Universität Wien

PM3 Advanced Topics (36 ECTS)

070176 SE [en] Seminar - The British Isles and North-America in Early Modern and Modern History - State Formation, Constitutionalism, and Politics
143180 SE Decolonising Knowledge: - Libraries and Educational Institutions as Actors in the Field of Knowledge Production in African Studies
143254 SE North Africa in the 19th and 20th Century: - European Colonialism, Indigenous Resistance and Independences
070283 VO Lecture in History (MA) - Mechanismen, Öffentlichkeit und Medien
070176 SE [en] Seminar - The British Isles and North-America in Early Modern and Modern History - State Formation, Constitutionalism, and Politics
070193 SE Research Seminar - Managing Welfare and securing development - European and African perspectives on state and public administration?
070061 SE [de en] Seminar - Labour and Development - Contract and Guest Workers in Europe (1960s to 1980s)
143227 KU Welfare and Development? - Control agendas, playing power and so-called middling figures in the colonial state and its bureaucracy, c. 1930-1960

Last modified: Fr 26.06.2020 00:48