Bachelor Slavonic Studies (650 [2] - Version 2011) - discontinued
Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
Introduction to Slavonic Linguistics (5 ECTS)
- 480051 VO ( OV STEOP ) Introduction to Slavonic Lingustics
Introduction to Slavonic Literatures (5 ECTS)
- 480052 VO ( STEOP ) Introduction to Slavonic Literatures
Basics of Slavonic Studies (5 ECTS)
- 480048 VO ( STEOP ) Basics of Slavonic Studies
Compulsory Modules (100 ECTS)
Language Acquisition: Basic Level (10 ECTS)
- 480003 UE [ bg de ] Bulgarian Language Course: Basic Level
- 480004 UE [ de hbs ] Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Basic Level
- 480007 UE [ de pl ] Polish Language Course: Basic Level
- 480008 UE [ de sk ] Slovak Language Course: Basic Level
- 480009 UE [ de ru ] Russian Language Course: Basic Level
- 480014 UE [ de sl ] Slovene Language Course: Basic Level
- 480016 UE [ cs de ] Czech Language Course: Basic Level
- 480017 UE [ de uk ] Ukrainian Language Course: Basic Level
Language Acquisition: Intermediate Level 1 (10 ECTS)
Language Acquisition: Intermediate Level 2 (6 ECTS)
- 480018 UE [ bg de ] Bulgarian Language Course: Intermediate Level 2
- 480019 UE [ de hbs ] Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Intermediate Level 2
- 480021 UE [ de pl ] Polish Language Course: Intermediate Level 2
- 480022 UE [ de sk ] Slovak Language Course: Intermediate Level 2
- 480023 UE [ de ru ] Russian Language Course: Intermediate Level 2
- 480027 UE [ de sl ] Slovene Language Course: Intermediate Level 2
- 480028 UE [ cs de ] Czech Language Course: Intermediate Level 2
- 480030 UE [ de uk ] Ukrainian Language Course: Intermediate Level 2
Language Acquisition: Intermediate Level 3 (6 ECTS)
Linguistics (12 ECTS)
- 480071 VO Synchronic Polish Linguistics: An Overview
- 480072 VO Synchronic Czech Linguistics: An Overview
- 480073 VO Synchronic Slovak Linguistics: An Overview
- 480074 VO Synchronic Slovene Linguistics: An Overview
- 480077 VO Synchronic Bulgarian Linguistics: An Overview
- 480078 VO Synchronic Russian and Ukrainian Linguistics: An Overview
- 480079 VO Synchronic Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Linguistics: An Overview
- 480080 PS Introductory Seminar on Russian and Ukrainian Linguistics
- 480084 PS Introductory Seminar on Czech and Slovak Linguistics
- 480085 PS Introductory Seminar on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Linguistics
- 480086 PS Introductory Seminar on Polish Linguistics
- 480089 PS Introductory Seminar on Bulgarian Linguistics
Literary Studies (12 ECTS)
- 480006 PS Introductory Seminar on Ukrainian Literature
- 480090 PS Introductory Seminar on Bulgarian Literature
- 480092 PS Introductory Seminar on Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature
- 480093 PS Introductory Seminar on Polish Literature
- 480094 PS Introductory Seminar on Czech and Slovak Literature
- 480095 PS Introductory Seminar on Russian Literature
Regional and Cultural Studies (10 ECTS)
- 480013 KO Colloquium on Regional and Cultural Studies - Austria-Slovenia Relations
- 480103 KO Colloquium on Regional and Cultural Studies - Poland - homogeneous country?
- 480104 KO Colloquium on Regional and Cultural Studies - Post-Yugoslav Documentary Cinema: Perspectives and Narratives of a Burdensome History
- 480105 KO Colloquium on Regional and Cultural Studies - The "Slovak Soul" or the Image of Slovaks and the "Other"
- 480106 KO Colloquium on Regional and Cultural Studies - Languages and Forms of Resistance
- 480122 KO Colloquium on Regional and Cultural Studies - Humanism in the Czech Lands
- 480123 KO Colloquium on Regional and Cultural Studies - Russian and Ukrainian Pop Culture
- 480124 KO Colloquium on Regional and Cultural Studies - Russian-Austrian theatre relations (1900-2019)
- 480125 KO Colloquium on Regional and Cultural Studies - From a vita to a (auto)biography
Language Acquisition: Advanced Level (6 ECTS)
- 480031 UE [ de hbs ] Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Advanced Level 1
- 480032 UE [ de pl ] Polish Language Course 1: Advanced Level
- 480033 UE [ de sk ] Slovak Language Course: Advanced Level 1
- 480034 UE [ de ru ] Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 1
- 480037 UE [ de sl ] Slovene Language Course: Advanced Level
- 480038 UE [ cs de ] Czech Language Course: Advanced Level
- 480040 UE [ de uk ] Ukrainian Language Course: Advanced Level 1
- 480041 UE [ bg de ] Bulgarian Language Course: Advanced Level 1
Second Slavic Language (13 ECTS)
- 480003 UE [ bg de ] Bulgarian Language Course: Basic Level
- 480007 UE [ de pl ] Polish Language Course: Basic Level
- 480008 UE [ de sk ] Slovak Language Course: Basic Level
- 480014 UE [ de sl ] Slovene Language Course: Basic Level
- 480017 UE [ de uk ] Ukrainian Language Course: Basic Level
- 480071 VO Synchronic Polish Linguistics: An Overview
- 480072 VO Synchronic Czech Linguistics: An Overview
- 480073 VO Synchronic Slovak Linguistics: An Overview
- 480074 VO Synchronic Slovene Linguistics: An Overview
- 480077 VO Synchronic Bulgarian Linguistics: An Overview
- 480078 VO Synchronic Russian and Ukrainian Linguistics: An Overview
- 480079 VO Synchronic Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Linguistics: An Overview
- 480145 UE [ cs de ] Czech as a Second Slavic Language
- 480146 UE [ de ru ] Russian as a Second Slavic Language
- 480147 UE [ de hbs ] Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian as a Second Slavic Language
Individual Specialisation (15 ECTS)
- 480011 KO Translation of literary texts from Polish into German
- 480012 KO Music culture among burgenland Croats: from tradition and folklore to pop and rock
- 480015 KO Academic Working Processes and Writing Skills for Slavists - Colloquium
- 480020 KO Contrastive Linguistics Russian / Other Languages
- 480025 KO Mentoring for Slavists
- 480031 UE [ de hbs ] Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Language Course: Advanced Level 1
- 480032 UE [ de pl ] Polish Language Course 1: Advanced Level
- 480033 UE [ de sk ] Slovak Language Course: Advanced Level 1
- 480034 UE [ de ru ] Russian Language Course: Advanced Level 1
- 480037 UE [ de sl ] Slovene Language Course: Advanced Level
- 480038 UE [ cs de ] Czech Language Course: Advanced Level
- 480040 UE [ de uk ] Ukrainian Language Course: Advanced Level 1
- 480041 UE [ bg de ] Bulgarian Language Course: Advanced Level 1
- 480044 UE Didactic exercises - Current problems of Burgenland Croatian and didactics of Croatian teaching in Burgenland
- 480045 VO Older Polish Literature: An Overview
- 480061 KO Carinthian Slovenes
- 480111 VO Introduction into Old Slavic Studies and Balkan studies
- 480128 VO Older Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature: An Overview
- 480136 VO Older Czech and Slovak Literature: An Overview
- 480137 VO Older Bulgarian Literature: An Overview
- 480138 VO Older East Slavic Literature: An Overview
- 480142 KO Music and poetry: musical settings of texts
Final Stage (20 ECTS)
Bachelor Module Linguistics (10 ECTS)
- 480047 SE B.A. Seminar on West Slavic Linguistics - Multilingualism in the past and the present
- 480049 SE B.A. Seminar on Russian Linguistics - East Slavonic Linguistics of the 20th century
- 480050 SE B.A. Seminar on South Slavic Linguistics - Etymology and word formation
- 480082 SE B.A. Seminar on Linguistics - Slavic Language Contacts in the Course of Time
Bachelor Module Literary Studies (10 ECTS)
- 480056 SE B.A. Seminar on Literature - Literature and power in Soviet culture (1953-1982)
- 480069 SE B.A. Seminar on Literature - Games and gamblers in Russian and West Slavic literatures
- 480118 SE B.A. Seminar on Literature - Hektorovic' Ribanje i ribarsko prigovaranje
Additional Lectures
- 090072 UE Krumbacher
- 133331 UE [ de lt ] Lithuanian 1
- 133335 UE [ lt ] Lithuanian 3
- 240109 VO VM7 - One out of Five - Interdisciplinary lecture series focusing on Violence on Women and Children
Last modified: Fr 10.01.2020 00:35
Weitere Informationen zum Bachelorstudium Slawistik (Version 2011)