Master Urgeschichte und Historische Archäologie (801 [3] - Version 2017)
Pflichtmodul 1 "Seminar Theorie und Methodik" (5 ECTS)
- 060059 SE [ en ] Seminar Theory and Methods of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology - Materiality and material engagement theory
- 060060 SE Seminar Theory and Methods of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology - Interpretation of archaeological prospection data
Pflichtmodul 2 "Seminar Urgeschichte" (5 ECTS)
- 060062 SE SE Prehistory - The Architecture of Fortifications oft he Iron Age
Pflichtmodul 3 "Seminar Frühgeschichte und Historische Archäologie" (5 ECTS)
- 060063 SE SE Early History/Historical Archaeologies - Vikings
Pflichtmodul 4 "Seminar Forschungsbereich" (5 ECTS)
- 060059 SE [ en ] Seminar Theory and Methods of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology - Materiality and material engagement theory
- 060060 SE Seminar Theory and Methods of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology - Interpretation of archaeological prospection data
- 060062 SE SE Prehistory - The Architecture of Fortifications oft he Iron Age
- 060063 SE SE Early History/Historical Archaeologies - Vikings
Pflichtmodul 5 "Angewandtes Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten" (9 ECTS)
- 060064 VU Advanced Scientific Working
- 060065 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060066 SE Personal support tutorials for MA and PhD
- 060067 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060069 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060070 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060072 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060073 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060074 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060075 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060076 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060119 SE Thesis Seminar
Pflichtmodul 6 "Interdisziplinäre Spezialthemen der Kultur- und Naturwissenschaften" (18 ECTS)
- 060077 VO The socalled Situlenart
- 060085 VO Landscape archaeology
- 060110 VO Interdisciplinary Special topics in Cultural Studies and Natural Sciences
- 140283 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: History and Chronology of the Empire of Kush
Pflichtmodul 7 "Interdisziplinäre Methoden der Kultur- und Naturwissenschaften" (18 ECTS)
- 060078 PR Osteoarchaeological Practice - Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten mit menschlichen Skelettresten
- 060079 PR Ground-penetrating radar in practice
- 060082 UE Methods in Palaeolithic Archaeology II - stone tool morphology and archaeometry
- 060083 VU [ en ] Introduction to Historic Landscape Analysis Archaeological Approaches to Historic Landscapes
- 060084 PR [ de en ] Digital documentation of stratigraphic excavations
- 060105 KU Celtic numismatics in the territory of eastern central Europe
- 060111 VU [ en ] Introduction to Environmental Archaeology
- 070068 VU Lecture Series and Exercises - Abbau von exzessivem Nationalismus und Vorurteilen in unserer Gesellschaft interdisziplinäre Beiträge der Universität Wien
- 080105 UE [ en ] Introduction to Sasanian Art and Architecture in Iran based on Archaeological Evidence (224-651 AD) - (224-651 AD)
Pflichtmodul 8 "Berufspraxis" (7 ECTS)
Pflichtmodul 9 "Exkursion Internationaler Kulturraum" (4 ECTS)
- 060086 EX [ en ] Excursion to Western Sicily (8 days)
- 060087 EX Excursion to prehistory and historical sites in Burgundy (France), 4 days
Alternatives Pflichtmodul (10 ECTS)
Alternatives Pflichtmodul 1 "Prospektion und Landschaftsarchäologie" (10 ECTS)
- 060079 PR Ground-penetrating radar in practice
- 060083 VU [ en ] Introduction to Historic Landscape Analysis Archaeological Approaches to Historic Landscapes
- 060084 PR [ de en ] Digital documentation of stratigraphic excavations
- 060085 VO Landscape archaeology
Alternatives Pflichtmodul 2 "Museologie und Sammlungswissenschaften" (10 ECTS)
Alternatives Pflichtmodul 3 "Archäologische Denkmalpflege" (10 ECTS)
Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:29