MEC-9 Individual specialization
- 300005 UE Biogeochemistry of streams and lakes - Introduction to the determination of ecosystems metabolism and nutrient dynamics in streams and lakes.
- 300024 SE [ en ] Advances in Marine Biology, part 2 - Seminars for MS and PhD students in Division Bio-Oceanography
- 300042 VO [ de en ] Water Framework Directive &Habitats Directives &European Standards related to the aquatic vegetation - Basics for assessing the ecological status of waterbodies in Europe
- 300057 SE [ en ] Cell Imaging and Ultrastructure Research (2) - Seminar for Master- and PhD Students
- 300058 VO Production Biology - Production Biology
- 300078 UE [ en ] Biogeographical Excursions
- 300091 UE [ en ] OMICS in the research on model organisms and ecosystems
- 300104 VO Bioindicaton and Biomonitoring
- 300114 SE [ en ] Current Topics in Molecular Microbial Ecology and Evolution 2
- 300127 VO [ en ] Genomic approaches to variation and adaptation: a road map
- 300128 UE [ en ] Marine Microbial Symbiosis Course
- 300137 VO [ en ] Flora and Vegetation of Austria in the European Context
- 300138 UE [ en ] Assessing plant diversity in the field - Botanical Excursions in Eastern Austria
- 300141 VO Aspects of freshwater bioindication - Methods of assessment
- 300153 UE Ecology and biodiversity of moths
- 300156 UE Advanced techniques of electronmicroscopy and ultrastructural research
- 300159 VO Conservation Genetics - Konzepte und Anwendungen am Beispiel ausgewählter Arten , z.B. Wölfe, Tiger, Seeadler, Kondore
- 300165 UE [ de en ] Algae - their world explored
- 300171 UE Writing scientific theses
- 300175 VO [ en ] Microbial Oceanography
- 300181 SE [ en ] Current topics in bioinformatics and computational systems biology - Literature seminar
- 300183 UE Practical Course in bioindication and monitoring
- 300186 UE Comperative Field exploration concerning the flora of Austria
- 300193 SE [ en ] Symbiosis - concepts and model systems
- 300201 UE [ en ] Microbial Oceanography Course
- 300218 UE [ de en ] Scanning electron microscopy - techniques and preparations for biologist
- 300244 UE [ de en ] Advanced field course fish ecology
- 300268 UE Excursions on vegetation ecology - Excursions on Conservation, Vegetation and Landscape Ecolgy in Austria
- 300274 VO [ en ] Conservation Planning - tools for mainstreaming biodiversity management - Scientific approaches to prioritize conservation actions at global, regional and local scale
- 300276 UE Rhizosphere
- 300286 UE [ en ] Field Methods in Ornithology
- 300332 UE [ en ] Practial Course in Modelling and Systems Biology
- 300333 SE [ en ] Advanced Topics in Soil and Ecosystem Ecology
- 300344 VO [ en ] Introduction to Quantitative Biology and Systems Biology
- 300348 VO [ en ] Chemical Oceanography
- 300366 SE [ en ] Advances in Molecular Microbial Ecology and Evolution 2
- 300374 UE [ de en ] Water Framework Directive: Introduction to Macrophyte survey - Practical application
- 300387 UE [ en ] Biodiversity of Stream Ecosystems
- 300466 UE+EX Rotifers from Europe - Systematics, biology and ecology of the limnetic and semi-terrestrial rotifers from Europe
- 300659 SE [ en ] Limnology Seminar - Current research and ecological concepts
Last modified: Sa 26.02.2022 02:03