Universität Wien

8.02. European Ethnology

080019 UE B320 UE Historical methods - Historische Methoden für empirische KulturwissenschaftlerInnen
080012 VO+UE B330 Special Methods: City - Body - Movement - Movement through city space as a field of urban cultural studies
080014 SE How to do research with refugees and about forced migration? Current challenges in ethnology - How to do research with refugees and about forced migration? Current challenges in ethnology
080077 SE B810 Bachelor
080060 SE M410: Science Studies - Ethnography: "No fears" - Women Pioneers in Cultural Anthropology and Folklore Studies
080132 VO+UE M520 Representations II: Childhood, family and kinship - Introduction to (New) Kinship Studies
080133 MK Master Course of Lectures - PhD Colloquium
080012 VO+UE B330 Special Methods: City - Body - Movement - Movement through city space as a field of urban cultural studies
080133 MK Master Course of Lectures - PhD Colloquium

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40