M02 B Ethics in the Context of Life and Health
- 010050 SE Is conscience a good adviser?
- 010071 FS Artificial Intelligence
- 010109 SE Clinical Rounds - Herausforderungen am Ende des Lebens
- 010155 SE Im/Purity and Gender
- 070292 VU Lecture Series and Exercises - Reduction of excessive nationalism and prejudices in society - Interdisziplinäre Beiträge der Universität Wien
- 180026 VO-L Introduction to the phenomenological research
- 180040 PS Ethics of Technologies - Between Robotics and Synthetic Biology
- 180049 KU [ en ] Aesthetics in the Context of Indian Philosophies - The Heart as the Place of Aesthetic Receptivity
- 180057 SE Philosophical Anthropology and Ontology
- 180060 VO The Variety of Philosophy of Religion - Eine Einführung in die Religionsphilosophie
- 180062 KU Readings in Philosophy & Medicine
- 180066 VO-L Introduction to Transhuman and Posthumanism
- 180069 SE Theories of Judgment
- 180081 VO Introduction to Animal Ethics
- 180095 SE [ en ] What is life?
- 180096 SE [ en ] Genetic Engineering: Philosophical and Social Aspects.
- 180097 VO Introduction to Psychoanalysis - Depth psychology II
- 180105 SE [ en ] Being Bound to Others
- 180106 SE [ en ] The Death of the Other
- 180119 SE Ethics, Human Rights and Justice in Psychoanalysis - Freud’s investigations into ethics
- 180120 SE Age-Disease-Dying - Philosophisch-medizinische und ethische Probleme in der Geriatrie
- 180121 SE Productive differences - Positionen feministischer Differenzenphilosophie
- 180123 VO-L Philosophy of science and the question of research in psychoanalysis. Part 1 - First research trials
- 180143 VO Age(ing)
- 180156 SE Aristotle: De anima
- 180172 SE Body and Sexuality in Butler
- 180177 SE ( KPH Krems ) Creating better people? - Human Enhancement and other ethical challenges
- 180181 SE Biopolitics and Performative Bio-tatics
- 180182 SE The Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights of UNESCO
- 280015 PR BA_ERD_12 Chemical Lab Practical (PI)
- 350194 VO ( KPH Krems ) Introduction to Sport Ethics
- 360012 DR [ en ] Moral issues since Vaticanum II
Last modified: Tu 26.11.2024 00:46