Bachelor Musicology (636 [3] - Version 2016)
- 160064 OV ( OV ) Orientation course - for Bachelor Musicology
Introductory and Orientation Period (16 ECTS)
STEOP1 Compulsory module: Principles of Music (4 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Principles of Music
- 160002 VO Principles of Music
STEOP2 Compulsory module: Overview of Musicology (12 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Survey in Musicology
- 160003 VO Overview of Systematic Musicology
- 160004 VO Overview of Ethnomusicology
- 160005 VO Survey in Historical Musicology
Group of compulsory modules: Academic Writing and Research Methods (37 ECTS)
ARB Compulsory module: Academic Working Methods (5 ECTS)
PRO Compulsory module: Introductory Seminars (12 ECTS)
- 160018 PS The Mellon Chansonnier - Materialität, Repertoire und Bedeutung eines Liederbuchs für Prinzessin Beatrix von Aragon (ca. 1475/76)
- 160034 PS Introduction to Ethnomusicology of Amazonia
- 160040 PS Contemporary music from 1970 to 2000 between work aesthetics and performance
- 160041 PS Music Traditions of the Eastern Mediterranean
- 160048 PS Interchanges of architectural acoustics and composition
- 160057 PS Music during national socialism
- 160061 PS Tracing Stravinskij: "Petrushka", "L’Histoire du soldat", "Oedipus rex"
- 160082 PS Musikkulturelles Handeln am Hof und in der Aristokratie um 1800
BAC Compulsory module: Bachelor’s Seminars (20 ECTS)
- 160011 SE Opera in Vienna in the Theresian era
- 160022 SE Music and violence
- 160023 SE Indigenous music and postcolonialism
- 160032 SE Music productions (including opera) for children
- 160035 SE Johann Joseph Fux
- 160060 SE Application of music in every day life
- 160056 SE Gender in musicals and music films
- 160044 SE Regimes, indexes, catalogues etc.: Representation in musicology
- 160033 SE Klavier- und Liederzyklen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts - aus Sicht der Gattungs-, Interpretations- und Rezeptionsgeschichte
Compulsory Modules (61 ECTS)
TON: Harmony, Counterpoint and Analysis (15 ECTS)
- 160009 UE Harmony 1
- 160030 UE Musical Analysis: Analysis of "extended tonality"
- 160031 UE Musical analysis: The Sounds of Popular Music
- 160037 UE Harmony 2
HIS: Principles of Historical Musicology (13 ECTS)
- 160010 UE Introduction to Musical Palaeography
- 160014 VO Principles of music after 1600
MUG: Music History (8 ECTS)
- 160047 VO Music History III
ETH: Ethnomusicology (10 ECTS)
- 160020 VO Introduction to Ethnomusicology
- 160038 UE Ethnomusicological Exercise
SYS: Systematic Musicology (10 ECTS)
- 160019 VO Introduction to Systematic Musicology
- 160025 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
- 160052 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Analysis
- 160053 PR Principles of acoustics
POP: Popular music (5 ECTS)
Group of Elective Modules (36 ECTS)
HIS-V1 Elective module: Advanced Historical Musicology - Music until 1600 (12 ECTS)
- 160039 VO [ de en ] Music and Book Culture in 16th-Century Europe
- 160058 UE Musik und Emotion von Orpheus bis L'Orfeo
- 160008 UE Mensural Notation in Practice
- 160043 PR Applied musicological research for music historians
- 160018 PS The Mellon Chansonnier - Materialität, Repertoire und Bedeutung eines Liederbuchs für Prinzessin Beatrix von Aragon (ca. 1475/76)
HIS-V2: Advanced Historical Musicology - Music since 1600 (12 ECTS)
- 160055 VO Viennese court chapel(s) in the context of music history in central europe (ca. 1600-1918)
- 160026 VO Composition theory and composition practice
- 160012 UE Introduction to the study of Italian opera: sources, poetics, language and dramaturgy
- 160043 PR Applied musicological research for music historians
- 160082 PS Musikkulturelles Handeln am Hof und in der Aristokratie um 1800
- 160057 PS Music during national socialism
- 160040 PS Contemporary music from 1970 to 2000 between work aesthetics and performance
- 160011 SE Opera in Vienna in the Theresian era
- 160032 SE Music productions (including opera) for children
- 160033 SE Klavier- und Liederzyklen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts - aus Sicht der Gattungs-, Interpretations- und Rezeptionsgeschichte
- 160035 SE Johann Joseph Fux
- 160056 SE Gender in musicals and music films
ETH-V: Advanced Ethnomusicology (12 ECTS)
- 160007 VO Music of the World - Overview I
- 160045 VO African Music II
- 160049 VO [ en ] Personalities and history of popular East and Southern African Music
- 160042 UE Romani music: theoretical reflection and active practice
- 160028 PR Field trip to Madagascar: Evaluation of the material
- 160034 PS Introduction to Ethnomusicology of Amazonia
- 160041 PS Music Traditions of the Eastern Mediterranean
- 160022 SE Music and violence
- 160023 SE Indigenous music and postcolonialism
SYS-V: Advanced Systematic Musicology (12 ECTS)
- 160050 VO Principles of music psychology
- 160025 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
- 160052 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Analysis
- 160053 PR Principles of acoustics
- 160048 PS Interchanges of architectural acoustics and composition
- 160060 SE Application of music in every day life
POP-V: Advanced Popular Music (12 ECTS)
- 160045 VO African Music II
- 160007 VO Music of the World - Overview I
- 160049 VO [ en ] Personalities and history of popular East and Southern African Music
- 160042 UE Romani music: theoretical reflection and active practice
- 160041 PS Music Traditions of the Eastern Mediterranean
- 160022 SE Music and violence
INT: Interdisciplinary Musicology (12 ECTS)
- 170301 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Theatre of the Weimar Republic
- 160026 VO Composition theory and composition practice
- 160012 UE Introduction to the study of Italian opera: sources, poetics, language and dramaturgy
- 160017 UE Between transfer and transformation - (lecture series)
- 160058 UE Musik und Emotion von Orpheus bis L'Orfeo
- 170530 UE En pointe: Dance and Gender Studies. An Introduction
- 160040 PS Contemporary music from 1970 to 2000 between work aesthetics and performance
- 160057 PS Music during national socialism
- 160022 SE Music and violence
- 160023 SE Indigenous music and postcolonialism
- 160032 SE Music productions (including opera) for children
- 160033 SE Klavier- und Liederzyklen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts - aus Sicht der Gattungs-, Interpretations- und Rezeptionsgeschichte
- 160060 SE Application of music in every day life
- 160056 SE Gender in musicals and music films
PRX: Practical Applications of Musicology (12 ECTS)
- 160028 PR Field trip to Madagascar: Evaluation of the material
- 160046 PR Information Processing in Archives and Libraries
- 160016 PR Writing about music: programme, concert introduction, music criticism
- 160043 PR Applied musicological research for music historians
- 160044 SE Regimes, indexes, catalogues etc.: Representation in musicology
FRE: Free Advanced Module: Topics in Musicology (12 ECTS)
- 160039 VO [ de en ] Music and Book Culture in 16th-Century Europe
- 160049 VO [ en ] Personalities and history of popular East and Southern African Music
- 160050 VO Principles of music psychology
- 160007 VO Music of the World - Overview I
- 160026 VO Composition theory and composition practice
- 160055 VO Viennese court chapel(s) in the context of music history in central europe (ca. 1600-1918)
- 160045 VO African Music II
- 160012 UE Introduction to the study of Italian opera: sources, poetics, language and dramaturgy
- 160017 UE Between transfer and transformation - (lecture series)
- 160008 UE Mensural Notation in Practice
- 160052 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Analysis
- 160058 UE Musik und Emotion von Orpheus bis L'Orfeo
- 160025 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
- 160042 UE Romani music: theoretical reflection and active practice
- 160028 PR Field trip to Madagascar: Evaluation of the material
- 160046 PR Information Processing in Archives and Libraries
- 160016 PR Writing about music: programme, concert introduction, music criticism
- 160043 PR Applied musicological research for music historians
- 160053 PR Principles of acoustics
- 160034 PS Introduction to Ethnomusicology of Amazonia
- 160040 PS Contemporary music from 1970 to 2000 between work aesthetics and performance
- 160041 PS Music Traditions of the Eastern Mediterranean
- 160048 PS Interchanges of architectural acoustics and composition
- 160082 PS Musikkulturelles Handeln am Hof und in der Aristokratie um 1800
- 160018 PS The Mellon Chansonnier - Materialität, Repertoire und Bedeutung eines Liederbuchs für Prinzessin Beatrix von Aragon (ca. 1475/76)
- 160057 PS Music during national socialism
- 160011 SE Opera in Vienna in the Theresian era
- 160022 SE Music and violence
- 160023 SE Indigenous music and postcolonialism
- 160032 SE Music productions (including opera) for children
- 160033 SE Klavier- und Liederzyklen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts - aus Sicht der Gattungs-, Interpretations- und Rezeptionsgeschichte
- 160035 SE Johann Joseph Fux
- 160060 SE Application of music in every day life
- 160056 SE Gender in musicals and music films
- 160044 SE Regimes, indexes, catalogues etc.: Representation in musicology
Bachelor Musicology (636 [2] - Version 2011)
1. Required Modules
B01 Module - Orientation Period
B01.1 StEOP: Principles of Music and musicological Research
- 160002 VO Principles of Music
- 160015 UE Academic Working Methods in Musicology (UE, 5 ECTS)
B01.2 StEOP: Introduction to Musicology
- 160003 VO Overview of Systematic Musicology
- 160004 VO Overview of Ethnomusicology
- 160005 VO Survey in Historical Musicology
B02 Module - Music Theory
B02.1 Module - Music Theory and Musical Structures I
- 160009 UE Harmony 1
- 160030 UE Musical Analysis: Analysis of "extended tonality"
- 160031 UE Musical analysis: The Sounds of Popular Music
B02.2 Module - Music Theory and Musical Structures II
- 160037 UE Harmony 2
- 160038 UE Ethnomusicological Exercise
B03 Basic Module - History of European Music before and after 1600
- 160047 VO Music History III
- 160014 VO Principles of music after 1600
- 160010 UE Introduction to Musical Palaeography
- 160012 UE Introduction to the study of Italian opera: sources, poetics, language and dramaturgy
- 160057 PS Music during national socialism
- 160082 PS Musikkulturelles Handeln am Hof und in der Aristokratie um 1800
- 160018 PS The Mellon Chansonnier - Materialität, Repertoire und Bedeutung eines Liederbuchs für Prinzessin Beatrix von Aragon (ca. 1475/76)
- 160033 SE Klavier- und Liederzyklen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts - aus Sicht der Gattungs-, Interpretations- und Rezeptionsgeschichte
B04 Basic Module - Ethnomusicology
- 160007 VO Music of the World - Overview I
- 160045 VO African Music II
- 160020 VO Introduction to Ethnomusicology
- 160038 UE Ethnomusicological Exercise
- 160034 PS Introduction to Ethnomusicology of Amazonia
- 160041 PS Music Traditions of the Eastern Mediterranean
B05 Basic Module - Systematic Musicology
- 160019 VO Introduction to Systematic Musicology
- 160050 VO Principles of music psychology
- 160052 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Analysis
- 160025 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
- 160053 PR Principles of acoustics
- 160048 PS Interchanges of architectural acoustics and composition
- 160060 SE Application of music in every day life
B06 Basic Module - Contemporary Music and Popular Music
- 160001 VO Introduction to Popular Music (VO, 5 ECTS)
- 160007 VO Music of the World - Overview I
- 160049 VO [ en ] Personalities and history of popular East and Southern African Music
- 160045 VO African Music II
- 160031 UE Musical analysis: The Sounds of Popular Music
- 160030 UE Musical Analysis: Analysis of "extended tonality"
- 160040 PS Contemporary music from 1970 to 2000 between work aesthetics and performance
B07 Basic Module - Source Study, Source Work and Source Criticism
- 160008 UE Mensural Notation in Practice
- 160010 UE Introduction to Musical Palaeography
- 160012 UE Introduction to the study of Italian opera: sources, poetics, language and dramaturgy
- 160054 UE Ricercar 1500-1650
- 160043 PR Applied musicological research for music historians
- 160046 PR Information Processing in Archives and Libraries
- 160018 PS The Mellon Chansonnier - Materialität, Repertoire und Bedeutung eines Liederbuchs für Prinzessin Beatrix von Aragon (ca. 1475/76)
B08 Final Module
- 160057 PS Music during national socialism
- 160040 PS Contemporary music from 1970 to 2000 between work aesthetics and performance
- 160041 PS Music Traditions of the Eastern Mediterranean
- 160048 PS Interchanges of architectural acoustics and composition
- 160082 PS Musikkulturelles Handeln am Hof und in der Aristokratie um 1800
- 160034 PS Introduction to Ethnomusicology of Amazonia
- 160018 PS The Mellon Chansonnier - Materialität, Repertoire und Bedeutung eines Liederbuchs für Prinzessin Beatrix von Aragon (ca. 1475/76)
- 160011 SE Opera in Vienna in the Theresian era
- 160022 SE Music and violence
- 160023 SE Indigenous music and postcolonialism
- 160032 SE Music productions (including opera) for children
- 160033 SE Klavier- und Liederzyklen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts - aus Sicht der Gattungs-, Interpretations- und Rezeptionsgeschichte
- 160035 SE Johann Joseph Fux
- 160060 SE Application of music in every day life
- 160056 SE Gender in musicals and music films
- 160044 SE Regimes, indexes, catalogues etc.: Representation in musicology
2. Elective Modules - Advanced Modules (VM) / Supplementary Modules (EM)
B09 VM History of European Music before 1600
- 160039 VO [ de en ] Music and Book Culture in 16th-Century Europe
- 160008 UE Mensural Notation in Practice
- 160010 UE Introduction to Musical Palaeography
- 160054 UE Ricercar 1500-1650
- 160058 UE Musik und Emotion von Orpheus bis L'Orfeo
- 160043 PR Applied musicological research for music historians
- 160018 PS The Mellon Chansonnier - Materialität, Repertoire und Bedeutung eines Liederbuchs für Prinzessin Beatrix von Aragon (ca. 1475/76)
B10 VM History of European Music after 1600
- 160055 VO Viennese court chapel(s) in the context of music history in central europe (ca. 1600-1918)
- 160047 VO Music History III
- 160014 VO Principles of music after 1600
- 160026 VO Composition theory and composition practice
- 160054 UE Ricercar 1500-1650
- 160012 UE Introduction to the study of Italian opera: sources, poetics, language and dramaturgy
- 160043 PR Applied musicological research for music historians
- 160061 PS Tracing Stravinskij: "Petrushka", "L’Histoire du soldat", "Oedipus rex"
- 160082 PS Musikkulturelles Handeln am Hof und in der Aristokratie um 1800
- 160057 PS Music during national socialism
- 160032 SE Music productions (including opera) for children
- 160033 SE Klavier- und Liederzyklen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts - aus Sicht der Gattungs-, Interpretations- und Rezeptionsgeschichte
- 160035 SE Johann Joseph Fux
- 160056 SE Gender in musicals and music films
- 160011 SE Opera in Vienna in the Theresian era
B11 VM Ethnomusicology
- 160007 VO Music of the World - Overview I
- 160020 VO Introduction to Ethnomusicology
- 160045 VO African Music II
- 160049 VO [ en ] Personalities and history of popular East and Southern African Music
- 160026 VO Composition theory and composition practice
- 160038 UE Ethnomusicological Exercise
- 160042 UE Romani music: theoretical reflection and active practice
- 160028 PR Field trip to Madagascar: Evaluation of the material
- 160041 PS Music Traditions of the Eastern Mediterranean
- 160034 PS Introduction to Ethnomusicology of Amazonia
- 160022 SE Music and violence
- 160023 SE Indigenous music and postcolonialism
B12 VM Systematic Musicology
- 160050 VO Principles of music psychology
- 160052 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Analysis
- 160025 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
- 160053 PR Principles of acoustics
- 160048 PS Interchanges of architectural acoustics and composition
- 160060 SE Application of music in every day life
B13 VM Contemporary Music
- 160030 UE Musical Analysis: Analysis of "extended tonality"
- 160040 PS Contemporary music from 1970 to 2000 between work aesthetics and performance
B14 VM Popular Music
- 160001 VO Introduction to Popular Music (VO, 5 ECTS)
- 160007 VO Music of the World - Overview I
- 160049 VO [ en ] Personalities and history of popular East and Southern African Music
- 160045 VO African Music II
- 160026 VO Composition theory and composition practice
- 160031 UE Musical analysis: The Sounds of Popular Music
- 160042 UE Romani music: theoretical reflection and active practice
- 160041 PS Music Traditions of the Eastern Mediterranean
- 160022 SE Music and violence
- 160056 SE Gender in musicals and music films
B15 VM Source Study, Source Work and Source Criticism
- 160010 UE Introduction to Musical Palaeography
- 160008 UE Mensural Notation in Practice
- 160012 UE Introduction to the study of Italian opera: sources, poetics, language and dramaturgy
- 160043 PR Applied musicological research for music historians
- 160028 PR Field trip to Madagascar: Evaluation of the material
- 160082 PS Musikkulturelles Handeln am Hof und in der Aristokratie um 1800
- 160018 PS The Mellon Chansonnier - Materialität, Repertoire und Bedeutung eines Liederbuchs für Prinzessin Beatrix von Aragon (ca. 1475/76)
- 160035 SE Johann Joseph Fux
B16 EM Music and Society
- 160001 VO Introduction to Popular Music (VO, 5 ECTS)
- 160045 VO African Music II
- 160049 VO [ en ] Personalities and history of popular East and Southern African Music
- 160055 VO Viennese court chapel(s) in the context of music history in central europe (ca. 1600-1918)
- 160007 VO Music of the World - Overview I
- 160017 UE Between transfer and transformation - (lecture series)
- 160042 UE Romani music: theoretical reflection and active practice
- 160034 PS Introduction to Ethnomusicology of Amazonia
- 160057 PS Music during national socialism
- 160041 PS Music Traditions of the Eastern Mediterranean
- 160082 PS Musikkulturelles Handeln am Hof und in der Aristokratie um 1800
- 160011 SE Opera in Vienna in the Theresian era
- 160022 SE Music and violence
- 160023 SE Indigenous music and postcolonialism
- 160032 SE Music productions (including opera) for children
- 160033 SE Klavier- und Liederzyklen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts - aus Sicht der Gattungs-, Interpretations- und Rezeptionsgeschichte
- 160035 SE Johann Joseph Fux
- 160060 SE Application of music in every day life
B17 EM Analysis and Theoretical Interpretation of Music
- 160026 VO Composition theory and composition practice
- 160012 UE Introduction to the study of Italian opera: sources, poetics, language and dramaturgy
- 160031 UE Musical analysis: The Sounds of Popular Music
- 160008 UE Mensural Notation in Practice
- 160058 UE Musik und Emotion von Orpheus bis L'Orfeo
- 160030 UE Musical Analysis: Analysis of "extended tonality"
- 160054 UE Ricercar 1500-1650
- 160037 UE Harmony 2
- 160018 PS The Mellon Chansonnier - Materialität, Repertoire und Bedeutung eines Liederbuchs für Prinzessin Beatrix von Aragon (ca. 1475/76)
- 160040 PS Contemporary music from 1970 to 2000 between work aesthetics and performance
- 160041 PS Music Traditions of the Eastern Mediterranean
- 160033 SE Klavier- und Liederzyklen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts - aus Sicht der Gattungs-, Interpretations- und Rezeptionsgeschichte
- 160035 SE Johann Joseph Fux
- 160044 SE Regimes, indexes, catalogues etc.: Representation in musicology
B18 EM Music Philosophy, Music Aesthetics and Musical Hermeneutics
- 160026 VO Composition theory and composition practice
- 160055 VO Viennese court chapel(s) in the context of music history in central europe (ca. 1600-1918)
- 160039 VO [ de en ] Music and Book Culture in 16th-Century Europe
- 160017 UE Between transfer and transformation - (lecture series)
- 160058 UE Musik und Emotion von Orpheus bis L'Orfeo
- 160012 UE Introduction to the study of Italian opera: sources, poetics, language and dramaturgy
- 160040 PS Contemporary music from 1970 to 2000 between work aesthetics and performance
- 160048 PS Interchanges of architectural acoustics and composition
- 160034 PS Introduction to Ethnomusicology of Amazonia
- 160011 SE Opera in Vienna in the Theresian era
- 160032 SE Music productions (including opera) for children
- 160044 SE Regimes, indexes, catalogues etc.: Representation in musicology
B19 EM Current Musicology
- 160001 VO Introduction to Popular Music (VO, 5 ECTS)
- 160039 VO [ de en ] Music and Book Culture in 16th-Century Europe
- 160025 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
- 160017 UE Between transfer and transformation - (lecture series)
- 160042 UE Romani music: theoretical reflection and active practice
- 160052 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Analysis
- 160034 PS Introduction to Ethnomusicology of Amazonia
- 160057 PS Music during national socialism
- 160040 PS Contemporary music from 1970 to 2000 between work aesthetics and performance
- 160048 PS Interchanges of architectural acoustics and composition
- 160022 SE Music and violence
- 160023 SE Indigenous music and postcolonialism
- 160060 SE Application of music in every day life
- 160056 SE Gender in musicals and music films
- 160044 SE Regimes, indexes, catalogues etc.: Representation in musicology
B20 EM Applied Musicology I
- 160039 VO [ de en ] Music and Book Culture in 16th-Century Europe
- 160052 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Analysis
- 160025 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
- 160016 PR Writing about music: programme, concert introduction, music criticism
- 160028 PR Field trip to Madagascar: Evaluation of the material
- 160043 PR Applied musicological research for music historians
- 160046 PR Information Processing in Archives and Libraries
- 160048 PS Interchanges of architectural acoustics and composition
- 160060 SE Application of music in every day life
- 160044 SE Regimes, indexes, catalogues etc.: Representation in musicology
Master Musicology (836)
Alternative Compulsory Modules (30 ECTS)
M01 Alternative Compulsory Module 1 (30 ECTS)
- 160039 VO [ de en ] Music and Book Culture in 16th-Century Europe
- 160055 VO Viennese court chapel(s) in the context of music history in central europe (ca. 1600-1918)
- 160026 VO Composition theory and composition practice
- 160008 UE Mensural Notation in Practice
- 160012 UE Introduction to the study of Italian opera: sources, poetics, language and dramaturgy
- 160054 UE Ricercar 1500-1650
- 160058 UE Musik und Emotion von Orpheus bis L'Orfeo
- 160035 SE Johann Joseph Fux
- 160032 SE Music productions (including opera) for children
- 160033 SE Klavier- und Liederzyklen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts - aus Sicht der Gattungs-, Interpretations- und Rezeptionsgeschichte
- 160011 SE Opera in Vienna in the Theresian era
M02 Alternative Compulsory Module 2 (30 ECTS)
- 160026 VO Composition theory and composition practice
- 160045 VO African Music II
- 160049 VO [ en ] Personalities and history of popular East and Southern African Music
- 160055 VO Viennese court chapel(s) in the context of music history in central europe (ca. 1600-1918)
- 160012 UE Introduction to the study of Italian opera: sources, poetics, language and dramaturgy
- 160054 UE Ricercar 1500-1650
- 160042 UE Romani music: theoretical reflection and active practice
- 160028 PR Field trip to Madagascar: Evaluation of the material
- 160011 SE Opera in Vienna in the Theresian era
- 160022 SE Music and violence
- 160023 SE Indigenous music and postcolonialism
- 160033 SE Klavier- und Liederzyklen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts - aus Sicht der Gattungs-, Interpretations- und Rezeptionsgeschichte
- 160056 SE Gender in musicals and music films
M03 Alternative Compulsory Module 3 (30 ECTS)
- 160026 VO Composition theory and composition practice
- 160055 VO Viennese court chapel(s) in the context of music history in central europe (ca. 1600-1918)
- 160045 VO African Music II
- 160049 VO [ en ] Personalities and history of popular East and Southern African Music
- 160050 VO Principles of music psychology
- 160025 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
- 160012 UE Introduction to the study of Italian opera: sources, poetics, language and dramaturgy
- 160054 UE Ricercar 1500-1650
- 160042 UE Romani music: theoretical reflection and active practice
- 160052 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Analysis
- 160028 PR Field trip to Madagascar: Evaluation of the material
- 160056 SE Gender in musicals and music films
- 160011 SE Opera in Vienna in the Theresian era
- 160022 SE Music and violence
- 160023 SE Indigenous music and postcolonialism
- 160035 SE Johann Joseph Fux
- 160060 SE Application of music in every day life
M04 Alternative Compulsory Module 4 (30 ECTS)
- 160026 VO Composition theory and composition practice
- 160055 VO Viennese court chapel(s) in the context of music history in central europe (ca. 1600-1918)
- 160045 VO African Music II
- 160039 VO [ de en ] Music and Book Culture in 16th-Century Europe
- 160049 VO [ en ] Personalities and history of popular East and Southern African Music
- 160008 UE Mensural Notation in Practice
- 160054 UE Ricercar 1500-1650
- 160058 UE Musik und Emotion von Orpheus bis L'Orfeo
- 160042 UE Romani music: theoretical reflection and active practice
- 160012 UE Introduction to the study of Italian opera: sources, poetics, language and dramaturgy
- 160028 PR Field trip to Madagascar: Evaluation of the material
- 160056 SE Gender in musicals and music films
- 160011 SE Opera in Vienna in the Theresian era
- 160022 SE Music and violence
- 160023 SE Indigenous music and postcolonialism
- 160032 SE Music productions (including opera) for children
- 160033 SE Klavier- und Liederzyklen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts - aus Sicht der Gattungs-, Interpretations- und Rezeptionsgeschichte
- 160035 SE Johann Joseph Fux
- 160060 SE Application of music in every day life
M05 Alternative Compulsory Module 5 (30 ECTS)
- 160055 VO Viennese court chapel(s) in the context of music history in central europe (ca. 1600-1918)
- 160045 VO African Music II
- 160039 VO [ de en ] Music and Book Culture in 16th-Century Europe
- 160049 VO [ en ] Personalities and history of popular East and Southern African Music
- 160026 VO Composition theory and composition practice
- 160008 UE Mensural Notation in Practice
- 160052 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Analysis
- 160012 UE Introduction to the study of Italian opera: sources, poetics, language and dramaturgy
- 160054 UE Ricercar 1500-1650
- 160058 UE Musik und Emotion von Orpheus bis L'Orfeo
- 160025 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
- 160042 UE Romani music: theoretical reflection and active practice
- 160028 PR Field trip to Madagascar: Evaluation of the material
- 160056 SE Gender in musicals and music films
- 160011 SE Opera in Vienna in the Theresian era
- 160022 SE Music and violence
- 160023 SE Indigenous music and postcolonialism
- 160032 SE Music productions (including opera) for children
- 160033 SE Klavier- und Liederzyklen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts - aus Sicht der Gattungs-, Interpretations- und Rezeptionsgeschichte
- 160035 SE Johann Joseph Fux
- 160060 SE Application of music in every day life
- 160044 SE Regimes, indexes, catalogues etc.: Representation in musicology
Elective Modules (60 ECTS)
M06 History of European Music before 1600 (10 ECTS)
- 160039 VO [ de en ] Music and Book Culture in 16th-Century Europe
- 160008 UE Mensural Notation in Practice
- 160054 UE Ricercar 1500-1650
- 160058 UE Musik und Emotion von Orpheus bis L'Orfeo
- 160043 PR Applied musicological research for music historians
M07 History of European Music after 1600 (10 ECTS)
- 160055 VO Viennese court chapel(s) in the context of music history in central europe (ca. 1600-1918)
- 160026 VO Composition theory and composition practice
- 160012 UE Introduction to the study of Italian opera: sources, poetics, language and dramaturgy
- 160054 UE Ricercar 1500-1650
- 160043 PR Applied musicological research for music historians
- 160035 SE Johann Joseph Fux
- 160011 SE Opera in Vienna in the Theresian era
- 160032 SE Music productions (including opera) for children
- 160056 SE Gender in musicals and music films
M08 Ethnomusicology (10 ECTS)
- 160045 VO African Music II
- 160049 VO [ en ] Personalities and history of popular East and Southern African Music
- 160026 VO Composition theory and composition practice
- 160042 UE Romani music: theoretical reflection and active practice
- 160028 PR Field trip to Madagascar: Evaluation of the material
- 160023 SE Indigenous music and postcolonialism
- 160022 SE Music and violence
M09 Systematic Musicology (10 ECTS)
- 160050 VO Principles of music psychology
- 160052 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Analysis
- 160025 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
- 160060 SE Application of music in every day life
M10 Contemporary Music (10 ECTS)
M11 Popular Music (10 ECTS)
- 160045 VO African Music II
- 160049 VO [ en ] Personalities and history of popular East and Southern African Music
- 160026 VO Composition theory and composition practice
- 160042 UE Romani music: theoretical reflection and active practice
- 160056 SE Gender in musicals and music films
- 160023 SE Indigenous music and postcolonialism
- 160022 SE Music and violence
M12 Source Study, Source Work and Source Criticism (10 ECTS)
- 160008 UE Mensural Notation in Practice
- 160012 UE Introduction to the study of Italian opera: sources, poetics, language and dramaturgy
- 160043 PR Applied musicological research for music historians
- 160028 PR Field trip to Madagascar: Evaluation of the material
- 160035 SE Johann Joseph Fux
M13 Music and Society (10 ECTS)
- 160045 VO African Music II
- 160049 VO [ en ] Personalities and history of popular East and Southern African Music
- 160055 VO Viennese court chapel(s) in the context of music history in central europe (ca. 1600-1918)
- 160017 UE Between transfer and transformation - (lecture series)
- 160042 UE Romani music: theoretical reflection and active practice
- 160011 SE Opera in Vienna in the Theresian era
- 160022 SE Music and violence
- 160033 SE Klavier- und Liederzyklen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts - aus Sicht der Gattungs-, Interpretations- und Rezeptionsgeschichte
- 160035 SE Johann Joseph Fux
- 160060 SE Application of music in every day life
- 160032 SE Music productions (including opera) for children
M14 Analysis and Theoretical Interpretation of Music (10 ECTS)
- 160026 VO Composition theory and composition practice
- 160012 UE Introduction to the study of Italian opera: sources, poetics, language and dramaturgy
- 160008 UE Mensural Notation in Practice
- 160054 UE Ricercar 1500-1650
- 160058 UE Musik und Emotion von Orpheus bis L'Orfeo
- 160044 SE Regimes, indexes, catalogues etc.: Representation in musicology
- 160033 SE Klavier- und Liederzyklen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts - aus Sicht der Gattungs-, Interpretations- und Rezeptionsgeschichte
- 160035 SE Johann Joseph Fux
M15 Music Philosophy, Music Aesthetics and Musical Hermeneutics (10 ECTS)
- 160039 VO [ de en ] Music and Book Culture in 16th-Century Europe
- 160055 VO Viennese court chapel(s) in the context of music history in central europe (ca. 1600-1918)
- 160026 VO Composition theory and composition practice
- 160012 UE Introduction to the study of Italian opera: sources, poetics, language and dramaturgy
- 160017 UE Between transfer and transformation - (lecture series)
- 160058 UE Musik und Emotion von Orpheus bis L'Orfeo
- 160011 SE Opera in Vienna in the Theresian era
- 160032 SE Music productions (including opera) for children
- 160044 SE Regimes, indexes, catalogues etc.: Representation in musicology
M16 Current Musicology (10 ECTS)
- 160045 VO African Music II
- 160039 VO [ de en ] Music and Book Culture in 16th-Century Europe
- 160049 VO [ en ] Personalities and history of popular East and Southern African Music
- 170301 VO Lecture on the History of Theatre - Theatre of the Weimar Republic
- 170121 UE Practical Course "Performance and Staging Analysis"
- 170721 UE Performance on the Fringes. Theater and Survival
- 160017 UE Between transfer and transformation - (lecture series)
- 160042 UE Romani music: theoretical reflection and active practice
- 170530 UE En pointe: Dance and Gender Studies. An Introduction
- 160056 SE Gender in musicals and music films
- 160044 SE Regimes, indexes, catalogues etc.: Representation in musicology
- 160022 SE Music and violence
- 160023 SE Indigenous music and postcolonialism
- 160060 SE Application of music in every day life
M17 Applied Musicology (10 ECTS)
- 160039 VO [ de en ] Music and Book Culture in 16th-Century Europe
- 160028 PR Field trip to Madagascar: Evaluation of the material
- 160046 PR Information Processing in Archives and Libraries
- 160016 PR Writing about music: programme, concert introduction, music criticism
- 160043 PR Applied musicological research for music historians
- 160044 SE Regimes, indexes, catalogues etc.: Representation in musicology
- 160060 SE Application of music in every day life
Master Seminar Module (3 ECTS)
M18 Master Seminar Module (3 ECTS)
- 160006 MA M18 Research Seminar for Master Candidates (MA, pi, 3 ECTS)
- 160021 MA Research Seminar for Master
- 160024 MA Research Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 160027 MA Research Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 160029 MA Research seminar for master candidates
- 160036 MA Research Seminar for Master and Doctoral Candidates
- 160063 MA Research Seminar for Master Candidates
Recommended Lectures offered at other Universities
- 160062 VO Mentoring - StEOP Musicology
MUK Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
Extension Curriculum Popular Music (660 [2] - Version 2016)
POM1 Popular Music - Introduction (5 ECTS)
POM2 Popular Music - Selected Examples (10 ECTS)
- 160007 VO Music of the World - Overview I
- 160026 VO Composition theory and composition practice
- 160045 VO African Music II
- 160049 VO [ en ] Personalities and history of popular East and Southern African Music
Extension Curriculum World Music (161 [2] - Version 2016)
MDW1 Overview of Ethnomusicology (4 ECTS)
- 160004 VO Overview of Ethnomusicology
MDW2 Overview of the Musics of the World (12 ECTS)
- 160007 VO Music of the World - Overview I
- 160020 VO Introduction to Ethnomusicology
- 160026 VO Composition theory and composition practice
- 160045 VO African Music II
- 160049 VO [ en ] Personalities and history of popular East and Southern African Music
Extension Curriculum European History of Music (162 [2] - Version 2016)
EMG1 Overview of Historical Musicology (4 ECTS)
- 160005 VO Survey in Historical Musicology
EMG2 European History of Music (12 ECTS)
- 160014 VO Principles of music after 1600
- 160026 VO Composition theory and composition practice
- 160039 VO [ de en ] Music and Book Culture in 16th-Century Europe
- 160047 VO Music History III
- 160055 VO Viennese court chapel(s) in the context of music history in central europe (ca. 1600-1918)
Extension Curriculum Musical Acoustics and Auditory Perception (169 [2] - Version 2016)
MAK1 Overview of Systematic Musicology (4 ECTS)
- 160003 VO Overview of Systematic Musicology
MAK2 Principles of Musical Acoustics and Phenomena of Auditory Perception (11 ECTS)
- 160019 VO Introduction to Systematic Musicology
- 160050 VO Principles of music psychology
- 160052 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Analysis
- 160025 UE Wonderful World of Musical Acoustics: Synthesis
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:33