Courses Not Tied to Any Stage of the Degree Programme
5.1. Foreign Languages
- 030014 KU [ en ] Lectures on Computers and Law
- 030021 SE [ en ] Advanced research seminar in international dispute settlement - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030043 SE [ en ] Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot - Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (open for Erasmus students)
- 030060 SE [ en ] Seminar on International Investment Law - for undergraduate and graduate students
- 030078 KU [ en ] Human Rights (F)
- 030088 MC [ en ] Jessup Moot Court, International Law Moot Court
- 030105 SE [ en ] International Criminal Justice - (for undergraduade and graduade students)
- 030132 KU [ en ] The Austrian Legal System - an overview - for Erasmus incomings
- 030143 KU [ en ] Introduction to the External Relations of the European Union
- 030156 SE [ de en ] Jews and Jewish Communities in Public Ecclesiastical Law - Summer Academy "History of the Jews in the Holy Roman Empire and its Successor States"
- 030177 SE [ de en ] Seminar in International Law: 'Fair and Equitable Treatment' in International Investment Law - - intern. Economic Law (for undergraduate and graduate students)
- 030198 KU [ en ] Mediation for Lawyers
- 030239 SE [ en ] European and International Business and Technology Law Seminar - (for diploma and doctoral students)
- 030249 KU [ en ] Transnational Commercial Law
- 030262 KU [ en ] Cambridge Legal English (ILEC) II
- 030263 KU [ en ] From the protection of persecuted co-religionist to the protection of universal human rights - Theory and practice of humanitarian interventions in historcial perspective
- 030264 KU [ en ] Drafting and Negotiating Cross-border M & A and Joint Venture Contracts
- 030309 SE [ en ] European Union Law Seminar - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030316 VO [ en ] Law and Empire
- 030325 KU [ fr ] The Relationship between the State and Religions - Comparing Models of Cooperation and of Secularity
- 030330 KU [ de en ] Theory and practice of crime scene investigations
- 030335 KU [ en ] Collective Security and the Use of Force
- 030338 PF [ en ] Practical Excercises in International Law (F)
- 030349 SE [ en ] Why the Law is so Perverse - The Legal Theory of Leo Katz
- 030353 KU [ en ] U.S., UK and European Corporate Law - Policy comparison and recent developments
- 030356 KU [ en ] Introduction to English Contract and Tort Law
- 030369 KU [ en ] European IP Law - IP Protection in the Internal Market
- 030370 KU [ it ] Roman Public Law
- 030379 MC [ en ] Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court
- 030397 KU [ en ] Procedural Challenges for Investors and for States in Investment Arbitration
- 030401 KU [ en ] CDRC-VIAC-IBA- Mediation and Negotiation Competition
- 030402 SE [ de en ] Prevention and Settlement of Labour Conflicts in China and other countries
- 030412 KU [ en ] EU Judicature - (Die Gerichtsbarkeit der Europäischen Union)
- 030428 KU [ en ] International Investment Law
- 030432 SE [ en ] International Civil Procedure Law - (for Diploma Candidates and Doctoral Candidates)
- 030435 KU [ en ] International Law and Security
- 030440 KU [ en ] International and European Environmental Law (F)
- 030452 KU [ en ] Commercial Aspects of Space Law
- 030455 KU [ en ] Secured financing in the work of UNCITRAL - on the basis of UNCITRAL uniform law texts, including insolvency and PIL aspects
- 030476 KU [ fr ] Legal French
- 030478 KU [ en ] Anglo-American Legal English II
- 030488 KU [ fr ] Pluralisme et unité du droit privé français (16e au 19e siècle)
- 030495 PF [ en ] Compulsory practical exercise in EU-Law
- 030502 KU [ en ] Transformations of Constitutionalism - also for diploma and doctoral students
- 030504 KU [ en ] The International Law of Work
- 030509 SE [ de sl ] Civil Law, Conflict of Laws - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030516 KU [ en ] International Organisations (F)
- 030525 KU [ en ] English for Lawyers (USA) - An Intoduction to the Anglo-American Legal System (s) and to Anglo-American Legal English
- 030535 SE [ en ] Historical Jewish Law Moot Court - The Rabbinic Tribunal of Prague
- 030539 KU [ en ] Principles of International Law
- 030540 KU [ en ] Anglo-American Legal English IV
- 030541 KU [ en ] Comparative Constitutional Studies - Part II: Parliaments
- 030558 KU [ en ] Introduction to Formal Logic in Legal Argumentation - Comparative Case Studies
- 030559 KU [ fr ] Law of International Relations in French II
- 030561 KU [ en ] Cambridge Legal English (ILEC) I
- 030563 KU [ en ] Cambridge Legal English (ILEC) I
- 030568 KU [ en ] Discussion, Negotiation and Presentation in English
- 030577 KU [ en ] Cambridge Legal English (ILEC) II
- 030585 KU [ en ] Enforcement of EC Cartel Law - shall the EU follow the example of the US
- 030592 KU [ en ] EU State Aid Law
- 030594 KU [ en ] Cambridge Legal English (ILEC) I
- 030601 KU [ en ] Free Movement of Persons in European Union Law - workers, establishment, services and Union citizenship
- 030603 SE [ en ] Seminar European Union Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030619 KU [ en ] Cambridge Legal English (ILEC) II
- 030621 KU [ de en ] Manuscripts and Sources - German, Latin or Hebrew, Yiddisch, Judeo-German, Judeo-Spanish
- 030652 KU [ en ] EU Constitutional Law: Principles and Structures
- 380017 SE [ en ] Seminar on Comparative Civil Procedual Law (for graduates) - gemeinsam mit den Universitäten Ljubljana, Uppsala und Zürich in Wien/Wien-Umgebung
- 380034 SE [ de en ] Seminar in International Law
- 380076 SE [ en ] Cinema and Human Rights - for graduate students
5.2. IT and Media Competence
- 030014 KU [ en ] Lectures on Computers and Law
- 030043 SE [ en ] Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot - Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (open for Erasmus students)
- 030275 KU Telecommunications Law
- 030367 KU Comparative Legal Research - Juristical Media Competence with focus on international Sources and Comparative Law
- 030426 KU Workshop on Legal Writing
- 030447 KU Legal Sources and Searching
- 030498 KU New Media (Legal Sources and Research) - Main Area: Legal History - In Verbindung mit einer Exkursion (VfGH)
- 030560 MC Moot Court Environmental Law
5.2.1. Juristical Media Competence I
- 030069 UE New Media, Legal Writing and Research I
- 030364 KU Orientation Course into the Study of Law
- 030656 UE New Media, Legal Writing and Research I
5.2.2. Juristical Media Competence II
- 030461 KU Legal Research Skills II: Legal Writing
- 030500 KU Sports Law
- 030549 SE Seminar on Roman Law - Ius controversum: Rechtsschulen und Juristenkontroversen
- 030558 KU [ en ] Introduction to Formal Logic in Legal Argumentation - Comparative Case Studies
- 030670 KU New Media, Legal Writing Research II
- 030672 KU New Media, Legal Writing Research II
- 030675 KU New Media, Legal Writing Research II
5.2.1. Blended Learning
- 030014 KU [ en ] Lectures on Computers and Law
- 030038 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Civil Law
- 030093 PF Compulsory practical exercise on modern legal and constitutional history
- 030103 PF StEOP Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property - Sachenrecht
- 030113 VO Fundamentals of Criminology - gilt als LV für das Spezialisierungs-EC Strafrecht
- 030130 PF Compulsory practical exercise on private law history
- 030134 KU History of international law
- 030168 UE Compulsory Course in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030172 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise in International Law
- 030183 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property and Law of Obligations - (Sachenrecht und Schuldrecht)
- 030211 PF Compulsory practical exercise on constitutional history
- 030218 PF Compulsory practical exercise on private law history
- 030247 PF STEOP: Compulsory practical exercise on modern legal and constitutional history
- 030248 KU International Law and International Organisations
- 030256 SE Seminar european and comparative history of law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030275 KU Telecommunications Law
- 030285 PF Compulsory practical exercise on constitutional history
- 030293 PF Compulsory practical exercise on constitutional history
- 030299 PF Practical exercises in International Law
- 030310 KU History, Theory and Critique of International Law
- 030359 UE Compulsory Course in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030364 KU Orientation Course into the Study of Law
- 030373 VO Work in Progress: Reports on act. fields of research in legal & constitut.hist. at Vienna Law Fac.
- 030375 SE Seminar on legal history and legal Gender Studies - for diploma and doctoral students - "Strategies of Emancipation"
- 030378 KU Justice and Rule of Law - Grundfragen des Rechtssystems anhand aktueller Beispiele
- 030386 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civil Procedure
- 030391 PF Compulsory practical exercise on private law history - Blocklehrveranstaltung im Mai und Juni 2017
- 030393 SE Seminar on history of international law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030411 MC Moot Court Private Law
- 030418 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - for diploma students
- 030423 SE Seminar in Legal Informatics - (also SE in intern. and European Law) - for grauduate and undergruaduate students
- 030447 KU Legal Sources and Searching
- 030476 KU [ fr ] Legal French
- 030482 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise in International Law
- 030486 UE Compulsory Course in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030493 UE Compulsory Course in Civil Law for Beginners
- 030495 PF [ en ] Compulsory practical exercise in EU-Law
- 030498 KU New Media (Legal Sources and Research) - Main Area: Legal History - In Verbindung mit einer Exkursion (VfGH)
- 030532 UE Preparatory Course to the lecture on the introduction into International Basics of Law - International Law
- 030539 KU [ en ] Principles of International Law
- 030558 KU [ en ] Introduction to Formal Logic in Legal Argumentation - Comparative Case Studies
- 030559 KU [ fr ] Law of International Relations in French II
- 030569 PF Compulsory practical exercise in Civil Law
- 030592 KU [ en ] EU State Aid Law
- 030633 UE Preparatory course to the lecture on the introduction into International Basics of Law - International Law
- 030684 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - for diploma and doctoral students
- 380001 VO [ de en ] Legal Methods - (anrechenbar gem § 4 (1) lit a Dr. Studienplan 2009)
- 380010 SE Strategies for Security - Eurasian Security between Geopolitical Reality and Institutional Ambition
- 380011 VO [ de en ] Legal Methods and the Conception of Law - Major Developments in a Comparative Perspective
- 380018 SE Doctoral Seminar on legal philosophy - zur Vorstellung und Diskussion des Dissertationsvorhabens
- 380027 KO Research in civil law - Informationen und Tipps zur juristischen Recherche im Zivilrecht
- 380031 KU [ de en ] System and Metholdogy: The Ethics of Spinoza - (gilt als Textanalyse gem § 4 (1) lit b Dr.-Studienplan 2009)
5.3. Latin
- 030200 VO+UE Latin Morphology and Syntax - Introduction to Latin for Jurists
- 030382 KU Latin based Legal Terminology
- 030394 VO+UE Latin Morphology and Syntax - Introduction to Latin for Jurists
- 030519 KU Latin based Legal Terminology
5.4. Advanced Historical Competence
- 030079 SE Seminar Roman Law and ABGB - (also for diploma and doctroal students)
- 030101 KU Sovereignty, Human Rights, and War - International law between Terrorism and the Responsibility to Protect
- 030112 SE Law of the Christian East. - Pagans, Heretics, Jews and Muslims - the "other" in Law (for diploma and doctoral students)
- 030134 KU History of international law
- 030156 SE [ de en ] Jews and Jewish Communities in Public Ecclesiastical Law - Summer Academy "History of the Jews in the Holy Roman Empire and its Successor States"
- 030194 KU Islam in Europe - (Issues from) Legal history and contemporory legal developments
- 030197 SE History of Medical Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030208 SE Kelsen's Pure Theory of Law: Reading and Reflection - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030256 SE Seminar european and comparative history of law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030258 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - (for diploma and doctoral students)
- 030263 KU [ en ] From the protection of persecuted co-religionist to the protection of universal human rights - Theory and practice of humanitarian interventions in historcial perspective
- 030276 KU History of penal law and penal procedure law
- 030304 SE 500 Years of Reformation - The legal position of Protestants in Austria
- 030310 KU History, Theory and Critique of International Law
- 030316 VO [ en ] Law and Empire
- 030370 KU [ it ] Roman Public Law
- 030373 VO Work in Progress: Reports on act. fields of research in legal & constitut.hist. at Vienna Law Fac.
- 030375 SE Seminar on legal history and legal Gender Studies - for diploma and doctoral students - "Strategies of Emancipation"
- 030392 KU Roman Society - (Law of Persons / Family)
- 030393 SE Seminar on history of international law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030418 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - for diploma students
- 030447 KU Legal Sources and Searching
- 030488 KU [ fr ] Pluralisme et unité du droit privé français (16e au 19e siècle)
- 030498 KU New Media (Legal Sources and Research) - Main Area: Legal History - In Verbindung mit einer Exkursion (VfGH)
- 030521 SE [ de en ] Ius Commune Moot Court - Imperial Aulic Council
- 030535 SE [ en ] Historical Jewish Law Moot Court - The Rabbinic Tribunal of Prague
- 030545 VO [ de en ] The British Isles in and out of Europe - from William Pitt the Younger to Theresa May as Reflected in Legal and Political History
- 030547 KU Introduction into the Philosophy of Law and State of the Modern Age - Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Law II
- 030549 SE Seminar on Roman Law - Ius controversum: Rechtsschulen und Juristenkontroversen
- 030562 SE Seminar - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030621 KU [ de en ] Manuscripts and Sources - German, Latin or Hebrew, Yiddisch, Judeo-German, Judeo-Spanish
- 030684 SE Seminar on legal and constitutional history - for diploma and doctoral students
- 380011 VO [ de en ] Legal Methods and the Conception of Law - Major Developments in a Comparative Perspective
- 380031 KU [ de en ] System and Metholdogy: The Ethics of Spinoza - (gilt als Textanalyse gem § 4 (1) lit b Dr.-Studienplan 2009)
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33