Bachelor of Education Psychology and Philosophy (054 425)
UF PP 01 Study Entrance and Orientation Phase (6 ECTS)
UF PP 01.1 STEOP Introduction to Psychology (3 ECTS)
- 180128 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Psychology
UF PP 01.2 Introduction to Philosophy (3 ECTS)
- EXAM COMM Introduction to Philosophy
- EXAM Introduction to Philosophy
- 180129 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Philosophy PP
Mandatory Modules in Psychology (35 ECTS)
UF PP 02 Foundations of Psychology A
UF PP 02.1 Lecture Course: General Psychology 1
- 200011 VO EC General Psychology I
UF PP 02.2 Lecture Course: General Psychology 2
UF PP 02.3 Lecture Course: Social Psychology
- 200016 VO EC Basics of Social Psychology
UF PP 03 Foundations of Psychology B (6 ECTS)
UF PP 03.1 Lecture Course: Developmental Psychology
- 200012 VO EC Developmental Psychology I
UF PP 03.2 Lecture Course: Differential Psychology
- 180150 VO Differential Psychology
UF PP 04 Ambits of Psychology (9 ECTS)
UF PP 04.1 Lecture Course: Clinical Psychology
- 200010 VO EC Clinical Psychology
UF PP 04.2 Lecture Course: Work-, Organisational-, and/or Business Psychology
UF PP 04.3 Lecture Course: Educational Psychology and Evaluation
UF PP 05 Advanced Psychology (11 ECTS)
UF PP 05.1 Experiments in Teaching Psychology (Seminar)
- 180130 SE Experiments in Psychology Lessons
UF PP 05.2 Introduction in Statistics and Scientific Methodology (Seminar)
UF PP 05.3 Advanced Seminar (5 ECTS)
- 180132 SE Advanced Seminar
Mandatory Modules in Philosophy (35 ECTS)
UF PP 06 Learning Philosophy
UF PP 06.1 Lecture Course: Intro to Academic Writing for Teachers (2 ECTS)
UF PP 06.2 Exercise Course: Rhetoric and Argumentation-Theory
UF PP 06.3 Introductory Seminar with Close Readings
- 180136 LPS Bernard Williams: Morality - für Lehramt und MA Ethik
- 180137 LPS Reading Descartes: Discours de la Méthode, Meditationes de Prima Philosophia - für Lehramt
- 180138 LPS Kant: Foundation of the Metaphysics of Morals - für Lehramt und MA Ethik
- 180139 LPS Nietzsche - On the genealogy of morality - für Lehramt und MA Ethik
- 180236 LPS Reading Course
UF PP 07 History of Philosophy - For the Teaching Post
UF PP 07.1 Lecture Course: History of Philosophy I (Antiquity) (3 ECTS)
- 010132 VO Ancient Philosophy
UF PP 07.2 Lecture Course: History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modern Period) (3 ECTS)
- 010028 VO Medieval philosophy
UF PP 07.3 Lecture Course: History of Philosophy III (Modern Period) (3 ECTS)
- 180140 VO History of Philosophy III - for Teachers
UF PP 08 Theoretical Philosophy (8 ECTS)
UF PP 08.1 Lecture Course: Epistemology or Philosophy of Science
- 010083 VO Metaphysics
- 180067 VO Introduction to Epistemology
- 180238 VO Introduction to Philosophy of Science
UF PP 08.2 SE Metaphysics/Ontology, Philosophy of Media or Technology, Philosophy of Science
- 180085 SE What is structuralism?
- 180108 SE The development of cosmology from Plato to Galileo
- 180113 SE John Dewey: Art as Experience
- 180240 SE Puzzle awareness - Philosophy, psychology and cognitive sciences in dialogue
UF PP 09 Practical Philosophy (8 ECTS)
UF PP 09.1 Lecture Course in Ethics
- 010026 VO Ethics I -Introduction into ethics
UF PP 09.2 SE Ethics, Applied Ethics, Anthropology, Social/Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Law
- 180076 KU Critical Posthumanism - Introduction
- 180079 SE Philosophy and politics of images in an intercultural and global context
- 180115 SE Philosophy and the Old Testament
- 180117 SE Philosophical Anthropology and Moral Philosophy
- 180118 KU Philosophy of Human Rights
- 180121 KU The potential for violence of unconditional claims
- 180123 SE Language, Power and Recognition in Butler
- 180176 SE Multiculturalism and the Postcolonial Critique
- 180202 KU Zhuangzi. The unknown third - The chinese philosophy of Zhuangzi and his profound ethics.
- 180209 SE Age-Disease-Dying - Philosophisch-medizinische und ethische Probleme in der Geriatrie
- 180239 SE Ethics, Human Rights and Justice in Psychoanalysis
- 180241 SE Plato's concept of education, consequences and boundaries
UF PP 10 Manatory Module in PP Didactics (10 ECTS)
UF PP 10.1 Lecture Course: Introduction to PP Didactics
UF PP 10.2 SE Didactics for Psychology
- 180142 SE Didactics in Psychology
UF PP 10.3 Didactics for Philosophy
- 180143 SE Philosophical Didactics
UF PP 11 Electives (10 ECTS)
- EXAM Classics of practical philosophy
- 010023 VO Basic Course Philosophical Anthropology
- 010083 VO Metaphysics
- 090070 VO Politics, Theology, and Philosophy in Byzantium: Photius's works
- 090087 UE The Body in Byzantine and Modern Greek Literature
- 180045 VO Knowledge Creation: Epistemological Foundations
- 180061 UE [ de en ] M-03 Exercise Course in Logic
- 180069 PS Theories of revolution
- 180070 VO Practical philosophy as applied philosophy
- 180071 PS René Descartes - Principles of Philosophy
- 180072 VO-L [ en ] Introduction to Philosophy of Technology
- 180077 PS Methodical Constructivism and Culturalism - 20th-Century Philosophy of Technology
- 180078 KU Logic II
- 180080 SE Fundamental Questions of Existential Analysis - Selbstsein und Mitsein-Phänomenologie von Beziehungen und psychotherapeutische Praxis
- 180083 VO Rationalism
- 180097 VO Lecture Course with Readings on the Philosophy of Language
- 180100 VO M-03 Fundamentals of Logic
- 180106 VO [ en ] Cognitive Science - Introduction and Basic Concepts
- 180108 SE The development of cosmology from Plato to Galileo
- 180110 PS Animal Cognition - Können Tiere denken?
- 180111 VO Performance Philosophy - Was ist performative Philosophie?
- 180115 SE Philosophy and the Old Testament
- 180116 VO Classics of practical philosophy
- 180120 SE Phenomenology of the Social-Historical - Castoriadis' Critical Social Theory
- 180122 VO-L Violence as a guiding problem of the philosophical discourse of the present
- 180123 SE Language, Power and Recognition in Butler
- 180126 SE [ en ] Philosophy of climate science
- 180127 KU [ en ] Synthetic Biology and Biological Possibility
- 180148 VO-L Introduction to Theoretical Philosophy
- 180149 VO Introduction to psychoanalytic perspective on cultural & social phenomena - Depth psychology I
- 180176 SE Multiculturalism and the Postcolonial Critique
- 180183 VO-L Roboethics - Eine Einführung
- 180184 VO [ de en ] Climate Change and Climate Crisis. Interdisciplinary Perspectives
- 180186 VO Political philosophy
- 180190 PS Self-immolation by Kierkegaard and Nietzsche
- 180191 VO-L Modern First Philosophy
- 180193 VO-L Cosmopolitan perspectives from antiquity to the present
- 180194 VO Introduction to Applied Ethics
- 180198 VO Immanuel Kant: Critique of Pure Reason
- 180202 KU Zhuangzi. The unknown third - The chinese philosophy of Zhuangzi and his profound ethics.
- 180204 VO Dream and Reality
- 180205 PS Kant's Response to Hume
- 180208 VO Resistance and State Terror
- 180210 VO-L Theories of Justice
- 180211 VO Introduction to Feminist Deconstruction
- 180212 PS New Marx Readings
- 180214 PS Body as Sign, Body as Flesh - Philosophy as a Practice of Freedom
- 180215 VO-L Philosophy of science and the question of research in psychoanalysis. Part 1 - First research trials
- 180216 VO-L On Kant's metaphysical foundations of natural science - The Concept of Nature
- 180218 PS [ en ] Philosophy of the Special Sciences (Selected Topics)
- 350194 VO ( KPH Krems ) Introduction to Sport Ethics
- 490236 SE ( KPH Krems ) Wahlbereich aller Teilcurricula
- 490300 VU PM1 Digital Transformations
UF PP 12 Teaching Practice for PP (7 ECTS)
UF PP 12.1 Teaching Practice
UF PP 12.2 SE Interdisciplinary Didactics for PP
- 180147 SE Interdisciplinary Didactics - Begleit-LV BEd Schulpraxis
Last modified: Fr 10.01.2020 00:35
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