Emphasis 3: Sociological Aspects of Development Research
- 140152 VO ( NR ) Commodities and Development: Current Issues and Historical Context - Aktuelle Auseinandersetzungen im historischen Kontext
- 140415 VO Mobility, Borders, Transnationalisation: Concepts and Debates
- 140330 VO+UE ( NR ) VM1 / VM3 - State Theory of the Global South?
- 140349 VO+UE [ en ] ( MOB ) VM3 / VM8 - Faith-based Humanitarian and Development Aid - Secularization of Sacred Aid
- 140331 SE ( NR ) VM1 / VM3 - Different philosophical approaches concerning the society-nature-relationship - and their relevance for doing research
- 140366 SE ( NR ) VM3 / VM4 - Body Politics - soziologische Perspektiven auf eine Alltagspraxis
- 140370 SE ( MOB ) VM3 / VM4 - Migration and climate change from a human rights perspective
- 140372 SE [ en ] VM5 / VM3 - Historical perspectives on disaster management and risk prevention
- 140392 SE [ en ] ( SGU ) VM8 / VM1 - Global Health and Development
- 140362 SE ( SGU ) VM3/VM8 - Social Security and Social Politics in the Global South
- 010089 SE Spiritual and Political Care in the Context of Migration
- 010128 SE Solidary Economics - New approaches to economic ethics
- 070126 VO Lecture (PM4)
- 070129 SE Seminar (PM4)
- 140416 SE VM3 / VM4 - Michel Foucault: Knowledge, Power, and Resistance II
- 230162 KU Basics of Social Network Analysis II
- 290165 PS Contested Resources, Rural Livelihoods and Globalisation
Last modified: We 21.04.2021 11:39