Universität Wien

7.01. Bachelor Degree Programme in History (033/603)

070009 KU Reading Historiography - Learning from History?
070035 KU Reading Historiography - Travelling in Africa, 16th-20th centuries
070112 KU Reading Historiography - history of historiography
070156 KU Reading Historiography - The Enlightenment in Western, Central and Eastern Europe
070184 KU Reading Historiography - Grundlagentexte der Geschichtsschreibung (Antike, Byzanz, arabisches Mittelalter, Renaissance)
070342 KU Reading Historiography - Tod, Memorialkultur und Stiftungswesen
070016 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing - Der Wiener Kongress 1814-185
070019 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing - The Seven Years‘ War, 1754-1763
070071 VO Modern History
070187 VO Modern History
070330 VO Russian History at a Glance - Geschichte Russlands im Überblick
070107 VO Global History
070199 VO Political History - Basic Questions of Political History
010006 VO Basic Course Church History I - The first christian millenium
010223 VO Basic Course Church History II - Von den Kreuzzügen zum interreligiösen Dialog
070159 VO Further approaches - The Hussitism, Lutheranism and Calvinism and their long-term impact on the societies of East-Central and Southeastern Europe
070235 VO Further Approaches - Intellectual History: History of Political Thought
070264 VO *title to be specified* - Lecture series on Czech history
070330 VO Russian History at a Glance - Geschichte Russlands im Überblick
070236 VO Economic and Social History - Economy and Society in Europe, 1000-2000
070169 VO History of Science - Wissen-schaf(f)t im Wandel
070071 VO Modern History
070159 VO Further approaches - The Hussitism, Lutheranism and Calvinism and their long-term impact on the societies of East-Central and Southeastern Europe
070187 VO Modern History
070235 VO Further Approaches - Intellectual History: History of Political Thought
070264 VO *title to be specified* - Lecture series on Czech history
070330 VO Russian History at a Glance - Geschichte Russlands im Überblick
070004 GR Guided Reading - The homefronts of Austria-Hungary in World War I.
070008 GR Guided Reading - Russian History and Global History
070015 GR Guided Reading - Empires, composite monarchies and political unions in early modern Europe
070018 GR Guided Reading - Bodies in History. An Introduction
070023 GR Guided Reading - Questions, themes and history of Women's ander Gender History
070025 GR Guided Reading - Austrian History 1526-1918
070029 GR Guided Reading - "J´accuse..!" Theory and History of the Intellectuals
070034 GR Guided Reading - Austrian History (Middle Ages - 1815)
070042 GR Guided Reading - Uprooting. An Austrian history of migration in the 20th century.
070068 GR Guided Reading - Zur Sozial- und Geschlechtergeschichte der k. (u.) k. Armee: Von den Napoleonischen Kriegen bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg
070072 GR Guided Reading - Business History
070073 GR Guided Reading - Economy and Socviety - a History ofg Knowledge
070077 GR Guided Reading - Categories of Social Inequality and/or Difference
070090 GR Guided Reading - Constitution, Economy and Society of Medieval Europe
070100 GR Guided Reading - From Revolution to Reaction. Austrian political and social history 1918 - 1938
070127 GR [en] Guided Reading - Medieval Survey - Sources, ca 200/300 -1500
070132 GR Guided Reading - Jews in the European society of the middle-ages
070143 GR Guided Reading - Dark Corners of Europe: A History of Medieval Paganism
070145 GR Guided Reading - Medieval saints' Lives: hagiography as a historical source - Acts of Power: Political Culture in Medieval Europe
070147 GR [en] Guided Reading - Between collective memory and history (History and memory controversies) - Between collective memory and history (History and memory controversies)
070182 GR Guided Reading
070191 GR Guided Reading
070196 GR [en] Guided Reading
070204 GR Guided Reading - Der Krieg als Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln: Ausgewählte Texte zu militärischen Auseinandersetzungen und Friedenverträge in der Geschichte Russlands
070208 GR Guided Reading - Crime and crime discourses in 20th century Central Europe
070210 GR Guided Reading
070270 GR Guided Reading - The City in History
070299 GR Guided Reading - Insights into women's lives based on primary sources of the 6th to the 14th century in Europe
070316 GR Guided Reading - Articulating non-normative bodies and sexualities since the 1970s
070331 GR Guided Reading - The West in Russian Eyes - Russland und der Westen aus russischer Sicht (Ideengeschichte 18.-19. JH)
070006 PS BA-Proseminar - Central Asian History, 1500-2000
070010 PS BA-Proseminar - Poverty and Punishment. Lower social classes in Austria in Early Modern Age between public welfare and pressure.
070020 PS BA-Proseminar - Emotion and gender during 'Sattelzeit' (1750 - 1850)
070021 PS BA-Proseminar - Civil Rights and Human Rights
070064 PS Proseminar - European Expansion/Glabalisation/Ecology
070065 PS Proseminar - Population History of Europe
070074 PS Proseminar - Economic Natzionalism and National Populism
070148 PS Proseminar - Democracy in France: from the French Revolution to our days
070166 PS Proseminar - The inheritance of Rome: Political and religious communities in early medieval Europe
070209 PS Proseminar - Mikrogeschichtliche und alltagsgeschichtliche Ansätze
070286 PS [en] BA-Proseminar - Central European Urban History in Comparison, 1200-1600 (Austria, Bohemia, Hungary, Croatia-Dalmatia)
070292 PS Proseminar - Japan and the West - the West and Japan, 16th to 20th centuries
070298 PS Proseminar - Introduction to scientific knowledge and text production using the example of topics related to the Middle Ages and the women's and gender history of the 12th-15th century
070324 PS BA-Proseminar - Medieval saints' Lives: hagiography as a historical source
070372 PS Proseminar - Medicine and Politics in the Early Modern Period
070051 SE BA-Seminar - Ego Documents of the 19th and 20th Centuries - Traditions, Forms, Contents
070076 SE Seminar - Italy in the Renaissance (1300 - 1500)
070079 SE Seminar - Successful minorities? Trading Diasporas in Early Modern Europe
070081 SE Seminar - Years of Change in Austrian History 1918 - 1938 - 1945
070103 SE [en] BA-Seminar - The Brazilian Monarchy - Politics, Culture, International Relations, 1808-1889
070205 SE Seminar - Die Balkanhalbinsel in byzantinischer und osmanischer Zeit (4. Jh.-Anfang 20. Jh.)
070212 SE [en] Seminar - Religions and premodern war in comparative perspective
070274 SE Seminar - The long lasting 19th century
070332 SE BA-Seminar - The Cold War
070071 VO Modern History
070159 VO Further approaches - The Hussitism, Lutheranism and Calvinism and their long-term impact on the societies of East-Central and Southeastern Europe
070187 VO Modern History
070264 VO *title to be specified* - Lecture series on Czech history
070330 VO Russian History at a Glance - Geschichte Russlands im Überblick
070071 VO Modern History
070159 VO Further approaches - The Hussitism, Lutheranism and Calvinism and their long-term impact on the societies of East-Central and Southeastern Europe
070187 VO Modern History
070264 VO *title to be specified* - Lecture series on Czech history
070330 VO Russian History at a Glance - Geschichte Russlands im Überblick
070275 GR Guided Reading
230203 UK Knowledge and Science Cultures - in universities, laboratories, factories, politics, administration and every day life
230204 UK Environment, Risk, Society - science, technology and nature in the time of the anthropocene

Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33