Research Process and Methods (16 ECTS)
PM2a Introduction to the Research Process and Methods I (10 ECTS)
- 070135 UE Methodological Course - Research Methods for Discourses and Practices
- 070147 UE Methodological workshop - Comics and Graphic Novels as Historical Source
- 070151 UE Methodological workshop - Legal Sources for Historians
- 070291 UE Methodenkurs Zeitgeschichte und Medien
PM2b Introduction to the Research Process and Methods II (6 ECTS)
- 060003 VO Introduction: Visual Jewish Cultural History - (Jüdische Kulturgeschichte in Film und Medien)
- 060004 VO Israeli LGBTQI Cinema - Lecture and Film Series - (Jüdische Kulturgeschichte in Film und Medien)
- 060020 SE American-Jewish Cultural History
- 060022 VO Made in Austria - xxx
- 080011 SE M510 Methodology: the study of collecting
- 080123 SE M110 Media, Discourse and Representation: Storytelling
- 080132 VU M520 Departmental Colloquium - Problematising the Self: one`s own everyday in audio-visual Media
- 170602 SE MA 1.1. "Forms of Staging and Aesthetic Perception" - The political Image
- 170613 SE MA 1.2. "Processes of Theatricality and Mediality" - For use. Theory and research on useful cinema
- 230029 VO Visual Sociology: an Introduction with Focus on Pictures
- 230085 VO Media und "mediatization" - Life in Global Village
- 230121 UE Qualitative Methods: Narrative Interview
Last modified: Fr 26.06.2020 00:48