Universität Wien

Science and Technology Studies

230210 SE [en] Making Security - Science, Technology, and the Governance of Threats
230212 SE [en] Information Infrastructures - designing communities, technologies and knowledge
230213 SE [en] Postcolonial entanglements in global health - an STS perspective
230208 VO [en] Techno-Science and Society: Communicating and Interacting - Central Issues, Questions and Concepts
230211 SE [en] Energy and Big Data - Transition and the Informational Turn in Energy
230212 SE [en] Information Infrastructures - designing communities, technologies and knowledge
230214 SE [en] Science, Technology and 'the Law' - Studying Expert Instiutions at the Intersections of Science and Democracy
230210 SE [en] Making Security - Science, Technology, and the Governance of Threats
230211 SE [en] Energy and Big Data - Transition and the Informational Turn in Energy
230213 SE [en] Postcolonial entanglements in global health - an STS perspective
230214 SE [en] Science, Technology and 'the Law' - Studying Expert Instiutions at the Intersections of Science and Democracy
230215 SE [en] Grounded Theory and Situational Analysis - Methods of Qualitative Analysis
230203 UK Werte und Bewertungen in der Wissenschaft - Zwischen Selbststeuerung und gesellschaftlichen Anforderungen
230204 UK Environment, Risk, Society - science, technology and nature in the time of the anthropocene

Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:29