Applications (25 ECTS)
BA A1 - Areas of Sociological Research and Application (5 ECTS)
- 230020 VO Structure and Development of Mordern Societies - Social Change of the Austrian Society
- 230021 PR Workshop/Excursion: Penetration into the Ethnic Communities - Function and Dysfunction of Ethnic Communities
- 230022 PR Workshop/Excursion: Job Orientation for Students - Beispiele für Arbeitsfelder von SoziologInnen
- 230023 PR Workshop/Study Trips: Career Orientation - Socio-Scientific Research
- 230024 PR Workshop/Excursion: Jobintegration for Youth People in Vienna - Between job coaching and "N.E.E.T.S" - The experience of unemployment
- 230025 PR Workshop/Excursion: Volunteering Roles in Refugee Support
BA A1 - Recommended Lectures of other Departments
- 230162 KU Job Orientation II
BA A2 - Selected Specific Sociology (5 ECTS)
- 230060 VO+SE Applied Organizational Sociology
- 230061 VO+SE Sociology of Technology and Innovation Research
- 230062 VO+SE Family Sociology
- 230063 VO+SE Deviance and Social Control
- 230064 VO+SE Sociology of Environment: Socio-Scientific Theories in the Field of Social Ecology
- 230132 VO+SE Sociology of Media
BA A2 - Recommended Lectures of other Departments
- 230201 UK Science, Publics, Democracy
- 230202 UK Society, Technology, Gender
- 230203 UK Werte und Bewertungen in der Wissenschaft - Zwischen Selbststeuerung und gesellschaftlichen Anforderungen
- 230204 UK Environment, Risk, Society - science, technology and nature in the time of the anthropocene
BA A3 - Project Design and Research Laboratory (15 ECTS)
- 230030 FPR [ de en ] Research Practice 1: Social policy in comparative perspective - With a focus on social and territorial cohesion in European comparison
- 230031 FPR Research Practice 1: Spatial mobility and traffic - Different contexts of mobility between sustainability, safety and technology
- 230032 FPR Research Practice 1: Sociology of Health and Illness
- 230033 FPR FPR Research Practice 2: Democratization and Radicalization in Europe
- 230034 FPR FPR Research Practice 2: The many faces of labour
- 230035 FPR FPR Research Practice 2: Security Society - Development and prospects of control culture
- 230036 FPR FPR Research Practice 2: Food Trends - Changes in nutritional behavior
- 230037 FPR FPR Research Practice 2: Research with visual methods
- 230038 KU Research Design - Bachelor thesis
- 230039 KU Research Design - Bachelor thesis
Last modified: Fr 29.06.2018 00:29