Universität Wien

Alternative compulsory module group: Zoology (120 ECTS)

300275 UE Animal Physiology Laboratory 1 - Reproduction, Metabolism and Immunology
300101 UE Practical training in determination native animals - Morphology, systematics and diversity of Central European animals
300301 UE Central European habitat types - in mehreren Parallelen
300096 EX Zoological basic excursions - (parallel courses)
300025 VO [de en] Fundamentals in Limnology
300036 VO [en] Molecular Evolution
300495 VO Ecophysiology
301037 VO [en] Cellbiology
301123 VO [en] Gene expression
301322 VO Neurobiology
330019 VO Basics in Human Physiology - für das Lehramtstudium Haushaltsökonomie und Ernährung
300087 UE From viruses to animals - nutritional interactions in the sea - Who eats whom in ten days at the sea
300088 UE Practical Course: Vertebrates - Comparative Morphology of Vertebrates
300106 UE DNA Barcoding - a new approach to species identification in ecology and biodiversity research - Ein neuer Weg zur Artidentifikation in der Ökologie und Biodiversitätsforschung
300222 UE Sea turtles - Protection of sea turtles in Turkey. Project in applied nature conservation.
300119 PP Animal communities of Central European floodplain forests - effects of flooding regime and meadow
300122 PP [en] Practical course: Current topics in Bio-Oceanography: Role of Plastics in the Ocean - a two weeks course at a marine station in the Mediterranean Sea
300703 PP Animal Acoustic Signals - Animal Acoustic Signals

Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:29