
- 040018 UK Employment and Social Law
- 040104 UK Law of Corporate Groups
- 040105 UK Law of Corporate Reorganisations and Restructuring
- 040106 UK Law of Private Trusts
- 040149 UK Intellectual Property Rights
- 040466 UK International Tax Law
- 040469 UK Insolvency Law
- 040472 UK Taxation of Investments (basics)
- 040603 UK Introduction to Business Taxation
- 040604 UK Business Taxation (advanced)
- 040764 UK Private Law Enforcement Core Subjects Module Principles of Finance External Business-Accounting (Basics Module)
- 040477 UK Legal Framework of Accounting and Financial Reporting
- 040618 VK Special Issues of Financial Accounting
- 040629 UK Financial Accounting according to IFRS (I)
- 040640 UK Group Accounting
- 040658 UK [ en ] Accounting according to IFRS Revision, Tax and Escrow (Basics Module)
- 040462 UK Legal Framework of Auditing
- 040463 UK Professional Regulations for Tax Consultants and Auditors Strategic Innovation and Technology Management
- 040228 UK KFK ITM: Strategical Innovations and Technology Management (UK)
- 040254 PR KFK eB/ITM: Applications of ITM Production Analysis
- 040899 KU [ en ] Production Analysis (MA) Supply Chain Management
- 040127 KU [ en ] Transportation Logistics (MA)
- 040215 KU [ en ] Supply Chain Management (MA) Basics in Managerial Accounting
- 040246 KU Spreadsheet Accounting (MA) Module "IT-based Management" Enterprise Information Systems
- 040423 UK Enterprise Resource Planning Systems 1 IT-Governance
- 040155 UK Enterprise Modelling Internet Marketing and Electronic Commerce
- 040282 FK BW VE: Internet Marketing & Electronic Commerce 1 - Internet Marketing und Electronic Commerce
- 040283 PR BW VE: Internet Marketing & Electronic Commerce 2 - Internet Marketing und Electronic Commerce
3.2. Specialization in Business Statistics
3.2.1. Linear Models
3.2.2. Extending Linear Models
3.2.3. Econometrics and Time Series Analysis
- 040715 UK Time Series Analysis
3.2.4. Probability Calculation
- 040459 VO ( STEOP ) STEOP: Exercises in Probability (VO)
3.2.5. Applied Statistics, Bio Statistics and Consulting
3.2.6. Statistic Software and Computational Statistics
3.3. Specialization in Economic Analysis
3.3.1. Formal Modelling in Economy
- 040138 UK [ en ] Classical Value Theory from a Modern Viewpoint (BA) - (gilt als "Formale Modellbildung in der Ökonomie" für Curriculum 2011)
3.3.2. Decision and Game Theory
3.3.3. Applied Econometrics and Empirical Business Research
- 040131 UK [ en ] Introductory Econometrics (BA)
3.3.4. Basics of Financial Science
3.3.5. Economics
- 040098 UK SOLV - Migration and Economics (BA)
- 040393 UK Poverty (BA)
- 040651 UK [ en ] International Macroeconomics (BA)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40