Bachelor Degree Programme in Religious Education, Protestant Religious Education (195 [5] - Version 2017)
- 020063 OL ( OV ) Orientation Course - für Erstemestrige im Bachelor Fachtheologie und Unterrichtsfach
BRP 01 Introductory and Orientation Period Professionalism and School (5 ECTS)
- 490001 VO ( OV STEOP ) Professionalism and School
BRP 02 Introductory and Orientation Period to Theology and Study of Religions (10 ECTS)
- 010110 VO Introduction to Catholic Theology I
- 020028 PS Introduction to scientific working
- 020029 VO-L ( STEOP ) STEOP: Theological Encyclopedia
BRP 03 Introduction to the History of Religions (10 ECTS)
- 010094 VO Introduction to the General History of Religion
- 020001 VO Introduction to Islam - History of Islam from Muhammad to the epoch of the Abbasides
BRP 04erp Educatin and Development (5ECTS)
- 020061 VU ( KPH Krems ) Basic of Pedagogics: Elementary and Primary Level
BRP 05erp (5ECTS) Internship in Education and Teaching (Orientation Practicum) (5 ECTS)
- 020044 UE+PR ( KPH Krems ) Practical Course in Education
- 490003 VO Didactics and Classroom Research
BRP 06erp School Development and Teaching Practice (11 ECTS)
BRP 07erp Pedagogical Studies on Teaching Practice - Primary Education (5 ECTS)
- 020059 UE ( KPH Krems ) UE Communications Strategies, Conflict Management and Peergroup Reflection
- 020060 UE ( KPH Krems ) PR Teaching Analysis and Practice
BRP 08erp Introduction to Didactics in Protestant Religious Education (6 ECTS)
- 020045 VO-L ( KPH Krems ) Didactics of Religious Education
BRP 09erp Fields of Didactics in Protestant Religious Education
- 020047 UE Interreligious Learning
- 020049 UE ( KPH Krems ) Theologize with children and youth
- 020054 UE Empirical Methods for Religion Teachers and Pastors - Datenbasierte Forschung
BRP 10erp a Old Languages 1 Biblical Hebrew (9 ECTS)
- 020004 UE Biblical Hebrew II
- 020007 UE Translation of Texts from the Hebrew Bible - Genesis
BRP 10erp b Old Languages 2 New Testament Greek
- 010023 VU New Testament Greek II - Sommer- Intensivkurs
- 010083 VU New Testament Greek II
- 010140 VU New Testament Greek I - Sommer- Intensivkurs
BRP 11erp Introduction to Exegetics (12 ECTS)
- 020005 VO-L Introduction to the Old Testament
- 020008 UE ( KPH Krems ) Introduction to Biblical Studies (Old Testament and New Testament)
- 020016 VO-L Introduction to New Testament
BRP 12erp Introduction to Church History (12 ECTS)
- 020020 BA Church History Proseminar
- 020023 VO-L History of Protestant Reformation
- 020058 UE Reading Course for Lectures - Lecture: History of Christianity in the 19th and 20th Century (Leeb)
BRP 13erp Introduction to Dogmatics (10 ECTS)
- 020034 VO Introduction to Dogmatics in the Classical Protestant Tradition
- 020053 VO-L History of Theology and Philosophy in the 19th and 20th Centuries
BRP 14erp Introduction to Ethics (6 ECTS)
BRP 15erp Introduction to Practical Theology (8 ECTS)
- 020038 UE Basic Questions of Practical Theology - Otto Haendler's Impulse for Practical Theology
- 020039 VO-L [ en ] Introduction to the Law of Religions and Religious Communities in Europe - Law of Religion and religious Communities in Europe
- 020040 SE Selected chapters of psychology of religion
BRP 16erp Advanced Study of Religions (6 ECTS)
BRP 17erp a Advanced Exegetics 1 (13 ECTS)
BRP 17erp b Advanced Exegetics 2 (13 ECTS)
BRP 18erp Advanced Church History (6 ECTS)
- 020024 VO-L History of Protestantism in Austria
- 020058 UE Reading Course for Lectures - Lecture: History of Christianity in the 19th and 20th Century (Leeb)
BRP 19 erp Advanced Systematic Theology (12 ECTS)
BRP 20erp Fields of Theological Research (18 ECTS)
- 020006 UE [ en ] Exercises in Exegesis (AT): Job - Exegetische Übungen
- 020018 SE Experiencing Bibliodrama
- 020052 UE Compulsory Object - Entwicklungs- und Bildungspsychologische Ansätze und deren praktische Anwendung für Schule und Pfarramt
Last modified: Sa 20.04.2024 00:44
15. Februar 2019 10:00 Uhr bis 01. März 2019 12:00 UhrNACHANMELDEPHASE:
04. März 2019 10:00 Uhr bis 15. März 2019 12:00 UhrDie Anmeldung (= Registrierung) zu nichtprüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen (VO/VO-L) ist von 01.02.2019 08:00 Uhr - 29.02.2020 23:59 Uhr möglich.