2nd Stage of the Degree Programme
D32 Contemporary Philosophy
- 010351 VO Contemporary philosophy
D33 Old Testament Studies III
D34 New Testament Studies III
D35 Discourse about God in Contemporary Fundemental Theology
D36 Theology of Creation and Eschatology
- 010055 VO Theology of Creation
D37 Theological Anthropology and Doctrine of Grace
D38 Ecumenical Theology: Theologies and Churches of the Reformation
D39 Current Topics of Moral Theology
- 010017 VO Advanced Course Theological Ethics II (Ethics of Gender Relationships)
- 010092 VO Advanced Course Theological Ethics III: Medical Ethics
D40 Social Studies II: Political Ethics and Economic Ethics
D41 Studies of Religions
- 010058 VO ( OV ) Introduction to Comparative Religion
- 020015 VO Introduction to Islam - The Qur'an, the Obligatory Rituals, the Belief
D42 Liturgical Studies, Sacramental Theology, Matrimonial Law
- 010093 VO Advanced Course Canon Law I - Law of the Sacraments including Matrimonial Law of the Church
D43 Thematic Module: Dogma and Reason
- 010007 SE ( KPH Krems ) Specific subject didactics III
- 010039 SE Specific subject didactics III
D44 Philosophy of Language
D45 Philosophy of Science
D46 Introduction to Judaism
- 060013 VO Introduction to Judaism
D47 Theology of the Church Fathers and Mariology
D48 Sacramental Celebrations: In-Depth- Studies
- 010093 VO Advanced Course Canon Law I - Law of the Sacraments including Matrimonial Law of the Church
D49 Specific Pastoral Theologies
D50 Homiletics
- 010033 VU Homiletics
D51 Church History: Enlightenment to Present
DAM Diploma Thesis Module
- 010031 SE Theology and Spirituality of the Eastern Church Fathers
- 010038 SE Being a Christian according to the Catholic Epitels
- 010050 SE Christian Churches and LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersexual)
- 010052 FS Walter Benjamin's History and Religion - Wahrnehmung von Geschichte und Religion bei Walter Benjamin
- 010056 FS Research Seminar for Graduands: Transformation of Religion - DiplomandInnen-, DissertantInnen und HabilitandInnenseminar
- 010057 FS Thomas von Aquinas: On Religion (Sth II II qq. 80-100)
- 010060 SE Concepts of modernity in catholic reform theology
- 010061 SE The Book of the Psalms in the Holy Scripture as source of Christian Spirituality
- 010064 FS One truth - but many faces? - On tensions between christology and a pluralistic theology of religion
- 010066 SE Spiritual discernment - charism and virtue
- 010069 SE The Birth of Modernity: Man and the Infinity of the Cosmos in the Philosophy of the Renaissance
- 010071 FS Luther and Ignatius
- 010072 SE Kant for Christians, Jews, Muslims
- 010075 FS "Near - yet hard to seize" - Between Literature and Religion - Im Zwischenraum von Literatur und Religion (Lektüreseminar zur Poetikdozentur)
- 010080 FS Theology of the Old Testament: Focus: Prophecy
- 010081 SE Bible and Politics I
- 010089 SE Seminar in Preaching
- 010097 SE The Roman Curia under Pope Francis
- 010098 SE The Bible Inspiring Art
- 010104 SE "Who we are". Christianity, Catholicism and Migration in modern times
- 010105 SE Introduction to the Liturgical and Pastoral Practice of the Byzantine Rite
- 010106 SE Theology - Architecture - Aesthetics - Sacral Architecture in Vienna since 1900
- 010123 FS Hegel’s Science of Logic
- 010320 FS Was ist liturgische Theologie
- 040113 KU Solidary Economic (MA)
- 010054 UE Greek Reading
- 010074 VO [ en ] Jesus the Messiah - Reflections on the Messianic Issue of Early Christianity
- 010079 VO Religions and Sex/Gender
- 010099 UE Archaeological Drawing
- 010100 SE The Study of Mysticism
- 010108 UE Academic German for Theologians
- 010127 PR Analysis of Pastoral work I
- 020032 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Personal Growth and Self-Experience I
- 020054 UE Compulsory Optional Subject: Personal Growth and Self-Experience II
Last modified: We 21.04.2021 11:39