Pflichtmodulgruppe A: Gemeinsamer Kern
A1: Pflichtmodul Methoden und Statistik
- 200017 VO Advanced Statistics
- 200018 VO Advanced Research Methods
A2: Pflichtmodul Praktikum
- 200087 PPR Internship
A3: Aufbauende Theoretische Grundlagen
- 200039 VU Social Psychology
- 200085 VU [ de en ] Clinical Psychology in Childhood and Adolescence
- 200088 VU Work and Organisational Psychology
- 200089 VU Work and Organisational Psychology
- 200090 VU Social Psychology
- 200092 VU Developmental Psychology
- 200093 VU Developmental Psychology
- 200094 VU Educational Psychology
- 200095 VU Cognitive Psychology and Neurosciences
- 200096 VU Cognitive Psychology and Neurosciences
- 200097 VU [ de en ] Research Approaches in Cognitive Psychology and in Neurosciences
- 200098 VU [ de en ] Special Topics in Cognitive Psychology and in Neurosciences
- 200099 VU Health Psychology
- 200100 VU Health Psychology
- 200101 VU Health Psychology
- 200102 VU Clinical Psychology
- 200103 VU Clinical Psychology
- 200104 VU Clinical Psychology
- 200105 VU [ de en ] Clinical Psychology in Childhood and Adolescence
- 200106 VU [ de en ] Clinical Psychology in Childhood and Adolescence
A4: Pflichtmodul Freie Fächer
- 010035 VO Advanced Course Theological Ethics III
- 010036 SE Artificial Intelligence
- 010037 FS Beyond the two sexes - Inter- and transsexuality as a challenge to society and theology
- 010088 VO Introduction to the Psychology of Religion
- 200039 VU Social Psychology
- 200085 VU [ de en ] Clinical Psychology in Childhood and Adolescence
- 200088 VU Work and Organisational Psychology
- 200089 VU Work and Organisational Psychology
- 200090 VU Social Psychology
- 200092 VU Developmental Psychology
- 200093 VU Developmental Psychology
- 200094 VU Educational Psychology
- 200095 VU Cognitive Psychology and Neurosciences
- 200096 VU Cognitive Psychology and Neurosciences
- 200097 VU [ de en ] Research Approaches in Cognitive Psychology and in Neurosciences
- 200098 VU [ de en ] Special Topics in Cognitive Psychology and in Neurosciences
- 200099 VU Health Psychology
- 200100 VU Health Psychology
- 200101 VU Health Psychology
- 200102 VU Clinical Psychology
- 200103 VU Clinical Psychology
- 200104 VU Clinical Psychology
- 200105 VU [ de en ] Clinical Psychology in Childhood and Adolescence
- 200106 VU [ de en ] Clinical Psychology in Childhood and Adolescence
- 200198 VO Clinical Psychology - Ansätze und Verfahren der 3. Welle der Kognitiven Verhaltenstherapie (KVT)
- 200213 SE Identity and Belonging - "You're what you've loved" - Psychoanalytische Konzepte von Depression, Geschlecht und Verlust
- 200215 PS Proseminar: Einstündiges Wahlfach - Modethema Psychopathie
Last modified: Sa 28.09.2019 16:02