Universität Wien

Master (Interdisciplinary) Contemporary History and Media (665 [2] - Version 2019)

Da Lehrveranstaltungen verschiedener Studienrichtungen angeboten werden, gelten für die hier gelisteten Lehrveranstaltungen NICHT dieselben Anmeldezeiträume. Bitte achten Sie bei der Planung Ihres Semesters auf diesen Umstand. Die jeweils geltenden Anmeldezeiträume scheinen bei jeder Lehrveranstaltung gesondert auf.

080071 VU B330 Specialised Methodology: - Quellenübung zu Formen des alltäglichen Schreibens
170310 VO Lecture: The History of Film - Austrian Music Film: from the beginnings to 1938
170320 VO Lecture: The History of Media - Cultures of the Avant-garde
210062 VO BAK9: SpezialVO Political Theories and Research on Theories - Theories on racism, antisemitism, antiziganism and Islamophobia
210128 VO M8: SpezialVO Gender and Politics - Gender and Politics State, Domination, Representation
230006 VO Sociological methodology and methods - Basics, critique, and new developments in empirical research
060003 VO Introduction: Visual Jewish Cultural History - (Jüdische Kulturgeschichte in Film und Medien)
060004 VO Israeli LGBTQI Cinema - Lecture and Film Series - (Jüdische Kulturgeschichte in Film und Medien)
080132 VU M520 Departmental Colloquium - Problematising the Self: one`s own everyday in audio-visual Media
170613 SE MA 1.2. "Processes of Theatricality and Mediality" - For use. Theory and research on useful cinema
070125 SE SE Seminar (PM 3) - (East) Central Europe before and after the Paris Peace Treaties - (Ost-)Mittel- und Südosteuropa nach den Pariser Friedensschlüssen
070193 SE Research Seminar - Managing Welfare and securing development - European and African perspectives on state and public administration?
210134 SE M10: Culture and Politics - Cultural Studies a a political-theoretical project
210135 SE M10: Culture and Politics - Political Image Control
230087 SE [en] Mixed Methods
230089 SE Re-Designing Surveys: Evaluation of the new online survey "Urlaubs+Geschäftsreisen" - Evaluation der neuen Online Stichprobenerhebung zu den Urlaubs- und Geschäftsreisen
070286 SE Seminar
060003 VO Introduction: Visual Jewish Cultural History - (Jüdische Kulturgeschichte in Film und Medien)
060004 VO Israeli LGBTQI Cinema - Lecture and Film Series - (Jüdische Kulturgeschichte in Film und Medien)
070001 UE Reading Historiography - Doing and writing history
070121 UE Reading Historiography - Wer macht Geschichte? Akteure (in) der Geschichtsschreibung
070286 SE Seminar
070309 UE [en] Guided Reading Political History - Narratives in Conflict - Nationalisms and Nation-building in Burma/Myanmar
080060 SE M410 Knowledge and Materiality: - Begreifen: Das Taktile in Zeiten des Digitalen
080071 VU B330 Specialised Methodology: - Quellenübung zu Formen des alltäglichen Schreibens
080072 SE B610 Society: The processes of subjectivation within advisory services. - 'Giving advice' and 'asking for advice' as signifying practices according to the concept of governmentality
080132 VU M520 Departmental Colloquium - Problematising the Self: one`s own everyday in audio-visual Media
143180 SE Decolonising Knowledge: - Libraries and Educational Institutions as Actors in the Field of Knowledge Production in African Studies
143264 VO Virtual Intervention into the Public Sphere. - Emancipation as Current Issue in African Literatures of Today
170310 VO Lecture: The History of Film - Austrian Music Film: from the beginnings to 1938
170320 VO Lecture: The History of Media - Cultures of the Avant-garde
210062 VO BAK9: SpezialVO Political Theories and Research on Theories - Theories on racism, antisemitism, antiziganism and Islamophobia
210120 VO M5: SpezialVO EU and Europeanisation - The Europeanization of the Member States of the EU and its External Dimension
210128 VO M8: SpezialVO Gender and Politics - Gender and Politics State, Domination, Representation
230028 VO The changing work society - Precarrisation, boundarylessness, digitisation and the consequences
230087 SE [en] Mixed Methods
230089 SE Re-Designing Surveys: Evaluation of the new online survey "Urlaubs+Geschäftsreisen" - Evaluation der neuen Online Stichprobenerhebung zu den Urlaubs- und Geschäftsreisen
230117 WS Diagnosis of Society: Feminism’s Victory? - Gender between anti-feminist discourses and (hollow) promises
230118 WS Diagnosis of Society: Law, Rights and Society - What does it do with us and what do we do with it?
070334 SE Master's Thesis Seminar - Seminar für Master- und Doktoratsstudierende

Last modified: Fr 26.06.2020 00:48