Zweiter Studienabschnitt
- 877804 SE Didactic Coaching in Physics Teaching - Didactic Coaching in Physics Teaching; Preparation and evaluation of teaching units
- 814163 VO Physics under the "gender" perspective - Physics under the Gender Perspective - Results of physics education research, intervention strategies
- 896786 SE Seminar in Physics Education Research 2 - Seminar in Physics Education Research 2: Textbook Analyses
- 814156 VO Lecture "Physics of Matter II" - Lecture "Physics of Matter II"
- 804002 VO Dating methods - Dating methods
- 804155 VO Natural and Environmental Radioactivity - Natural and Environmental Radioactivity
- 804367 VO Trace Isotopes in Environment and Technology II - Trace Isotopes in Environment and Technology II
- 804475 SE Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics - Seminar for Isotope Research and Nuclear Physics
- 804552 VO Radioactivity-Radionuclide Metrology-Data Eval. - Radioactivity: Radionuclide Metrology and Data Evaluation (also supplementary and attending to the practical nuclear physics and radioactivity course)
- 804859 VO Neutron and solid state physics - Neutron and solid state physics
- 804860 VO Alternative nuclear energy systems - Alternative nuclear energy systems
- 806527 VO Ion Beam Analysis of Materials II - Ion Beam Analysis of Materials II
- 859621 SE Treatment of sel. conceptual quantum theor. probl. - Community based treatment of selected conceptual quantum theoretic problems
- 804303 SE Seminar Exp. Quantenphysik - Seminar aus Experimenteller Quantenphysik
- 804237 SE Quantum Information, Entanglement and Geometry - Quantum Information, Entanglement and Geometry
- 804159 VO Lecture on Actual Meth. and Appl. of Mat. Physics - Lecture on Actual Methods and Applications of Materials Physics
- 804319 SE Seminar Anwendungen von Hochtemperatursupraleitern - Seminar über Anwendungen von Hochtemperatursupraleitern
- 804387 VO Introduction to Applied Material Physics II - Introduction to Applied Material Physics II
- 804408 SE Recent Results in Solid State Spectroscopy - Recent Results in Solid State Spectroscopy
- 804628 SE Recent Topics of Materials Physics - Recent Topics of Materials Physics (Electron Microscopical Studies)
- 804952 VO Introduction into crystallography for phycisists - Introduction into crystallography for phycisists
- 804953 SE Physical Materials Testing II - Physical Materials Testing II
- 875172 VO Diffusion in Metallen und Legierungen - Diffusion in Metallen und Legierungen
- 875183 SE Ordnung in Legierungen - Ordnung in Legierungen
- 880572 SE Electron Microscopical Methods (TEM) - Electron Microscopical Methods (TEM)
- 896467 VO Introduction into Electron Microscopy II - Introduction into Electron Microscopy II
- 800125 VO Kondensationsvorgänge - Kondensationsvorgänge und ihr Einfluß auf die Dynamik von Aerosolen und Wolken
- 804649 VO Holographische Speichermaterialien - Holographische Speichermaterialien
- 804680 VO Physics of the Earth - Physics of the Earth
- 804139 SE Staub und Aerosolkolloquium - Staub und Aerosolkolloquium
- 804097 VO Physics and economics of resource consumption - The physics and economics of an efficient energy and material consumption
- 804468 UE Komplexe dynamische Systeme - Computerübungen II - Komplexe dynamische Systeme - Computerübungen II
- 804971 VO Computational Physics II: Simulation - Computational Physics II: Simulation
- 804969 UE Übungen zu Computational Physics II - Übungen zu Computational Physics II
- 814159 AR Modern Physics in School - Modern Physics in School: General Theory of Relativity
- 804003 VO Modern Physics - Modern Physics' Conception of the World': Relativistic astrophysics and cosmology
- 896258 VO Dynamisches Chaos II - Chaos und Irreversibilität in den Naturwissenschaften
- 800117 VO Electronics for Physicists II - Electronics for Physicsts II
- 814256 SE Physics under the Teaching Aspect - Physics under the Teaching Aspect: Concepts and Understanding
- 814158 EX Excusion to Physics Facilities - Excusion to Large Experimental Physics Facilities
- 901799 EX Excursions to CERN - Excursion: history of physics and big research labs
- 814165 PR Project Laboratory Course - Project Laboratory Course (Preparation and Execution of Interdisciplinary Projects in School)
- 814164 PR Laboratory Course of Schoolteacher Experiments II - Laboratory Course of Schoolteacher Experiments II
- 804255 PR Exp. course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics - Experimental course in Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics
- 804246 PR Physikalisches Praktikum für Vorgeschrittene - Physikalisches Praktikum für Vorgeschrittene
- 804332 PR Advanced lab course in solid state physics - Advanced lab course in solid state physics
- 804365 PR Laboratory Course on Materials Physics - Laboratory Course on Materials Physics
- 804643 PR Laboratory course in low temperature physics - Laboratory course in low temperature physics (for advanced students)
- 806594 VO+PR Modern Microscopical Methods - Modern Microscopical Methods
- 889955 PR Moderne Methoden der Experimentalphysik - Kennenlernen ausgewählter experimenteller Techniken im Forschungsbetrieb(Vorgeschrittenenpraktikum der Physik)
- 800127 PR Aerosol Laboratory - Aerosol Laboratory for advanced students
- 260001 VO Holographische Datenspeicher - Holographische Datenspeicher
- 260002 SE Optische Materialien - Optische Materialien
Last modified: Tu 01.03.2022 13:42