Master Philosophy (941 [2] - Version 2012)
M1 Mind - World - Language
- 180024 SE philosophy of technology - Cyborgs, Roboter und Künstliche Intelligenz - Technikphilosophische Untersuchungen
- 180030 SE Foundations of Transcendental Logic
- 180054 SE Wittgenstein's "On Certainty"
- 180064 SE Art and Science
- 180099 VO 25/5000 Hegel's negative dialectic
- 180100 SE Memory and Repetition in Kierkegaard, Bergson and Deleuze - Erinnerung und Wiederholung bei Kierkegaard, Bergson und Deleuze
- 180102 VO-L Introduction to Transhuman and Posthumanism
- 180106 SE Morality without guilt?
- 180107 VO-L Memory
- 180108 SE Question of God and question of revelation in Islamic and Christian philosophy of religion
- 180115 SE Philosophy of the social sciences in historical perspective
- 180117 SE [ en ] John Perry "Reference"
- 180121 SE New realistic philosophy of the present
- 180124 SE [ en ] Aristotle's Logic
- 180128 SE Abstraction in the philosophy of mathematics
- 180136 SE Violence, religion, gender - : Philosophical approaches
- 180143 SE Hegel's conceptual logic
M2 Practice - Society - Culture
- 010096 SE Birth of Modernity II: The School of Salamanca and Modern Cosmopolitanism
- 180037 VO But joys all want eternity - Nietzscheanische Meditationen
- 180061 SE [ en ] Social Justice, Discrimination and Affirmative Action
- 180062 SE [ en ] Decision-theories
- 180095 SE Phenomenology of pregnancy and childbirth
- 180101 SE Karl Marx, Capital Vol. I: Results of the Immediate Process of Production.
- 180107 VO-L Memory
- 180113 VO Lecture Series
- 180142 SE Research on the philosophy of the arts - Gérard Genette, The Work of Art. Immanence and Transcendence
M3 Advanced Module (25 ECTS)
M3 A. Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, Media Theory and Philosophy of Technology
- 040066 SE [ en ] Philosophy-Politics-Economics - Epistemological and Methodological Positions in Economics
- 180024 SE philosophy of technology - Cyborgs, Roboter und Künstliche Intelligenz - Technikphilosophische Untersuchungen
- 180064 SE Art and Science
- 180102 VO-L Introduction to Transhuman and Posthumanism
- 180107 VO-L Memory
- 180115 SE Philosophy of the social sciences in historical perspective
- 180117 SE [ en ] John Perry "Reference"
- 180121 SE New realistic philosophy of the present
- 180128 SE Abstraction in the philosophy of mathematics
M3 B. Metaphysics/Ontology, Phenomenology, Philosophy of Mind
- 010123 FS Hegel’s Science of Logic
- 180030 SE Foundations of Transcendental Logic
- 180052 SE [ en ] The Self: Contemporary Philosophical Perspectives
- 180095 SE Phenomenology of pregnancy and childbirth
- 180099 VO 25/5000 Hegel's negative dialectic
- 180100 SE Memory and Repetition in Kierkegaard, Bergson and Deleuze - Erinnerung und Wiederholung bei Kierkegaard, Bergson und Deleuze
- 180107 VO-L Memory
- 180143 SE Hegel's conceptual logic
M3 C. Philosophy of Language/Hermeneutics, Logic
- 040066 SE [ en ] Philosophy-Politics-Economics - Epistemological and Methodological Positions in Economics
- 180030 SE Foundations of Transcendental Logic
- 180053 SE Issues of Post-Truth
- 180065 FS Wittgenstein and aesthetics
- 180107 VO-L Memory
- 180117 SE [ en ] John Perry "Reference"
- 180124 SE [ en ] Aristotle's Logic
- 180143 SE Hegel's conceptual logic
- 180157 SE Foundations of pragmatics
- 180158 SE Knowledge attributions
M3 D. Ethics/Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Politics, Social Philosophy
- 040066 SE [ en ] Philosophy-Politics-Economics - Epistemological and Methodological Positions in Economics
- 180061 SE [ en ] Social Justice, Discrimination and Affirmative Action
- 180062 SE [ en ] Decision-theories
- 180101 SE Karl Marx, Capital Vol. I: Results of the Immediate Process of Production.
- 180106 SE Morality without guilt?
- 180113 VO Lecture Series
- 180136 SE Violence, religion, gender - : Philosophical approaches
M3 E. Aesthetics, Philosophy of Culture, Intercultural Philosophy/Philosophy in a Global World
- 010019 FS Titel
- 180037 VO But joys all want eternity - Nietzscheanische Meditationen
- 180038 SE Medea: Concepts of Tragedy from ancient to contemporary times
- 180063 SE Image and illusion
- 180064 SE Art and Science
- 180094 SE Art world truth - Heideggers "The origin of the artwork"
- 180107 VO-L Memory
- 180108 SE Question of God and question of revelation in Islamic and Christian philosophy of religion
- 180134 FS Intercultural philosophy focusing on Arabic-Islamic philosophy - And work on the worlds of life and forms of life
- 180142 SE Research on the philosophy of the arts - Gérard Genette, The Work of Art. Immanence and Transcendence
- 180155 SE The theory of the artwork "from the Aesthetic Theory of Adorno.
M4 Individual Specialization (15 ECTS)
M5 Project- and Research Module (25 ECTS)
- 010019 FS Titel
- 010123 FS Hegel’s Science of Logic
- 180052 SE [ en ] The Self: Contemporary Philosophical Perspectives
- 180053 SE Issues of Post-Truth
- 180062 SE [ en ] Decision-theories
- 180063 SE Image and illusion
- 180065 FS Wittgenstein and aesthetics
- 180066 SE-MA Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 180094 SE Art world truth - Heideggers "The origin of the artwork"
- 180098 SE Project
- 180114 SE [ en ] Master Thesis Seminar in Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Science and Knowledge Technologies
- 180130 SE-MA Seminar for Masters and Doctoral Students - Part 2
- 180131 SE-MA Seminar for Master Candidates and PhD Students
- 180134 FS Intercultural philosophy focusing on Arabic-Islamic philosophy - And work on the worlds of life and forms of life
- 180136 SE Violence, religion, gender - : Philosophical approaches
- 180142 SE Research on the philosophy of the arts - Gérard Genette, The Work of Art. Immanence and Transcendence
- 180143 SE Hegel's conceptual logic
- 430006 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 430007 SE-MA Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 430008 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates - to the Practical Philosophy
- 430009 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 430010 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 430012 SE [ de en ] Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 430013 SE [ en ] Seminar for Doctoral Candidates - Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Science, Knowledge, and Innovation
Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:29
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