Universität Wien

German - Teacher Training Programme

Zur Äquivalenzliste geht es hier: https://spl-germanistik.univie.ac.at/uploads/media/Aequivalenzliste_LA_UF_Deutsch.pdf

Beachten Sie die Prüfungspasscodes (I Code) bei den LVen.

Zur besseren Übersicht, was Sie schon haben bzw. noch brauchen, führen Sie neben dem Studium am besten die Prüfungspässe auf der SPL-HP https://spl-germanistik.univie.ac.at unter "Formulare".

1. Specialized Study

Introductory Phase


Scientific Research Techniques

Text Analysis

Introduction to Germanistic Linguistics

First Stage of the Degree Programme

Basics of German Philology

Text Production
Theory of Literature
Literature and Media
Grammar of Present-Day Language
Middle High German Grammar


New German Literature
Old German Literature
Tutorials German as a Foreign/Second Language

First and Second Stage of the Degree Programme


Old German Literature
New German Literature
German Language
German as a Foreign/Second Language


Conversatorium History of Language
Conversatorium History of Literature 750 - 1500
Conversatorium History of Literature 1500-1770/80
Conversatorium History of Literature 1770/80 - 1848
Conversatorium History of Literature 1848 - 1945
Conversatorium History of Literature 1945 until Present Day

Second Stage of the Degree Programme

Seminars (and Conversatoriums) for Diploma Candidates

Subject Didactics
Old German Literature
New German Literature
German Language
German as a Foreign/Second Language


Old German Literature
New German Literature
German Language
German as a Foreign /Second Language

Elective Courses

Specialist Tutorials

2. Didactics: German

Introductory Phase

Introduction to the Teacher Training Programme: German

First Stage of the Degree Programme

Introduction to Didactics and Methodology of the Teacher Training Programme: German

Second Stage of the Degree Programme

Speaking and listening

Writing and editing

Language Norms

Reading comprehension, literature, and media literacy


Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33