Universität Wien

2.3. Literaturwissenschaft

713092 SE [en] Literary Seminar - Literary Seminar: Transatlantic Memories in Canadian Fiction
713098 SE [en] Literary Seminar - Literary Seminar
713124 SE [en] Literary Seminar - Literary Seminar
713146 VO [en] "Eden in Jeopardy": Ecological Writings - "Eden in Jeopardy": Ecological Writings in North America from the 18th to the 20th Century
713150 SE [en] Literary Seminar - Literary Seminar
713218 AR [en] Patterns of Language I: Poetry - Patterns of Language I: Poetry
713252 AR [en] A Literary Journey Through England and Wales - Literature Course 325: A Literary Journey Through England and Wales: From the Late Middle Ages to the Romantics.
713258 AR [en] Condition-of-England Plays from the 20th Century - Condition-of-England Plays from the 20th Century
720487 VO [en] English Drama in the 20th Century - English Drama in the 20th Century
763224 AR [en] William Shakespeare and his Tragedies - William Shakespeare and his Tragedies
763686 SE [en] Literary Seminar - Literary Seminar

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34