1. Masterstudium Gender Studies (Version 2013)
1. Pflichtmodul Grundlagen interdisziplinärer Gender Studies 15 ECTS
- 240098 UE Guided Reading - French Feminisms. Gender theories in francophone thought
- 240199 VO VO Introduction Gender Studies
- 240200 UE UE Introduction Gender Studies
- 240204 UE Scientific Scriptorium (4 ECTS) - gender-reflected writing-workshop
2. Pflichtmodul Theorien und Methoden 15 ECTS
- 240042 SE SE Theory I - Theories and Methods of Gender Studies - Re/konstruktion vergeschlechtlichter Identität anhand von Selbstzeugnissen (Interviews und Tagebüchern)
- 240043 SE SE Theory I - Theories and Methods of Gender Studies - Donna Haraways 'Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene. Experimental Futures'
- 240207 SE SE Theory I - Theories and Methods of Gender Studies
- 240208 SE SE Methods of Gender Studies - Feminist Science Technology Studies und postkoloniale Perspektive
- 240209 VO Theories and Methodics
3. Pflichtmodul Themenfelder 20 ECTS
- 010009 FS Judith Butler: aesthetics - ethics - gender - Forschungsseminar zu Frauen-, Männer- und Geschlechterforschung
- 030510 SE Genderproblems in Labour Law and Social Security Law - (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030511 KU Gender, law and power - Intersectional perspectives of Legal Gender Studies
- 140121 VO [ de en ] ( SGU ) VM1 / VM7 - Coloniality under De_Construction - Decolonial Perspectives and Activisms
- 140254 SE Nation, Gender, Race, and Religion - in the Imaginaries of the Collective Memories of the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions in South Africa and Marocco
- 140359 SE Performativity and Agency in African Films - Gender and Religion as Categories of Analysis in Contemporary Visual Discourses
- 210127 SE M8a: VertiefungsSE Gender and Politics - Governance and Gender
- 210128 SE M8b: SpezialisierungsSE Gender and Politics - Political representation of gender. Body and power
- 240035 SE Gender Studies Topics and Themes II - Visuelle Kultur/en und Geschlecht. Theorie, kulturhistorischer Kontext, gesellschaftspolitische Analyse
- 240036 SE Gender Studies Topics and Themes II - Prostitution. Tauschhandel zwischen Körper und Zeichen
- 240044 SE SE Topics of Gender Studies - Kritische Theorie und Geschlecht
- 240236 VU VU topics - Lecture Series & Workshops
4. Pflichtmodul Anwendungsbezüge 15 ECTS
- 240102 SE SE/PR (research-) project development
5. Pflichtmodul Individuelle Schwerpunktsetzung 15 ECTS
- 010009 FS Judith Butler: aesthetics - ethics - gender - Forschungsseminar zu Frauen-, Männer- und Geschlechterforschung
- 010079 SE Biblical Characters in patristic and rabbinic perspective: Women in the Hebrew Bible
- 030304 SE 500 Years of Reformation - The legal position of Protestants in Austria
- 140121 VO [ de en ] ( SGU ) VM1 / VM7 - Coloniality under De_Construction - Decolonial Perspectives and Activisms
- 140265 VO [ en ] Contemporary African Women's Writing and African Feminism
- 140316 VO Postcolonial, Post-secular, and Gender Theory - exemplified by Discourses of Sexual Violence and Homophobia versus Solidary Self-imaginations in Africa
- 230029 VO Visual Sociology: Cinematic Cultures and Gender in the Age of Digitalization
- 230058 SE Group Dynamics - systemic learning in training groups
- 240508 SE Feminist Anthropology (P2)
6. Pflichtmodul Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten 16 ECTS
- 230058 SE Group Dynamics - systemic learning in training groups
- 240104 VU Gender Specific Communication and Organization Skills (Module)
- 240198 SE SE Masterseminar
- 240203 SE+UE SE + UE Preparatory Exercise
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33