M01 Grundlagen
M01.1 Philosophische Anthropologie (VO)
M01.2 Grundfragen der Ethik (VO oder VO-L)
- 180041 VO-L Classics of practical philosophy - für EC
- 180165 VO Introduction to Applied Ethics
M01.3 Klassiker der Ethik und politischen Philosophie (PS)
- 010046 PS Basic Texts: Anthropology and Ethics
- 180025 PS The Aesthetical Appearance of Morality - Über den ästhetischen Aspekt des Sittlichen
- 180026 PS Ethics of Nature
- 180157 PS [ en ] Ethical Questions: Theory and Practice
M01.4 Ethik in Theorie und Praxis (SE)
M01.5 Lektüreproseminar (LPS)
- 180004 LPS Foucault: Sexuality and truth
- 180006 LPS Emmanuel Levinas: The trace of the other
- 180010 LPS Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals
- 180091 LPS The young Spinoza
- 180131 LPS Texts on media and technology philosophy
- 180168 LPS ( KPH Krems ) Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33