Universität Wien

Master Conservation Biology and Biodiversity Management (879)

300268 UE Excursions on vegetation ecology - Excursions on Conservation, Vegetation and Landscape Ecolgy in Austria
300238 VO Habitatmapping - Assessment of conservation value
300242 UE Habitatmapping - Habitat of cultural landscapes
300635 UE Ecosystems and Vegetation of natural Landscapes - Fieldcourse Ötschergräben/Gesäuse
300271 UE+EX Management of Protected Sites - large scale nature reserves in Central Europa
300159 VO [de en] Conservation Genetics - Konzepte und Anwendungen am Beispiel ausgewählter Arten , z.B. Wölfe, Tiger, Seeadler, Kondore
300063 UE Spatial analytic methods in Conservation Biology - Introduction to GIS (GIS 1)
300170 VO Spatial analytic methods in Conservation Biology - Introduction to GIS (GIS 1)
300013 VO Aspects of freshwater bioindication - Methods of assessment
300106 UE Rhizosphere
300142 SE [en] Evolutionary Biology - Departmentalseminar for Master- and PhD-Students
300323 SE [de en] Current Trends in Parasitology - Current parasitological topics, lecture works english slides
300362 UE [en] Applied Data Analysis
300438 SE [de en] Seminar in biometry - Basics of biometrical analysis
300530 UE [en] Imaging and visualization in developmental biology - Principles and applications, including 3 D Methods
300659 SE [en] Limnology Seminar - Current research and ecological concepts

Last modified: Fr 26.06.2020 00:48