A.2.2.2 BA T2 Specific Sociological Theories and Societal Diagnoses
Die Vorlesung "Ausgewählte Paradigmen soziologscher Theorein " kann nur im Wintersemester angeboten werden.
- 230012 VO Diagnosis of Society
- 230070 SE Selected Paradigms: Social and communicative Constructivism
- 230071 SE How does society change? - Theories and research in the field of social change, transformation and transition
- 230072 SE Seminar on Systems Theory: Function systems of modern society
- 230073 SE From the critique of political economy towards a critical theory of society - Emergence and development of the sociological theory formation
- 230074 SE Selected Paradigms: Alfred Schütz - Methodological Thought and Modern Society
- 230075 WS [ en ] Diagnosis of Society: Social Robotics
- 230076 WS Diagnosis of Society: "The refugee" as a social construction and type - theoretical, empircal and discursive contextualisations
- 230077 WS Diagnosis of Society: Goffmans "Total Institution" - Conceptual Framework, Contemporary Forms, and Current Manifestations
- 230078 WS Diagnosis of Society: Gender in the Knowledge Society
- 230079 WS Diagnosis of Society: Work and Employment - Immersion in current topics
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33