M3 Specialisation (24 ECTS)
M3.1 Specialisation: Eastern European History (24 ECTS)
- 070012 PS Proseminar - Poland-Lithuania in the Early Modern Period
- 070019 VO Further Approaches - Social History of Hungary in Comparative Perspective
- 070020 VO Further Approaches - Eastern Europe in the short 20th century
- 070062 KU Proposal-Workshop
- 070170 VO Further Approaches - History of Southeast Europe
- 070196 PS [ de en ] MA-Proseminar - Social Groups and Communities in the East-Central European Regions, 1000-1600
- 070202 SE Seminar - Urkunden der bosnischen Könige
- 070222 SE Seminar zu Geschichte (PM 4) - Das Habsburgerreich und seine Nachfolgestaaten 1914-1922
- 070256 SE Seminar - Habsburg Pop: The History of Popular Music in the Late Habsburg Empire
- 070298 AR AR Workshop 1: Interpretation und Analyse von Texten
- 070305 VO [ de en ] Lecture - The Holocaust in the USSR - Sources, Historiography and Culture of Remembrance
- 070330 VO Further Historical Approaches - Modern Sports and Politics - From the End of the 19th Century until Present Time
- 070337 SE Seminar (PM4) - South-Eastern Europe in international relations in 19th Century
- 070339 SE Seminar (PM4) - Land ownership and agrarian reforms in South-Eastern Europe in the interwar period
M3.2 Specialisation: Social Sciences (24 ECTS)
- 030552 KU Yugoslav political and constitutional history
- 030584 KU Introduction to Russian Law
- 210089 VO [ en ] BAK15: SpezialVO East European Studies - Nationalism after Communism: Nation-building, ethnic conflicts and populism in Eastern Europe
- 210131 SE [ en ] M9: Eastern European Studies - New social and protest movements in Central-, East- and Southeast Europe. (engl)
- 210132 SE M9: Eastern European Studies - Forms of post-Soviet rule in Russia, the Southern Caucasus and Central Asia
- 230013 VO Empirical Research Methods - Introduction
- 230014 UE Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 230015 UE [ en ] Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 240508 SE [ en ] Re-Imagining the Balkans and Eastern Europe (P3) - Anthropological Perspectives, Debates and Comparisons
M3.3 Specialisation: Slavic Languages and Literature (24 ECTS)
- 480084 KO History of Slavic philology (selected aspects) - Colloquium
- 480087 SE Language policy in the Slavic-speaking world - Seminar on Linguistics
- 480091 VO Older Ioans in Southern Slavonic - Historical and Comparative Linguistics
- 480124 KO The Literature of the Normalization (1969-1989) - Colloquium on Literature and Culture
- 480125 KO South Slavic Epigraphic of the 10th-13th centuries - Colloquium on Linguistics
- 480134 SE Slavia Orthodoxa et/versus Slavia Latina - Seminar on Linguistics
- 480136 SE Partisan film in Yugoslavia - Seminar on Literature and Culture
- 480140 SE The russian satire in exile - Seminar on Literature and Culture
- 480148 SE The Figure of I.S.Mazepa in Slavic Fiction - Seminar on Literature and Culture
- 480151 VO Multilingualisim in Austria in history and nowadays
- 480160 KO "Narrative of Oil Profit" in Galicia - Colloquium on Literature and Culture
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2019 00:32