Master Byzantine Studies and Modern Greek Studies (869 [2] - Version 2013)
PM1 Courses in Byzantine Studies and Modern Greek Studies (25 ECTS)
- 090094 UE Paleographic Exercises
- 090095 UE Narrative about/from Byzantium and Modern Greece
- 090107 VO Modern Greek History I: 1453-1830
- 090108 UE Greek Prose of the 20th century/ Reading Modern Greek Texts - Reading and Translation
- 090110 VO The Byzantine World: An Introduction to the Intellectual History
- 090111 VO Rebetika: Between urban underground and cultural mainstream
- 090113 VO Byzantium and the steppe peoples: An overview from the Huns to the Mongols (4th-15th century)
- 090116 VO Introduction to Byzantine church music
- 090117 UE Ancient Literature in Byzantium/ Reading Byzantine Texts - Between reception and innovation
- 090120 UE [ en ] Literature and Medicine
- 090121 UE [ en ] The Cultural Policy of the Metaxas Dictatorship
APMG1 Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules Byzantine Studies (70 ECTS)
PM2.1 Auxiliary Sciences and History of Art (25 ECTS)
- 060048 KU Byzantium and its sphere of influence during the 12th - 15th centuries
- 080036 VO Spatial concepts in Byzantium
- 080041 UE Byzantine Book Illumination over the Macedonian Dynasty (867-1056)
- 090094 UE Paleographic Exercises
- 090095 UE Narrative about/from Byzantium and Modern Greece
PM3.1 Master Seminars (16 ECTS)
- 090109 SE Venice and the Greek book printing
- 090115 SE Editing Greek texts: history, methods, practice
PM4.1 Study Trip (9 ECTS)
APM5.1.a Alternative Compulsory Module Foreign Languages (15 ECTS)
APM5.1.b Alternative Compulsory Module Further Courses in Byzantine Studies (15 ECTS)
- 090094 UE Paleographic Exercises
- 090095 UE Narrative about/from Byzantium and Modern Greece
- 090110 VO The Byzantine World: An Introduction to the Intellectual History
- 090113 VO Byzantium and the steppe peoples: An overview from the Huns to the Mongols (4th-15th century)
- 090116 VO Introduction to Byzantine church music
- 090117 UE Ancient Literature in Byzantium/ Reading Byzantine Texts - Between reception and innovation
PM6.1 Research Seminar (5 ECTS)
- 090097 PV Research Seminar
- 090114 PV The Business of Academic Writing for MA and Doctoral Students
APMG2 Alternative Group of Compulsory Modules Modern Greek Studies (70 ECTS)
PM2.2 Advanced Courses in Modern Greek Studies (25 ECTS)
- 090095 UE Narrative about/from Byzantium and Modern Greece
- 090107 VO Modern Greek History I: 1453-1830
- 090108 UE Greek Prose of the 20th century/ Reading Modern Greek Texts - Reading and Translation
- 090111 VO Rebetika: Between urban underground and cultural mainstream
- 090120 UE [ en ] Literature and Medicine
- 090121 UE [ en ] The Cultural Policy of the Metaxas Dictatorship
PM3.1 Master Seminars (16 ECTS)
- 090109 SE Venice and the Greek book printing
PM4.2 Study Trip (9 ECTS)
APM5.2.a Alternative Compulsory Module Foreign Languages (15 ECTS)
APM5.2.b Alternative Compulsory Module Further Courses in Modern Greek Studies (15 ECTS)
- 090095 UE Narrative about/from Byzantium and Modern Greece
- 090107 VO Modern Greek History I: 1453-1830
- 090108 UE Greek Prose of the 20th century/ Reading Modern Greek Texts - Reading and Translation
- 090111 VO Rebetika: Between urban underground and cultural mainstream
- 090116 VO Introduction to Byzantine church music
- 090120 UE [ en ] Literature and Medicine
- 090121 UE [ en ] The Cultural Policy of the Metaxas Dictatorship
PM6.2 Research Seminar (5 ECTS)
- 090097 PV Research Seminar
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2019 00:32