Bachelor of Education Psychology and Philosophy (054 425)
UF PP 01 Study Entrance and Orientation Phase (6 ECTS)
UF PP 01.1 STEOP Introduction to Psychology (3 ECTS)
- 180002 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Psychology
UF PP 01.2 Introduction to Philosophy (3 ECTS)
- EXAM COMM Introduction to Philosophy
- 180080 VO ( OV STEOP ) Introduction to Philosophy
Mandatory Modules in Psychology (35 ECTS)
UF PP 02 Foundations of Psychology A
UF PP 02.1 Lecture Course: General Psychology 1
- 200011 VO EC General Psychology I
UF PP 02.2 Lecture Course: General Psychology 2
UF PP 02.3 Lecture Course: Social Psychology
- 200016 VO EC Basics of Social Psychology
UF PP 03 Foundations of Psychology B (6 ECTS)
UF PP 03.1 Lecture Course: Developmental Psychology
- 200012 VO EC Developmental Psychology I
UF PP 03.2 Lecture Course: Differential Psychology
- 180149 VO Differential Psychology
UF PP 04 Ambits of Psychology (9 ECTS)
UF PP 04.1 Lecture Course: Clinical Psychology
- 200010 VO EC Clinical Psychology
UF PP 04.2 Lecture Course: Work-, Organisational-, and/or Business Psychology
UF PP 04.3 Lecture Course: Educational Psychology and Evaluation
UF PP 05 Advanced Psychology (11 ECTS)
UF PP 05.1 Experiments in Teaching Psychology (Seminar)
- 180125 SE Experiments in Psychology Lessons
UF PP 05.2 Introduction in Statistics and Scientific Methodology (Seminar)
UF PP 05.3 Advanced Seminar (5 ECTS)
- 180127 SE Advanced Seminar
Mandatory Modules in Philosophy (35 ECTS)
UF PP 06 Learning Philosophy
UF PP 06.1 Lecture Course: Intro to Academic Writing for Teachers (2 ECTS)
UF PP 06.2 Exercise Course: Rhetoric and Argumentation-Theory
UF PP 06.3 Introductory Seminar with Close Readings
- 180021 LPS Hobbes: Leviathan
- 180031 LPS Horkheimer/Adorno: Dialectic of Enlightenment
- 180131 LPS Hans Jonas - The Imperative of Responsibility
- 180147 LPS Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics
UF PP 07 History of Philosophy - For the Teaching Post
UF PP 07.1 Lecture Course: History of Philosophy I (Antiquity) (3 ECTS)
- 010132 VO Ancient Philosophy
UF PP 07.2 Lecture Course: History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modern Period) (3 ECTS)
- 010028 VO Medieval philosophy
UF PP 07.3 Lecture Course: History of Philosophy III (Modern Period) (3 ECTS)
- 180012 VO History of Philosophy III - for Teachers
UF PP 08 Theoretical Philosophy (8 ECTS)
UF PP 08.1 Lecture Course: Epistemology or Philosophy of Science
- 180014 VO Introduction to Philosophy of Science
- 180028 VO Introduction to Epistemology
- 180168 VO Introduction to Epistemology
UF PP 08.2 SE Metaphysics/Ontology, Philosophy of Media or Technology, Philosophy of Science
- 180042 SE Media Workshop: Tolerance
- 180043 SE Technological Utopias
- 180057 SE Philosophical Anthropology and Ontology
- 180124 SE Neo-Kantianism between philosophy of science and philosophy of culture (Cohen, Cassirer, Rickert)
- 180156 SE Aristotle: De anima
- 180170 SE Introduction to the Media Philosophy
- 180176 SE Philosophy of Science
- 180180 KU Jean-Paul Sartre - The Being and the Nothingness
UF PP 09 Practical Philosophy (8 ECTS)
UF PP 09.1 Lecture Course in Ethics
- 010026 VO Ethics I -Introduction into ethics
UF PP 09.2 SE Ethics, Applied Ethics, Anthropology, Social/Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Law
- 180047 SE Cultural Theory - Zur Politik der kulturellen Identität
- 180048 SE [ en ] Global Warming and Intercultural Philosophical Approach
- 180058 SE Philosophy of religion - Dialogue and global ethics from a philosophical point of view
- 180062 KU Readings in Philosophy & Medicine
- 180064 SE Political Utopies
- 180065 SE Plato, Politeia
- 180093 SE Ethics in Theory and Practice: Approaches, Topics, Methods
- 180119 SE Ethics, Human Rights and Justice in Psychoanalysis - Freud’s investigations into ethics
- 180120 SE Age-Disease-Dying - Philosophisch-medizinische und ethische Probleme in der Geriatrie
- 180155 SE Ludwig Feuerbach, Humanity
- 180177 SE ( KPH Krems ) Creating better people? - Human Enhancement and other ethical challenges
UF PP 10 Manatory Module in PP Didactics (10 ECTS)
UF PP 10.1 Lecture Course: Introduction to PP Didactics
- 180142 VO Introduction to Subject Didactics PP
UF PP 10.2 SE Didactics for Psychology
- 180135 SE Didactics in Psychology
UF PP 10.3 Didactics for Philosophy
- 180137 SE Didactics of Philosophy
UF PP 11 Electives (10 ECTS)
- 010023 VO Basic Course Philosophical Anthropology
- 010029 SE Religion in (post)secular modernity: Jürgen Habermas and Charles Taylor
- 010083 VO Metaphysics
- 070292 VU Lecture Series and Exercises - Reduction of excessive nationalism and prejudices in society - Interdisziplinäre Beiträge der Universität Wien
- 180001 VO Philosophy and Architecture - Ring lecture series
- 180010 VO Introduction to the Philosophy of Language
- 180014 VO Introduction to Philosophy of Science
- 180022 VO M-03 Fundamentals of Logic
- 180024 UE M-03 Exercise Course in Logic
- 180026 VO-L Introduction to the phenomenological research
- 180027 PS The Philosophy of the Presocratics
- 180028 VO Introduction to Epistemology
- 180030 PS Self-Knowledge and Personal Identity
- 180032 PS Kierkegaard´s Philosophy of Repetition: Time, Freedom and the Becoming of Self
- 180035 PS Pico della Mirandola, De dignitate hominis
- 180036 PS Precarity and Protest
- 180037 PS philosophy of human rights
- 180038 VO Political Philosophy
- 180040 PS Ethics of Technologies - Between Robotics and Synthetic Biology
- 180041 PS G.W. Leibniz: Philosophy of Technology and Sciences
- 180045 VO Knowledge Creation: Epistemological Foundations
- 180046 SE Reading Chinese Philosophy - Confucian Analects; Doctrine of the Mean
- 180049 KU [ en ] Aesthetics in the Context of Indian Philosophies - The Heart as the Place of Aesthetic Receptivity
- 180052 VO Early Analytic Philosophy
- 180059 PS [ en ] Rethinking Art as Strange Tool
- 180060 VO The Variety of Philosophy of Religion - Eine Einführung in die Religionsphilosophie
- 180063 PS [ en ] Self and Normativity - C. Korsgaards "Self-Constitution"
- 180066 VO-L Introduction to Transhuman and Posthumanism
- 180068 SE Fundamental Questions of Existential Analysis
- 180081 VO Introduction to Animal Ethics
- 180090 SE [ en ] Introduction to Applied Ethics and its Methodologies
- 180097 VO Introduction to Psychoanalysis - Depth psychology II
- 180103 SE Live-world and form of life - Two paradigms in the dialogue
- 180109 VO Philosophy as Artistic Research - Artist-Philosophers
- 180114 PS In the Garden of Epicurus
- 180115 VO-L Evil - A fitting category of philosophical ethics respectively morals?
- 180122 VO Relativism in Political Philosophy - Historical and Political Debates
- 180123 VO-L Philosophy of science and the question of research in psychoanalysis. Part 1 - First research trials
- 180150 VO-L What is the basis of ethical obligation - From the 'fact of reason' to the 'claim of the other
- 180164 VO-L Introduction to Theoretical Philosophy - Einführung EC und PP
- 180170 SE Introduction to the Media Philosophy
- 180173 VO Introduction to Applied Ethics
- 180174 VO The Paradox in the Philosophy - Aufbau der Humanistischen Philosophie für eine globale Welt
- 180181 SE Biopolitics and Performative Bio-tatics
- 350194 VO ( KPH Krems ) Introduction to Sport Ethics
- 490236 SE ( KPH Krems ) Wahlbereich aller Teilcurricula
UF PP 12 Teaching Practice for PP (7 ECTS)
UF PP 12.1 Teaching Practice
UF PP 12.2 SE Interdisciplinary Didactics for PP
- 180138 SE Interdisciplinary Didactics
- 180184 SE Interdisciplinary Didactics - Begleit-LV Schulpraxis (Februar geblockt)
Last modified: Fr 11.01.2019 00:31
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