Universität Wien

12.01. Anglistik und Amerikanistik

Vorbesprechung für alle Erstsemestrigen: Montag, 28.2., 10 Uhr, Unterrichtsraum.

Die Räumlichkeiten des Instituts für Anglistik und Amerikanistik sowie die Fachbibliothek befinden sich im Universitätscampus AAKH - Hof 8 (Zugang: Rotenhausgasse und Garnisongasse).
Anglistik und Amerikanistik im Internet: http://www.univie.ac.at/Anglistik
Hörsäle: Raum 1 bis 4 und der Unterrichtsraum befinden sich im Erdgeschoß des Instituts; Raum 5 im 1. Stock; das Besprechungszimmer im 2. Stock. Die Hörsäle B sowie C1 und C2 liegen im Campus Hof 2.
Zentralsekretariat: 1. Stock

Bitte beachten: Bei allen Lehrveranstaltungen mit persönlicher Anmeldung (p.A.) ist für eine gültige Teilnahme eine Anmeldung innerhalb der festgesetzten Termine erforderlich. Die verlautbarten Anmeldetermine und Aufnahmevoraussetzungen, sowie der jeweilige Anmeldemodus sind dabei unbedingt einzuhalten.
Entsprechende Informationen (auch hinsichtlich der Sonderbedingungen für berufstätige Studierende) finden Sie im Kommentierten Vorlesungsverzeichnis, das ab Februar online (homepage des Instituts) und in Broschüren-Form im Zentralsekretariat erhältlich ist.
Elektronische Anmeldung zu allen Sprachkompetenz-Kursen mit Ausnahme von Language Analysis und Language Tuition (Fächerkombinierer nach altem Studienplan bzw. fortgeschrittene "Freie Wahlfächler").
Anmeldeformulare sind für die Stufen 112, 113, 114, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125 von Donnerstag. 17.2. 2005 bis Mittwoch, 23.2., 14 Uhr von der homepage des Instituts (s.o.) abrufbar.
Anmeldeformulare für Stufe I (111) von Montag 21.2. bis Montag 28.2., 14 Uhr abrufbar.
Alternativ können während der Anmeldefrist im Zentralsekretariat aufliegende Formulare ausgefüllt und abgegeben oder in den Sekretariatspostkasten geworfen werden.
Achtung: Die Anmeldung wird erst durch Anwesenheit in der ersten Unterrichtswoche definitiv (das sind bei Kursen der Stufe I zwei Unterrichtseinheiten!) Unentschuldigte Abwesenheit hat den Verlust des Platzes zur Folge.
Anmeldung für Sonderfälle (Berufstätige, Betreuung eigener Kinder, Behinderte): bis 17.2. Beachten Sie die Hinweise im Kommentierten Vorlesungsverzeichnis!
Nachmeldungen, Ummeldungen (Sprachkompetenzkurse und Vorlesungskonversatorien): ausschließlich 7.3. - 11.3. im Zentralsekretariat.

Die Anmeldung zu den Vorlesungskonversatorien Language Analysis 102 und Introduction to Cultural Studies 402 erfolgt mittels Anmeldeformular am Mittwoch 2.3., von 10-12 und 13-15 Uhr (Unterrichtsraum). Der Studierendenausweis ist bei der Anmeldung vorzulegen. Die zeitliche Reihenfolge der Anmeldung ist unerheblich!

Anmeldung zu den ARs des ersten und zweiten Studienabschnitts im Zentralsekretariat:
Studierende nach neuem Studienplan: 24.2. - 1.3.
Studierende nach altem Studienplan: 2.3.-4.3.

497601 UE [en] Integrated Language and Study Skills II - Integrated Language and Study Skills II
700627 UE [en] Practical Phonetics: American English - Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills : American English
700655 UE [en] Language in Use II - Language in Use II
703277 UE [en] Language in Use I - Language in Use I
703295 UE [en] Integrated Language and Study Skills II - Integrated Language and Study Skills II
713025 UE [en] Integrated Language and Study Skills I - Integrated Language and Study Skills I
713027 UE [en] Language in Use II - Language in Use II
713073 UE [en] Language in Use II - Language in Use II
713074 VO [en] Language Analysis - Language Analysis 101
713106 UE [en] Integrated Language and Study Skills II - Integrated Language and Study Skills II
713116 UE [en] Practical Phonetics - Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills
713131 UE [en] Practical Phonetics - Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills
713148 UE [en] Language in Use II - Language in Use II
713213 UE [en] Practical Phonetics: American English - Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills: American English
713216 UE [en] Integrated Language and Study Skills I - Integrated Language and Study Skills I
713217 UE [en] Language in Use I - Language in Use I
713229 VK [en] Language Analysis - Language Analysis 102
713246 UE [en] Integrated Language and Study Skills II - Integrated Language and Study Skills II
713255 UE [en] Integrated Language and Study Skills II - Integrated Language and Study Skills II
713256 UE [en] Language in Use I - Language in Use I
713261 UE [en] Language in Use II - Language in Use II
713270 VK [en] Language Analysis - Language Analysis 102
713438 UE [en] Integrated Language and Study Skills I - Integrated Language and Study Skills I
713494 VK Language Analysis - Language Analysis 102
713504 UE [en] Integrated Language and Study Skills II - Integrated Language and Study Skills II
713526 UE [en] Language in Use I - Language in Use I
713537 UE [en] Integrated Language and Study Skills II - Integrated Language and Study Skills II
713603 UE [en] Language in Use II - Language in Use II
713647 UE [en] Integrated Language and Study Skills I - Integrated Language and Study Skills I
713681 VK [en] Language Analysis - Language Analysis 102
713944 UE [en] Integrated Language and Study Skills II - Integrated Language and Study Skills II
763301 UE [en] Integrated Language and Study Skills I - Integrated Language and Study Skills I
763378 UE [en] Practical Phonetics - Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills
763390 UE [en] Practical Phonetics - Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills
763707 UE [en] Integrated Language and Study Skills II - Integrated Language and Study Skills II
793320 UE [en] Practical Phonetics - Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills
700641 PS [en] Introduction to the History of English - Introduction to the History of English
713059 PS [en] Introduction to the History of English - Introduction to the History of English
713075 PS [en] Introduction to the History of English - Introduction to the History of English
713076 PS [en] English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar - English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar
713097 PS [en] Introduction to the History of English - Introduction to the History of English
713121 VO [en] Introduction to the Study of Language I - Introduction to the Study of Language I
713669 VO [en] Introduction to the Study of Language II - Introduction to the Study of Language II
713713 PS [en] English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar - English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar
713801 PS [en] English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar - English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar
763059 PS [en] English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar - English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar
763400 PS [en] Introduction to the History of English - Introduction to the History of English
793276 PS [en] English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar - English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar
703307 PS [en] Literature: Introductory Seminar - Literature: Introductory Seminar
713010 VO [en] Introduction to the Study of Literature in English - Introduction to the Study of Literature in English
713062 VO [en] Survey of Literatures in English I - Survey of Literatures in English I: From Chaucer to 1700
713096 PS [en] Literature: Introductory Seminar - Literature: Introductory Seminar
713127 VO [en] Introduction to the Study of Literature in English - Introduction to the Study of Literature in English
713143 PS [en] Literature: Introductory Seminar - Literature: Introductory Seminar
713296 VO [en] Survey of Literatures in English II - Survey of Literatures in English II: English Literature from the 18th to the 21st Century
713309 VO [en] Survey of Literatures in English I - Survey of Literatures in English I: From the Tudors to the Restoration
713812 PS [en] Literature: Introductory Seminar - Literature: Introductory Seminar
763170 PS [en] Literature: Introductory Seminar - Literature: Introductory Seminar
763697 PS [en] Literature: Introductory Seminar - Literature: Introductory Seminar
713030 AR [en] Approaching ESP Texts - Interdisciplinary Course 501: Approaching ESP Texts
713133 AR [en] Interdisciplinary course 501: Media Studies - Interdisciplinary course 501:Media Studies: An Introduction
713215 AR [en] Gender Equality: Problems and Perspectives - Gender Studies 501: Gender Equality: Problems and Perspectives
713219 VO [en] Cultural and Regional Studies: American Civilizati - Cultural and Regional Studies 404: American Civilization
713384 VO [en] Cultural and Regional Studies 405 - Cultural and Regional Studies 405: Performing National Identity:Irishness
720484 VO [en] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies - Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies
720485 VK [en] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies - Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies 402
720486 VK [en] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies - Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies 402
793254 VK [en] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies - Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies 402
793308 AR [en] Eve's Meta-morphosis - Gender Studies 501: Eve's Meta-morphosis. Phantasmal Re-imaginings of Female Fall and Male Re-creation In Literay and Visual Representation from the 17th to the late 20th century and Its Cultural Implications
713095 UE [en] Introduction to Language Teaching I - Introduction to Language Teaching I
713593 UE [en] Introduction to Language Teaching I - Introduction to Language Teaching I 601
713658 UE [en] Introduction to Language Teaching I - Introduction to Language Teaching I
713911 UE [en] Introduction to Language Teaching I - Introduction to Language Teaching I
720477 UE [en] Introduction to Language Teaching II - Introduction to Language Teaching II
720478 UE [en] Introduction to Language Teaching II - Introduction to Language Teaching II
720479 UE [en] Introduction to Language Teaching II - Introduction to Language Teaching II
713026 UE [en] Advanced Integrated Language Skills II - Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
713037 UE [en] Advanced Integrated Language Skills II - Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
713113 UE [en] Advanced Integrated Language Skills I - Advanced Integrated Language Skills I
713152 UE [en] Practical Translation for Tourism - Topic Related Course 124: Practical Translation for Tourism
713196 UE [en] Language Tuition - Language Tuition 127/128
713202 UE [en] World of Work (ESP) - Topic Related Course 124: World of Work (ESP)
713227 UE [en] Advanced Oral Presentation Skills - Topic Related Course 125: Advanced Oral Presentation Skills
713263 UE [en] Advanced Writing Skills - Topic Related Course 123: Advanced Writing Skills: Tell it Right - Storying from Fact to Fiction
713548 UE Advanced Integrated Language Skills II - Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
713571 UE [en] Advanced Integrated Language Skills I - Advanced Integrated Language Skills I
713702 UE [en] Advanced Oral Presentation Skills - Topic Related Course 125: Advanced Oral Presentation Skills
713900 UE [en] Advanced Integrated Language Skills II - Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
763565 UE [en] Advanced Integrated Language Skills I - Advanced Integrated Language Skills I
763608 UE [en] Advanced Integrated Language Skills II - Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
700653 SE [en] Linguistics Seminar - Linguistics Seminar
713100 SE [en] Linguistics Seminar - Linguistics Seminar
713103 AR [en] Computers, Language and Learning - Linguistics course 225: Computers, Language and Learning
713122 VO [en] Historical English Morphology - Historical English Morphology
713149 AR [en] Linguistics course 225: Adopt a Word - Linguistics course 225: Adopt a Word
713221 SE [en] Linguistics Seminar - Linguistics Seminar
720481 SE [en] Linguistics Seminar - Linguistics Seminar
725358 AR [en] Accent and Attitude - Accent and Attitude
763114 VO [en] Core Lecture Linguistics - Core Lecture Linguistics 221
763192 SE [en] Linguistics Seminar - Linguistics Seminar
713092 SE [en] Literary Seminar - Literary Seminar: Transatlantic Memories in Canadian Fiction
713098 SE [en] Literary Seminar - Literary Seminar
713124 SE [en] Literary Seminar - Literary Seminar
713146 VO [en] "Eden in Jeopardy": Ecological Writings - "Eden in Jeopardy": Ecological Writings in North America from the 18th to the 20th Century
713150 SE [en] Literary Seminar - Literary Seminar
713218 AR [en] Patterns of Language I: Poetry - Patterns of Language I: Poetry
713252 AR [en] A Literary Journey Through England and Wales - Literature Course 325: A Literary Journey Through England and Wales: From the Late Middle Ages to the Romantics.
713258 AR [en] Condition-of-England Plays from the 20th Century - Condition-of-England Plays from the 20th Century
720487 VO [en] English Drama in the 20th Century - English Drama in the 20th Century
763224 AR [en] William Shakespeare and his Tragedies - William Shakespeare and his Tragedies
763686 SE [en] Literary Seminar - Literary Seminar
713171 AR [en] Making Your Movies Mean - Advanced Cultural Studies: Making Your Movies Mean
713250 VO [en] Advanced Cultural Studies: Introduction to Television Studies - Advanced Cultural Studies: Introduction to Television Studies
713260 SE [en] Cultural Studies Seminar - Cultural Studies Seminar
720488 AR [en] Interdisz. Modul 528:The Gothic:Novels a.Movies - Interdisziplinäres Modul 528: The Gothic: Novels and Movies
713095 UE [en] Introduction to Language Teaching I - Introduction to Language Teaching I
713205 UE [en] Begleitende Lehrveranstaltung zum Schulpraktikum - Begleitende Lehrveranstaltung zum Schulpraktikum
713222 UE [en] Words, words: Vocabulary in Language Teaching - Themenspezifischer Kurs Fachdidaktik 624: Words, words, words: Vocabulary in Language Teaching
713244 UE [en] The Visual in Language Teaching - Themenspezifischer Kurs Fachdidaktik 622: The Visual in Language Teaching
713405 UE [en] Methodology and ESP (English für Special Purposes) - Themenspezifischer Kurs Fachdidaktik 623: Methodology and ESP (English für Special Purposes)
713416 AR [en] Principles of ELT Methodology - Principles of ELT Methodology
713427 UE [en] The US in the Context of ELT - Themenspezifischer Kurs Fachdidaktik 623: The US in the Context of ELT
713450 UE [en] Hooked by the book!? - Literature and ELT - Themenspezifischer Kurs Fachdidaktik 622: Hooked by the book!? - Literature and ELT
713593 UE [en] Introduction to Language Teaching I - Introduction to Language Teaching I 601
713658 UE [en] Introduction to Language Teaching I - Introduction to Language Teaching I
713911 UE [en] Introduction to Language Teaching I - Introduction to Language Teaching I
720483 UE [en] Begleitende Lehrveranstaltung zum Schulpraktikum - Begleitende Lehrveranstaltung zum Schulpraktikum
763004 AR [en] Principles of ELT Methodology - Principles of ELT Methodology
713129 SE [en] Special seminar (staff and doctoral students) - Special seminar for staff and doctoral students
713167 SE [en] Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students
713199 SE [en] Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students
713275 SE [en] Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students
720480 SE [en] Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students
713070 UE Language Workout - Language Workout
713151 UE [en] Language Workout - Language Workout
713198 AR [en] Phonetic Transcription - Phonetic Transcription
725357 AR Darstellendes Spiel als Methode - Darstellendes Spiel als Methode
763598 UE [en] Language Workout - Language Workout: Grammar and Writing Skills

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:33