- 070009 SE Seminar - Textiles, clothes and fashion in the display of authority and lordship - Relics in the Middle Ages
- 070096 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - History of Sexuality from the Early Modern Times to the Present
- 070122 KU Cultural Diversity: An Experiment
- 070123 KU [ en ] Knowledge representation and management
- 070124 SE [ en ] Seminar - "Presidents above Party": Origins and Foundations of the American Presidency, 1789-1829
- 070128 SE Seminar Specialisation 2 - Economic History and Globalisation
- 070149 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Historical dimensions of global migration control and global regimes
- 070160 SE [ en ] Seminar - The medieval Near East and Europe according to Muslims, Christians, and Jews: comparative perspectives
- 070163 KU Course
- 070171 KU [ en ] Course - Open Research/Science for digital humanities/interdisciplinary studies
- 070172 SE Seminar - Europe in the Early Middle Ages - Europa im Frühmittelalter
- 070173 SE Seminar (PM4) - Jewish Cultural Spaces in the Middle Ages - Stadt und Hof im Text. Das "Wienerische Diarium" und seine Textstrategie im 18. Jahrhundert
- 070180 SE [ en ] Seminar - Food and War (1917-1956). Instant Coffee, Spam, Chewing Gum and, Candy Bombers. Combat food design
- 070184 SE [ en ] Seminar - Oral History / Autobiography and Personal Narratives of Women
- 070188 SE Seminar (PM4) - Gender history of Russia and the Soviet Union in the 20th Century
- 070203 SE Seminar (PM4) - Jewish Cultural Spaces in the Middle Ages - Jüdische Kulturräume im Mittelalter
- 070204 SE Seminar (PM4) - Brexit and a "disunited kindom" - seen within the framwork of the constitutional history of Britain
- 070221 SE Seminar (PM4) - "Spaces in between": Dinge, Menschen, Konzepte (18. Jh. und 19. Jh.). Dynamische, soziale, inhaltliche und prozessorale Dimensionen der Wissensproduktion
- 070231 SE Seminar (PM4) - "Weltwende" 1917
- 070256 SE Seminar (PM4) - Revolutions in European History since 1917 (Vienna-Budapest Special Seminar)
- 070287 SE [ en ] Seminar - Themes in the History of the British Empire - Themes in the History of the British Empire
- 070294 SE Seminar (PM4) - Emotions in Premodern Europe (600-1700)
- 070296 SE Seminar (PM4) - Triumph in der Buckligen Welt: Oral History
- 070300 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Slawische Urkunden im mittelalterlichen Südosteuropa
- 070339 SE Seminar (PM4) - Critical Whiteness Studies in Global and Gender History: Key texts
- 070341 SE Seminar (PM4)
- 070346 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Science and Colonialism in European History
- 070070 SE Seminar (PM4) - From Pre-Code Hollywood to Film Noir II: Women in front of and behind the camera
- 010026 SE Basics and methods for Church History - An Introduction
- 010104 SE "Who we are". Christianity, Catholicism and Migration in modern times
- 040055 SE [ en ] Historiography of Economic Ideas and Theories of Scientific Progress (MA)
- 060011 SE Gender, culture, politics and Judaism in recent Israeli tv-series
- 060012 VO Jewish Image in American Film
- 070011 SE Seminar - Kinship as social relation and as arena of conflict
- 070340 SE Seminar (PM4) - What were "women´s movements"? Analyzing formations of feminist protest
- 070352 SE Seminar (PM4) - Peace Movements and Antimilitarism in the "long" 19th century
- 070370 SE Seminar (PM4) - Migration in, aus und nach Südosteuropa im langen 20. Jahrhundert
- 090027 SE Byzantine Literature (SE)
- 090062 SE [ en ] Byzantine History (SE)
- 090063 SE Modern Greek History (SE)
- 140076 SE Atlantic Africa, African Atlantic: Continent, Diaspora, and the Role of Melville Herskovits - Kontinent, Diaspora und die Rolle von Melville Herskovits
- 140254 SE Popular Culture and Social Media in Contemporary Africa
- 240039 SE SE Topics of Gender Studies - 'Männlichkeit' als intersektionales Konstrukt
- 240040 SE [ en ] Schwerpunktthema II / Critical Media Analysis - Talking It Over: Gender(s) in Dialogue/Dialogues on Gender - Poststructuralist & Postmodernist Perspectives in Theory, Literature and Film
Last modified: Tu 15.03.2022 01:38