Universität Wien

Bachelor History of Art (635 [2] - Version 2011)

m.K. = mittlere Kunstgeschichte, n.K. = neuere Kunstgeschichte, nst.K = neueste Kunstgeschichte, zeu.K. = zentraleuropäische Kunstgeschichte, au.K. = außereuropäische Kunstgeschichte, byz.K. = byzantinische Kunstgeschichte.
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Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)

BM 1 Introductory Course History of Art (5 ECTS)

BM 2 Introduction to History of Art I (5 ECTS)

BM 3 Introduction to History of Art II (5 ECTS)

Epochs (20 ECTS)

BM 4 Medieval Age I (from Late Antiquity through the Romanesque Period) (5 ECTS)

BM 5 Medieval Age II (Gothic and Late Gothic Periods) (5 ECTS)

BM 6 Renaissance and Baroque Periods (5 ECTS)

BM 7 Modern and Contemporary Periods (5 ECTS)

Case Studies (20 ECTS)

BM 8 Case Study I (10 ECTS)

BM 9 Case Study II (5 ECTS)

BM 10 Case Study III (5 ECTS)

Special Topics (20 ECTS)

BM 11 Special Topics A (10 ECTS)

BM 12 Special Topics B (10 ECTS)

In-Depth Studies (20 ECTS)

BM 13 Methods/Theories in History of Art (5 ECTS)

BM 14 Fields of Practice in History of Art (5 ECTS)

BM 15 Individual Specialisation (10 ECTS)

Final Stage (25 ECTS)

BM 16 Art in Vienna (5 ECTS)

BM 17 Seminar and Bachelor's Thesis I (10 ECTS)

BM 18 Seminar and Bachelor's Thesis II (10 ECTS)

Last modified: Fr 11.01.2019 00:31