Pflichtmodul 4: Wahlbereich
Alle Informationen für die im Wintersemester 2016 vorab genehmigten LV für das PM4 finden Sie hier: Sie andere LV im Rahmen des PM4 besuchen wollen, so müssen Sie diese vorab bei Vize-SPL Prof. Augustynowicz genehmigen lassen.
- 010004 VO Advanced Course Church History I - The relationship between Church and State
- 010005 FS [ en ] The relationship between Church and State in Antiquity and in the Middle Ages
- 010013 VO Church History III - The late medieval and early modern period
- 010056 SE Skills and research methods in Church History
- 010057 SE Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immac. Heart of Mary in the trad. of the Church
- 020025 SE Advanced Seminar Church History - Christlicher Antijudaismus und Judentum bei Johannes Chrysostomos und Martin Luther
- 040055 SE [ en ] History-Philosophy-Economics (HPE) - Seminar History of Theory (MA)
- 060011 SE Migration, Gender and Religon in contemporary israeli cinema
- 060012 VO Propaganda by Entertainment - Anti-Semitism in German film from early talkies up to the end of WW II
- 070111 VO Lecture (PM4) - Migration and Mobility from the Early Modern Period to the 20th Century
- 070113 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Livelihood, Household and (Auto-)Biography
- 070114 VO Lecture (PM4) - Film in Austria. A History of Cinema and Television (from the late Habsburg monarchy to the present)
- 070116 SE Seminar (PM4) - 1970ies in Austria - a Television Age.
- 070120 SE Seminar (PM4) - A Laboratory of Modernity. European Women`s Movements and their Publics at the Turn of the 19th to the 20th Century
- 070130 SE Seminar (PM4) - FILM NOIR: The other continent - ARGENTINA / MEXICO / CUBA Exile and transatlantic transfer of culture
- 070131 SE Seminar (PM4)
- 070140 SE Masterseminar (PM 5)
- 070149 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Political Economy of Drug Foods and Exitants in the Early Modern Period
- 070150 VO [ en ] Lecture (PM4) - Logic of Science and Logic of History
- 070170 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Nuns, Demons and Salvation
- 070171 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Medieval Vienna
- 070175 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - ReOrient: Debating Eurocentrism and World Systems
- 070181 UE [ es ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science 1 - América en los procesos de la globalización.
- 070193 VO Lecture Specialisaton 1
- 070194 SE Seminar (PM4) - Lernen und Lehren - Inhalte und Sprachen
- 070195 SE Seminar (PM4) - Indigenous land rights and their historical background.
- 070202 SE Seminar (PM4) - Conflict Resolution in the Middle Ages
- 070203 SE Seminar (PM4) - Invisible? Jewish Women in the late Middle Ages
- 070204 SE Seminar (PM4) - Spain and England: A difficult divisiveness (16th-18th centuries)
- 070214 SE Seminar (PM4) - Towards a Gender History of the Middle Ages. Ways of life and standards of the 11th to the 13th century in the German-speaking countries
- 070215 SE Seminar (PM4) - Italy in the early Middle Ages
- 070216 SE Seminar (PM4) - Relics in the Middle Ages
- 070217 EX Exploring the world - space and knowledge in the Late middle ages and the Early modern period - Weltwissen - die Vermessung von Raum im späten Mittelalter und der frühen Neuzeit
- 070218 SE Seminar (PM4) - From the King's Court to Parliament. Consent, Participation and Representation in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times
- 070219 EX Excursion to the Waldviertel
- 070221 SE Seminar (PM4) - Mobile Knowledge: New ways to Expeditions (18th and 19th century)
- 070222 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Italo-Balcanica: Balkan dimensions of Italian culture and society (15th - 19th century)
- 070225 VO Lecture (PM4) - From the Holy Roman Empire to the German Confederation. A History of Central Europe, 1763-1848
- 070226 VO [ en ] Lecture (PM4) - From Seven Four to Nine Eleven: A History of the United States of America, 1776-2001
- 070230 VO Lecture (PM4) - Die politische Struktur der ersten Republik
- 070231 SE Seminar (PM4) - Altösterreichische Skandale
- 070242 SE [ en ] Seminar (PM4) - Comparative Empire Studies
- 070244 EX Berlin - Media and Culture period
- 070262 SE [ en ] Seminar (PM4) - Great Terror in the Soviet Union 1936-1939
- 070269 VO Lecture (PM4)
- 070270 VO Lecture (PM4) - Schauplätze Österreichichscher Umweltgeschichte im 20. Jahrhundert
- 070271 SE Seminar (PM4) - Methoden der Umweltgeschichte
- 070272 VO Vorlesung zur Einführung in den Master Zeitgeschichte und Medien
- 070273 LK Lektürekurs Zeitgeschichte und Medien
- 070274 KU Methodenkurs Zeitgeschichte und Medien
- 070277 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Neue Forschungen zu Zwangsarbeit und Besatzungsherrschaft in Europa
- 070279 VO Lecture (PM4) - Political, Economic and Cultural Bonds between the British Isles and South Eastern Europe (9th-16th Cent.)
- 070280 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Nuns, Demons and Salvation
- 070292 SE Essen und Kunst. Verbindungen, Überschneidungen, Gemeinsamkeiten
- 070294 SE Seminar (PM4) - Towards a Gender History of the Middle Ages. Ways of life and standards of the 11th to the 13th century in the German-speaking countries
- 070295 SE Seminar (PM4) - feudality
- 080067 SE Seminar:
- 140060 VO ( SGU ) Inequality - Questions, History, Cases
- 140077 KU Sports and Leisure in Africa
- 140132 VO History of North Africa 1
- 140138 SE "Africa" on the move - debates on "Mobility", "Transnationality" and "Diaspora"
- 140178 VO African Societies until the 16th Century
- 140218 VO History of West Africa 1
- 140234 UE Kashmir: History, Social Structures and Cultures
- 230213 TR Project Management and Evaluation
- 240509 VO [ de en ] The Arctic and Subarctic from the Middle Ages to the Present (P3)
Last modified: Sa 26.02.2022 02:03