Universität Wien

18.06 Interdisziplinäres Masterstudium History and Philosophy of Science (944 - Version 2013)

180011 VO-GKL Basic Logic
180026 SE Justifications of injustice - Law and morality in Nazism
180095 UE-GKL Exercise in Logic
180140 SE [en] Social Epistemology
070169 VO History of Science - Dinge, Konzepte und Räume des Wissens (16. Jahrhundert - 20. Jahrhundert)
070169 VO History of Science - Dinge, Konzepte und Räume des Wissens (16. Jahrhundert - 20. Jahrhundert)
180011 VO-GKL Basic Logic
180026 SE Justifications of injustice - Law and morality in Nazism
180095 UE-GKL Exercise in Logic
180140 SE [en] Social Epistemology
070150 VO [en] Lecture (PM4) - Logic of Science and Logic of History
180055 SE [de en] Medicine and new biotechnologies - Philosophical Investigations
180056 SE [de en] Posthumanism
180073 SE Cultural philosophy and Anthropology - Centrism and Identity

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40