M2a Introduction to the Research Process. Designs and Methods I (8 ECTS)
- 070065 PS BA-Proseminar - Gender history of work
- 070121 PS BA-Proseminar - Wehrmacht as a topic in scientific and public discourse - Die Wehrmacht als Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher und medialer Darstellungen und Debatten
- 070163 PS BA-Proseminar - Arms Control and Disarmament from the late 19. Century to the Present
- 070245 PS BA-Proseminar - Russia from Yeltsin to Putin - Politics, Economy, Society
- 070280 PS BA-Proseminar - Bourgeois liberal society
- 070320 KU Methodenkurs Zeitgeschichte und Medien
- 070342 PS BA-Proseminar
- 070358 PS BA-Proseminar - The Cold War in Southeast Europe
Last modified: Fr 11.01.2019 00:31