Diploma Teacher Training Programme: Hungarian (382) - discontinued
- 132006 VO The meaning and use of questions
Teacher Training Programme (Hungarian): First Stage
- 132013 UE [ de hu ] Interdisciplinary Teaching Methodology
- 132024 UE [ de hu ] Practical Exercises in Literature Studies including Bachelor's Thesis I
- 132025 UE Practical Exercises in Linguistics including Bachelor's Thesis II
- 132030 VO Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature II
- 132458 UE [ de hu ] Practical Exercises in Literature Studies including Bachelor's Thesis II: - The Reception of Hungarian Literature in the German Speaking World after 1989
- 132462 VO Descriptive Hungarian Grammar I
- 132490 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language IV
- 132493 UE Introduction to academic research, writing and presentation
- 132501 UE Practical Exercises in Finnish Linguistics including Bachelor's Thesis I
- 132507 VO Hungary: History and Culture II
Teacher Training Programme (Hungarian): Subject Didactics
- 132007 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian Teaching Methodology II
- 132013 UE [ de hu ] Interdisciplinary Teaching Methodology
- 132016 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian in Secondary Education 2
Teacher Training Programme (Hungarian): Second Stage
- 132005 VO Hungarian Literary Prizes before and after 1989
- 132009 KO Literary theories in practice
- 132011 SE [ de hu ] Literature and Media
- 132016 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian in Secondary Education 2
- 132026 VO History of the Hungarian Language II
- 132066 VO [ de hu ] Literary Translation
- 132470 SE [ de hu ] Graduate Seminar
- 132491 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language VI
Last modified: Th 04.07.2024 01:18