BAC: Bachelorseminare (Pflichtmodul)
- 160009 SE Politically motivated motets of the 15th & 16th century
- 160013 SE Traditional and non-European music as inspiration for classical compositions - Contributors of prospect and influences on occidental art music
- 160019 SE Pitch, Sound, Harmony: Theories and Phenomenons of Consonance, Timbre and Temperature
- 160022 SE Music and Trance
- 160029 SE Double respectively multiple talented artists
- 160034 SE Mozart's operas and 'Singspiele'
- 160050 SE What did it mean to say "I heard"? The texts of Hildegard of Bingen transmitted with notation
- 160054 SE Writing on Music. Theodor W. Adorno interprets Schubert and Mahler
- 160057 SE Biographies of composers from four centuries in films and musicals
- 160065 SE Sound and Movement
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:40